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Linda Pippy

Image by Nick Andréka


(née Tonn)

May 13, 1950 – March 29, 2021

On March 29, 2021, Linda passed away after a very lengthy battle with cancer.  She is survived by her daughter Rhonda Hayden (Randy); son Mark Hindmarsh; daughter Carmen Doucette (Eric); and son Richard Pippy; six grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

Donations can be made to Cancer Care Manitoba or to Hands of Hope.

In accordance with her wishes, cremation has taken place and no formal service will be held. Interment to take place at a later date. Linda’s family kindly requests that her friends and relatives take a few minutes to honour her memory by visiting her tribute page at A photo-biography, as well as memories and stories published by those who knew her, are available there.

From Carmen...

What a weird world we live in. Hi! My name is Carmen, and I am Linda’s third-born child. I am writing this informal-style tribute to my Mom, as COVID-19 has decimated public gatherings and social rituals of all kinds. Normally, we’d publish a factual biography-style writeup of Mom’s life and share a more personal oral eulogy at a funeral. Normally, we’d all congregate at a funeral home for a service and tell anecdotes about Mom. We’d laugh and cry and – gasp – hug each other! We’d sign a guest book with a pen that someone else had touched!


In lieu of all that, I’d like to invite you along as I stroll down memory lane with my Mom. I’d love to hear your stories, so please share your own memories in the comments. I advise you to get your favourite beverage of choice, as I’m fairly wordy – I get that from Mom! There’s fresh tea in the teapot, so help yourself.


My Mother was one of the nicest people around. She was hard to get to know, I’ll be the first to admit, but she loved people. She was one of the most introspective and thoughtful people I knew.


She was born in Winnipeg in May 1950, during a large spring flood at “the Forks” where the Assiniboine River meets the Red River. She spent all of her childhood in the neighbourhood of St. Vital. She grew up in the house that her father, Gus Tonn, a carpenter, had built himself. She lived there with her father Gus, mom Alice (Overwater) Tonn, and her younger brother, Roy. They often had at least one dog and one cat.


She was “quiet and shy” when she was young. Those were her words. I think she always felt a lot of social anxiety. Her first job was as a waitress for a local restaurant, and she loved it because she could interact with her high school peers. She took up baton twirling, and was often the best in the class. Once, she led the Winnipeg Santa Clause Parade.


She was an average student, and she loved biology and English best. She wanted to be a draftsperson, drawing blueprints, but didn’t have the courage to go to trade school immediately after high school. There were few women in the industry at the time, and she probably felt she didn’t have the grades to pursue post-secondary education.


She married young – when she was just 20 years old. She often said that she married too young, but she caught the attention of a guy named Robert, and they got married. They had two children together – Rhonda and Mark. They divorced after a number of years of marriage.


I often admired her for her choice to separate, as that was in the late-70’s, and it wasn’t socially acceptable in her church at the time. She loved being a Mother, and every choice she made was the one that she thought was best for her children. She put aside her friendships and her hobbies during the years when her children were young (She often said, “No, I don’t remember Star Wars [or any other pop culture reference from the 70’s/80’s/90’s]. I was busy raising kids!”). When she was a single mother, she earned a bookkeeping diploma and went to work to support her family. When it was feasible, she chose to stay home. She focused on healthy, nutrient-dense, homemade foods long before it was a popular trend. When she felt it was best, she homeschooled her children. All four of us were homeschooled at different parts of our education, though never at the same time!


In the early 1980’s, she met my Dad, Rick, and they married shortly after. They had Carmen (me) and Richard. There’s a sixteen-year difference in age between Mom’s oldest and youngest children. Rhonda and Mark grew up and started their adult lives. Mom and Dad moved to Newfoundland in 1994, when Richard and myself were 6 and 11 years old respectively.


She took secondary education seriously. When Richard was a teenager, she began taking classes at the local community college. She earned a diploma in Architecture Engineering Technology at the College of the North Atlantic. She never did give up that dream of being a draftsperson. She knew “what she wanted to be when she grew up”, and I think that’s pretty rare. She started school when I was in grade 10, and she really struggled with those first few years when she was learning how to study after being out of school for almost 40 years. Nevertheless, she persisted.


Once she graduated, she then went to Memorial University to pursue a Bachelor of Arts in German and English. She graduated when she was 66 years old. She worked many interesting jobs over the years: writer for small-town publications, at an architect firm, for an interior designer, Tim Horton’s, H & R Block, even running her own tour business just before the economy crash of 2008. Even though she was often the stay-at-home partner, she still taught me that circumstances change over time, and sometimes it’s fun to “sharpen one’s skills” and try something new. “That’s too difficult” was never part of her vocabulary, ever, in my entire life.


