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Brent Graham

Image by Nick Andréka


March 11, 1956 - November 1, 2022

Silver linings are wonderful and I was given this one… If you are reading this, I guess I lost the battle and here’s my story:

I was born in Kipling, Saskatchewan March 11, 1956. I moved to Winnipeg at the age of three months. We lived in Westwood most of my young life. It was there that I became exposed to the three passions of my life teaching, basketball and golf.

Upon graduating from Westwood Collegiate in 1974, I became aware that my basketball career was coming to a quick end. To stay involved, I started to coach. I graduated with a Bachelor’s of Physical Education in 1978 and took a job in Swan River where I learned a great deal and met some exceptional people. In 1987, I was fortunate enough to land a position at River East Collegiate where I continued to enjoy teaching and coaching and once again met some exceptional people.

In 1991, Debbie made me the happiest man in the planet when she agreed to marry me. During my time with Deb we taught together, traveled together, entertained together, and we faced challenges together. Upon retirement we made our summer cottage our home where we continued to enjoy travelling and most recently landed part time in Arizona where once again I could explore my passion for golf and meet you guessed it, more exceptional people.

I was predeceased by my parents; and leave behind to tell my stories, sister Bev (Rob); nephew Ryan; niece Kyla; bothers-in-law, Chris and Ross (Betti); niece Brit; and other extended family members and friends.

My eternal thanks to the care givers at the Palliative Care Unit at St. Boniface Hospital, as well as other medical personnel who helped me fight this battle.

I (Deb) also want to thank the medical personnel at St. B for their compassion and kindness. I will be eternally grateful to the countless students, colleagues and friends who reached out in so many ways during our last two weeks. Your support meant the world to Brent, his family and to me. How lucky I was to have had the time I did with this wonderful man.

In lieu of flowers donations can be made to Cancer Care; we need to win this battle.

A Celebration of Brent's Life will be held at a later date.


Cremation & Life Celebrations

530 St. Mary Avenue - Winnipeg

204-421-5501 -

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Vernis Blair

November 23, 2022 at 4:20 PM

COACH! My heart hurts😟. Rest in peace. Thanks for the life lessons.

Kristen Asmundson

November 12, 2022 at 9:15 PM

Brent took a chance on me to coach basketball at RE in 2003. Am I ever grateful for that opportunity! He was a mentor and great friend and I will always cherish all the words of wisdom and story sharing. Brent made sure to teach me as much as possible, so that I could (try to) take over for him as Athletic Director at REC. I’ve been there 18 years and owe my start to him. So happy to have known you and will always remember all of your stories and lesson. Lots of love for you and Deb ❤

Duane Whyte

November 10, 2022 at 10:20 PM

Well my good friend and peer will be shooting hoops and golfing full time now, certainly taught me a lot.Loved life, family and friends. So glad I was able to share with him. Will tell Brent stories for a long time, all good.  Duane.

Joyce Denike

November 10, 2022 at 10:04 AM

I am so sorry for your loss.  As you know I worked at River East Collegiate and also shared a love of Ingolf as Brent,you and your family have. 

Allison Bourne

November 8, 2022 at 8:18 PM

Condolences to you Debbie.  I’m sorry for your loss.  My thoughts and prayers are with you Bev, Rob, Ryan, Kayla and Jaxon.

James Alisch

November 7, 2022 at 11:53 PM

Coach Graham had an extremely significant impact on myself - as well as many others.  “Apply this work ethic, and you can do anything…you can do great things.”  These words impacted my path in life. I remember his business classes where he held up his Visa card and laughed at the ‘freedom’ it created… (as long as you kept a zero balance).  You are appreciated, and will be missed.  Thank you for your passion Sarge - thank you for the money for ‘hitting the deck’ when putting defense first…thank you for your investment in us all.  You are missed. James Alisch

Tim Thiessen

November 7, 2022 at 12:20 AM

Met Mr Graham in 1989-90 at R.E. when he taught me in business class and coached our varsity team with Mr Magnifico. A gem of an individual. An intense but fair coach. An infectious chuckle that I will always remember. A person that was just fun to be around and had an accommodating open door policy at lunch hours and after school. He truly loved his students. Highlight that year was Calgary b-ball trip where Mr Graham taught us how to play poker on the bus ride there. I went into business and have coached basketball for many obviously had an impact and were a significant influence Mr Graham. RIP ❤ My sincere condolences Debra during this extremely difficult time. May his fond memories endure. 

