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Boyd Barber

Image by Nick Andréka


October 25, 1948 - September 18, 2021

We lost our beloved Boyd on September 18, 2021, age 72.  Boyd was born in Brandon, MB, on October 25, 1948 and resided in Winnipeg.


He was the son of the late John Raymond and Betty Jean Barber. He is survived by his partner Jean Doucha; daughter Rachel Barber Rand and her partner Brent MacDonald; son Delaney Barber; daughter-in-law Haylan Jackson; and grandchildren, Jeremy and Jessica Rand, and Guthrie and Farley Boyd Barber. Boyd had four sisters, Allison Barber, Molly Barber (Rod Neumann), Kitty Barber (Tina Brand), Deirdre Barber, and brothers Dixon and John. His brothers-in-law and sisters-in law, all from Wisconsin, include David Doucha (Roxanne), Dean Doucha (Mary), Brian Reif (Ruth), Ronald Reif (Lorri), Randy Reif (Marilyn), Debra Voss (Dan), and Paul Reif.  Boyd had numerous nieces and nephews, and wonderful friends who also mourn his loss.


Boyd was a descendant of Manitoba pioneer families including the Barber, Boyd, Shoaff, and McIntrye families of Carberry, and the Munn, Marshall, Graham, and Kilgore families of Wellwood. Boyd had fun memories of the Carberry Plains, spent part of his childhood in Flin Flon, MB, and later emigrated with his family to Hoyt Lakes, MN, where his father worked in the taconite mines as an electrician. A graduate of Aurora High School, MN, Boyd then lived in Minneapolis briefly before enlisting in the Canadian Navy. In 1969, he became a survivor of the worst peacetime disaster in the history of the Canadian Navy when a blast occurred on the HMCS Kootenay, killing nine men and injuring dozens on board. It changed his life forever.


The Barber family eventually moved to Wisconsin where Boyd met Jean and they were married in Winnipeg in1975. After living in Saskatoon for 5 years where Boyd became a Journeymen Industrial Mechanic while working at the Allan Potash Mine, they moved back to Winnipeg in 1981 and spent the last 35 years living in St. Norbert, MB.  Boyd worked at the Cullaton Lake Gold Mine in Nunavut and various places in Winnipeg including Versatile, the Behavioural Health Foundation, and the Health Sciences Centre, before retiring from Phillips and Temro Industries in 2011.


Boyd was a poet, singer-song writer, guitarist, reader and a generous soul. He loved fishing in Duck Mountain Provincial Park, riding motorcycles, and his time as a hockey, soccer and baseball dad and grand dad, assisting with coaching when he could. He passed his love of music on to many people in his life, none more so than to his sister Kitty, and children Del and Rachel. He cherished his time playing music and songwriting with Del, and friends Chris, Ray, and Nancy. Boyd and Jean loved traveling nation-wide to attend festivals and live music events. Always, he was teaching those around him to be better people, to have empathy, to advocate for justice and equality, and to appreciate people who devote their lives to helping others.


His presence and witty disposition will be profoundly missed and he will always be a part of our lives.


Boyd believed in angels, the earthly ones who take care of others. The family wishes to extend a special thank you to the Palliative Care Team and staff at St. Boniface Hospital. We witnessed the extraordinary compassion and servitude during this pandemic when the family needed it most.  For that we are forever grateful.


A gathering of family and friends will occur at the Times Change(d) High and Lonesome Club at 1:00pm on October 2, 202.  People wishing to attend must have proof of Covid vaccination. As attendance is limited, please register to attend by RSVP to


The family asks that donations in lieu of flowers be sent to the Behavioural Health Foundation, Box 250, St. Norbert, MB, R3V 1L6 or please give to UMFM or CKUW Community Radio stations.


Cremation & Life Celebrations

530 St. Mary Avenue - Winnipeg

204-421-5501 -

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jim henry

September 6, 2023 at 3:04 PM

great guy..knew him from flin flon..swim in the light boyd

Michael Carter

October 6, 2021 at 4:40 PM

Michael Carter from Saskatoon. I remember visiting Boyd and family (Rachel?) back in about 1978 on Ave J in Saskatoon. I also remember learning some cool guitar riffs and the many great stories Boyd would always tell. Love from the Carter Clan. 

Jack Enns

October 4, 2021 at 8:25 PM

Boyd was an exception individual that always found a way to make one feel special.   I always held Boyd in high regard and with the utmost of respect.    To the family I am sorry for your loss.   My heart goes out to each of you.   Be strong for each other as you deal with your loss.    