She loved to travel. Every year when we were young, we’d spend time camping. If we had the money, we would go on a road trip in the autumn. Every vacation was spent in a vehicle. Rhonda and Mark travelled to a few places including Niagara Falls and Rapid City, South Dakota. Carmen and Richard went on road trips to Yellowstone National Park; Victoria, B.C.; and to Newfoundland, during an epic 3-week vacation in 1991, camping in the back of our Chevy Suburban. Mom loved Newfoundland so much, that Dad put in a transfer request, which was accepted three years later.


When the kids were older, Rick and Linda took trips to San Diego, California; Mexico; New York; among others. She did three solo trips to Europe – two to study at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, as part of her studies at Memorial University of Newfoundland. The third was just for fun, and she went to as many different countries as she could – France, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, and Switzerland. Mom and Dad separated amicably after 32 years of marriage. I suspect that both of them believed that the marriage had been very successful and had run its’ course.


She was first diagnosed with cancer in 2011. Treatments appeared to keep it in check, but there was always a 20-25% chance that they never got it all. She was healthy for a few years, then learned it came back in 2016. She was doing a Masters of Journalism at the time, but never did complete it due to her health and stress. Manitoba was still “home” to her, even after living in Newfoundland for 20+ years. She made arrangements to have her remains sent back to Manitoba, then decided that she’d rather spend her last years cultivating friendships from decades prior. She got clearance from her doctor to fly and booked a flight to Winnipeg for the very next day. She got an apartment and lived independently until the day she died. I can only hope to be so independent in my 70’s.


All in all, my Mom lived a full and healthy, happy life. She was a realist, which balanced my optimistic nature quite nicely. Nothing ever stopped her from pursuing her dreams, and that’s one of the things I admire most about her. She was organized and detail-oriented, and she passed those traits onto us children (I think all four of us children inherited the “label boxes” gene!). Thanks for sticking around to hear her story. I’m off to get more tea, as the teapot was a gift from her when I got my first apartment when I was 20.


Cremation & Life Celebrations

530 St. Mary Avenue - Winnipeg

204-421-5501 -

Memories, Stories and Condolences


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Edith Cuerrier

January 12, 2024 at 11:41 AM

Dear Carmen, what a beautiful tribute you wrote. I just found out about Linda's passing during the pandemic. I am so sorry for your loss.  Even though I had not been in touch for years, I cared about her as a friend and thought about her often. We met as two mature students while studying at Memorial University. I always admired her strong opinions and fierce independence. She will be missed.

Robert James Mackidd

August 8, 2021 at 4:02 PM

I did not know this site was up. When Linda died I just got the Free Press Notice. Anyway I knew Linda from St.Vital. We started in grade 1 at St. George and remained friends until my family moved to Toronto in the late 1960s.  Some great memories of Linda. She would cut my hair in her parents garage when we were kids. She also gave me a dye job at about 16. I remember that Mrs. Tonn and Roy watched this and it did not turn out well for me. My scalp had burns on it for two weeks. I remember Linda working at the Horseshoe Inn. this was a hangout for local kids. Linda always let me clean out the baking tins when she worked. That was an incredible job for Linda. She worked with Mrs. Lawerence (a second mom to most kids myself included) and Mr & Mrs. Trevor Johns the owners. When I moved to Toronto I did not see Linda again until we were both retired. I was fortunate to get three great visits with Linda before Covid 19 and the cancer coming back with a vengeance. The first day we met for coffee and talked. Second visit was a trip to St. Vital and Portland and Poplarwood streets. Linda lived on Portland and I on Poplarwood about a block away. Visited St. George, Norberry, Dakota and Glenlawn. The Horseshoe was closed. Then we went to her favourite dining spot the Olive Garden. Our last visit was again for coffee and we did not see each other again. What amazes me the most about Linda was the degrees/diplomas she received. I remember her saying on one visit that I had attended 3 universities so I was ahead of her. I said to her your kidding...your degree in German is worth 2 of my degrees. All in all I had a great time reconnecting. My condolences to all here children and grandchildren.

Eugene Fosty

May 20, 2021 at 11:35 PM

Well done and thank you Carmen for your thoughtful and kind and loving words spoken from your heart. A wonderful tribute and a great encouragement to all who knew your Mom. 

jocelyn miller

May 15, 2021 at 12:08 PM

I met Linda when she moved to Newfoundland with her husband Rick. we spent many days going around looking at crafts and I had a wonderful visit with her in Manitoba where we went to a lot of things that Linda taught were interesting and they were. 

Shirley Clark

May 12, 2021 at 8:59 PM

Great tribute to your Mum.  A truly lovely person.  I spent many hours with her in the book club in Port Rexton.  We missed her membership so much when she moved back to Manitoba.  She loved the club and always turned up to every meeting with her notebook and notes on every book we read.  It kept the discussion very lively. A great mind and a great heart  love to you all - Shirley Clark


May 12, 2021 at 4:27 PM

Deepest sympathies to all of Linda’s family, I spent much time over the years with Linda she was a very Intelligent lady who valued her family more than anything her children were fortunate to have a Mom who cared listened and respected each of her 4 children, I have heard lots of stories of each of her four children all shared with a loving gentle smile. Your Mom was certainly a great learner and teacher with lots of interest in many things she was a wonderful gardener, exceptional sewer and knitter and so much more and of course she started the tradition of Easter Egg painting for all the kids here in Champneys but hers were nothing short of works of art. May you all find peace joy and  love in your Moms memory as she will always live on in her Children. Thinking of you all with deepest sympathies. Love Wanda Pippy 

Lois Long

May 10, 2021 at 7:39 PM

So sorry to hear of your loss. My deepest sympathy to all the family.