Rob Schrofel

November 6, 2022 at 1:48 PM

I knew Brent through the basketball community as well as he taught and coached some of my in laws at REC. He was a great guy on all fronts! I most recently ran into him at the ski hill at Falcon and had a great time catching up. I am very sad to hear of his passing but glad to have made his friendship.

Phyllis Froese

November 6, 2022 at 12:13 PM

Deb, I was so sorry to read of Brent's passing.  My heartfelt condolences to you.  You are in my thoughts and prayers. "Grief turns into a dull ache with occasional flares of agony. It is like a fading bruise that you forget about until you bump into a memory."

Clare Sutton

November 6, 2022 at 10:20 AM

I am so sorry to hear of this,Debbie,a terrible surprise.To me,if I may,this was not a fitting end to someone so young,so consistently joyous,one you need in these days whom you could be simply be entertained by or lose sight of your troubles by,if only momentarily. But to you,Deb,I have a good sense of what you have gone through and are going through.If I may,embrace your friends and family with their support,continue with your life as much as possible and grieve. And for what I have mentioned is worth,it does get better.

Mike Leonard

November 6, 2022 at 8:36 AM

"Had I known the test would be so easy, I wouldn't have studied so much".  I learned this and numerous other gems from Mr. Graham while I attended REC and have used a version of it several times throughout my life.  Thanks for everything Mr./Coach Graham.  Rest in peace. 

Laurie Gingera and Gerry Hector

November 6, 2022 at 12:14 AM

Dear Deb,  Please know that you are in our thoughts at this time of Brent's passing. Our most sincere condolences are extended to you and Brent's family.

Barb Durston

November 5, 2022 at 9:01 PM

Deb, wrapping you in love at a time when words fall short Barb & George Durston

Lloyd Gilchrist

November 5, 2022 at 3:45 PM

I was so saddened to hear of Brent's passing.  We taught at the same school for a few years in Swan River and he will always be in my memory as the life of the party with a great sense of humour.  So enjoyed your personal obit.  Could hear you talking it out in my mind.


November 5, 2022 at 2:40 PM

Dear Deb, I am so very sorry for the loss of Brent. Remember all the wonderful memories. ❤Bev Kliewer 

John MacKinnon

November 5, 2022 at 12:41 PM

I met Brent in the Faculty of Physical Education. He was funny and friendly, a great combination to be around! Our paths crossed a few times as we both landed jobs in RETSD. It was always a good conversation of reminiscing old times and the job we love teaching children. Brent you were an exceptional person!!!

Grant Mandrick

November 5, 2022 at 11:46 AM

I will never forget, it was Brent's last day at River East before his retirement. He was with some of us in a teacher preparation room. A parent's phone call was put through to the prep area for one of the teacher's there. Brent picker up the phone and said, "Sharkey's Pool Hall, Sharkey speaking" . We all laughed so hard, leaving the teacher for whom the call was for to explain. Brilliant. I do this when I answer my phone when I am feeling mischievous and I think of Brent. RIP~ Grant

Scotti Stephen

November 5, 2022 at 10:31 AM

My brother, Don, and I grew up on Byron Bay, along side Brent and Bev.  Those were the days of playing together with all the kids on the bay!  While Don  nor I had seen Brent in decades, I kept in touch with his parents and with other neighbours of the Grahams.  So very sorry to hear the news of his passing.  My sincere condolences to all the family.