Lily and Bill Hookey

May 10, 2021 at 7:19 AM

So sorry to hear of Linda’s passing, sending Prayers and Sympathy to her family and Friends .❤

Glenn F. Ploughman (partner of Charlotte Pippy)

May 9, 2021 at 2:12 PM

A superb obit! I feel that I know her even tho I've never met her. Obviously she was a wonderful woman and will be missed. 

George and Shirley pardy

May 9, 2021 at 11:56 AM

So sorry to hear of your moms passing. She was a beautiful woman inside and out.   Your tribute to her was beautiful.  I remember when she first moved across the street from us, we had many a chat about our flowers that we both had planted .  I said I hope they grow,  her reply was oh they will, but you have to water them.  

Karen Taylor

May 9, 2021 at 9:49 AM

What a beautiful obituary Carmen.. your mother seems like a very loveable person.  I wish I had more time to get to know her living next door but I moved out of home before I could! I’m sorry for your loss and I hope you are well.  Bless you and your family.

Melissa Colquhoun

May 9, 2021 at 9:49 AM

Linda as in our book club at Grace Lutheran church. We had interesting discussions and I loved hearing her options. 


May 9, 2021 at 8:55 AM

I am deeply saddened to learn of Linda's passing. My deepest condolences to all of the family. ❤ I met Linda through the Brandon church. I always had an admiration for her, raising two children on her own and I was so happy for her when she and your Dad became a couple.  After many years had passed, we had just reconnected through Facebook not that long ago.  Carmen, your eulogy was wonderful, sharing your Mother's many wonderful talents, abilities, interests and experiences.  With my deepest sympathy, Dianne Stilborn

Bethany Knight

May 9, 2021 at 8:13 AM

I miss you... you were my best friend, you were family. I met Linda in 2006 while doing my German degree. We traveled to Germany together. We became dear friends, had so many wonderful adventures. Linda was a dear friebd I expulsion talk to about anything! She always had the answers and I could confide in her. I was so lucky. She became a long term friend, one of the longest friends I have had. She was family. I miss you so much Linda. I will be happy ing a cup of tea and tuning into the cabin party for you! I love you my friend

Emily Hewitt

May 8, 2021 at 9:02 PM

Sorry to hear about your mom. I didn't realize the she was sick again. That is a lovely tribute you wrote. I've been waiting to hear from her regarding her DNA test. She was a lovely person.


May 8, 2021 at 7:08 PM

I first met your mom in Brandon MB , we attended the same church , your dad went there too! I remember the petite pretty woman with two young children very blond and attractive . Often times we would socialize a bit after church . Im so sad to  hear of her passing . RIP Linda

Eva Purdey

May 8, 2021 at 7:00 PM

 Carmen. That was beautiful. I’m sorry I didn’t get to see her when she moved back. So sorry for your loss to your whole family. May you continue to remember the legacy she left behind.  She was so supportive and encouraging when I first met her as a single mom. And when we moved to Brandon for a year 1991, loved getting together.  May God give you strength at this difficult time

Rebecca Bobby

May 8, 2021 at 6:41 PM

What a go-getter your mom was Carmen!  So sorry to have not met her in person.  Hugs and prayers to you and your family and so very sorry for your loss. Pradeep and Becky

Sylvia Pippy LeGro

May 8, 2021 at 6:16 PM

Carmen your mother would be very proud of you sincere condolences to you and the family, what I have read from you your Mom was a beautiful soul she will always be with you all God bless 🙏


May 8, 2021 at 6:13 PM

A beautiful eulogy, Carmen! I'm sure your mom is smiling down on you all from heaven. Our thoughts & prayers are with you all. Love & blessings, Adrienne & Phil


May 8, 2021 at 5:58 PM

  Carmen , Richard, Rhonda, and Mark BeOur hearts go out to you in your time of sorrow ❤Love from Uncle Ron and aunt Delphine ... Beautiful  tribute  to your mom Carmen...

Angela boudreau

May 8, 2021 at 4:50 PM

This was so beautiful  Carmen,  your mom would be so proud of u.❤

Joanne Knudsen

May 8, 2021 at 7:53 AM

I met Linda at Lions Place when she volunteered at the resident's library.  We became fast friends and enjoyed visiting each other for coffee or a glass of wine.  Our love of learning and travel bonded us, especially when we discovered we had both returned to education in our later years.  I will miss you, our casual get togethers, dinners and love of all things adventurous.  Joanne

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