Adriano Magnifico

November 5, 2022 at 9:58 AM

When I accepted a teaching position at REC in 1989, I told the admin that I could coach basketball. I couldn’t. One of the highlights of my life was Brent taking me under his wing and showing me the finer features of the game. He became my dear friend and mentor, and we spent a lot of time in that gym and off the court. I can’t recall a time in my life when I laughed as much, enjoyed teaching as much,  and when I felt the generosity and kindness of a person who truly put others before himself. He liked to talk basketball; I liked to talk Hamlet and I was always amazed by his aesthetic inclination for deep thinking and reflection. I even brought him (he might say dragged) to the occasional poetry recital. His students were always the obvious beneficiary of such a caring facilitator who took a personal interest in their lives . His peers and friends will feel this sting with a special pain of having lost a generous colleague who spoke his mind with authenticity, lived basketball, was full of creative ideas, and who ran unique staff events with a flair unmatched by any in the history of the building. He was a mentor and big brother to me, one of those people in my life who saw the best in me and with whom I shared the  slings and arrows of outrageous fortune time and time again. At their wedding, I gently (might have been a bit sardonic) compared Deb and Brent to a rose with thorns. You can guess who the thorn was in the metaphor. Truth be known, there was always a lot of ‘rose’ in Brent. In fact, it’s what I’ll remember best about him. Deepest condolences to Deb and family for this difficult loss.

Carla Rindahl Brezden

November 5, 2022 at 9:51 AM

So sad to hear of Brent’s passing , I knew Brent back in the Westwood days . I definitely have to say those were great times .  I can still remember him singing to Elton John , Rocket Man !! 

Brent Corrigan

November 5, 2022 at 9:44 AM

I've know Brent since our high school days when he played for the enemy (I was a Spartan). Our shared love of basketball allowed us to remain friendly over a period of close to fifty years. I remember Brent's welcoming smile and that laugh that was part of his speech. He was a good man and will be missed. My condolences to all of his loved ones.

Rob Rannie

November 5, 2022 at 9:26 AM

I new Brent from my Swan River days (1981-86). We played together on the mens basketball team, and had many great road trips and a lot of fun. Brent was a fun loving, life of the party bachelor at the time, and I remember him as being very passionate about his work and his after school activities (basketball and golf). I hadn't seen Brent since the 90's, but was saddened to hear of his passing. I was also very touched by his personal sign off.

Kris Thiede

November 5, 2022 at 9:19 AM

Mr Graham taught me in River  East Collegiate in my business class.  , He was a very smart and caring individual that always was a pleasure to talk to and learn from.  My sincere condolences goes out to the family,  may you understand that Mr Graham was a great man to many people,  that will be dearly missed!!! RIP Mr Graham 🙏 🙏 🙏 

Deb Thompson

November 5, 2022 at 9:04 AM

Lori and I remember Brent for his infectious positive personality. He always had a smile on his face and a joke to tell. Lori enjoyed golfing with him at Rossmere and I admired Brent’s connection with students when I taught at River East C. Gone way too soon. Our thoughts are with you Deb. ❤


November 5, 2022 at 9:03 AM

My history with Brent is from living at the lake,  in the community of Ingolf.  Of course,  not far away is the golf course at Falcon Lake.  So Brent lived his life to the fullest,  near friends,  family,  and with his golf bag not far away, it really was his heaven on earth.   We will all miss Brent so much, his smiles,  wit, and stories that usually ended with lots of heart is broken for Debbie and family.   He is at peace and suffering no more.  ❤Giselle 


November 5, 2022 at 7:01 AM

I knew Mr. Graham from River East.  He was a kind gentle man and always smiling.  When he married Deb I was thrilled Deb was my all time favorite teacher that I had during my school days at Valley Gardens.  Lovely person.  RIP Mr. Graham 

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