October 2, 2021 at 1:29 PM

so honoured  to have been in the right place at the right time to make this work for you Boyd , rest easy my friend; much love to your family , Hugs 

Catherine Munn

September 29, 2021 at 2:19 PM

Saw Boyd again a few years back at the Vancouver Folk Festival where he went to see his son Del perform at the Vancouver Folk Festival. That was great to see Molly and Del too- who else?, I can’t remember. So special a reunion.


September 27, 2021 at 7:02 PM

I was his angel and he was my saint. I’ll forever hold him dear. 

Ronald Buzahora

September 27, 2021 at 3:50 PM

Well, what a tragedy to hear that this wonder human being has left us so quickly.  Boyd was a very caring indiviual, first to his family and then to all who came into contact with him.  I loved the very informative chats that we had on life and especially politics.  Boyds passing has left many hearts broken, but also,very happy that we all had the privilege to meet Boyd in our life travels.   Jean, Rachel and Del and family, please know that we all hope that time will help to heal the hurt of your great loss. Rest in Peace BOYD MUNN BARBER .

Larry Allen

September 25, 2021 at 5:56 PM

A rare man,energetic, interested enthusiastic yet gentle and fun loving. Never knew him to be down or unhappy. Loved every minute I spent in his presence. A very proud father. I remember so well the enthusiasm and pleasure he evidenced when Del discovered hockey.  Found it funny that Boyd’s obituary mentioned that he believed in angels as I have referred many to the BHF over the years and by way of making them more comfortable with the thought of  going there I have always told them two things; that the food is very good, and that the woman in charge is an angel. Loved Boyd. I wish there were more like him. Will never forget him.

Grant Henneberg

September 25, 2021 at 4:49 PM

Jean, Rachel, Del and family - Edith and I were so sorry to hear of Boyd’s sudden death.  Boyd and I first met in the late 70’s at New Employee Orientation at APM Operators (Allan Potash Mine).  Boyd went to the mill and I went underground but because we were on the same crew we ended up car-pooling for several years.  Boyd became a shop steward for the  United Steelworkers of America and I joined management.  It made for some interesting rides home.  As fate or good fortune would have it, you moved into the house directly across the street from us on Devonshire Cres..  I remember one night when the power went off in Saskatoon Edith and I flashed Morse Code to Boyd and Rachel across the street. Boyd and I were also hunting buddies and one of my fondest memories was sitting in the bulrushes in your canoe, eating sunflower seeds, solving the world’s problems and potting the odd mallard.   I really missed Boyd when he moved to Winnipeg however I looked forward to our brief reunions when we could pick up the threads of our relationship as if we had only spoken the day before.  He was so proud of all of you and all of your accomplishments. I will miss him however I will have many wonderful memories.

cynthia dickinson

September 25, 2021 at 3:20 PM

My condolences to all of the Barber family and Boyd's extended family and friends.

Garry Weir

September 25, 2021 at 1:12 PM

Fair winds and following seas Boyd.

Kathy Kaye

September 25, 2021 at 11:10 AM

I am so sorry to hear about Boyd. I have worked with all of the immediate family at one time or another at The Behavioural Health Foundation. He was such a fun person, I particularly remember when he would join us at our volley ball games. My heart felt sympathy goes out to Jean, Del, and Rachel, and the rest of the family. He will be missed ❤

Don Palidwor

September 25, 2021 at 9:38 AM

My condolences to Boyds families for his loss ... I worked with Boyd at the HSC briefly & we had some good talks & laughs. We exchanged some music books, but never got to play together, as we talked about doing, as he move on shortly after... RIP my friend !

Patti Christie

September 25, 2021 at 12:53 AM

My father and Boyd were shipmates on HMCS Kootenay in 1969. I never met Boyd (we had hoped to some day) but we had many conversations over the years and I admired this remarkable man. My condolences to his family. I will miss him also. ❤

Kate Hansen, niece

September 24, 2021 at 11:02 PM

I loved him. He taught me how to fish when I was little. He also taught me that men can be tough but also so gentle and caring. He was the gentlest man I knew. 

Barbara A Sadler

September 24, 2021 at 9:21 PM

Boyd taught me a love of music, Like I never knew.He also taught me alot about Canadian History. He was one lovable soul in my life.


September 24, 2021 at 6:50 PM

Hugs to all who loved him.

Allison Barber

September 24, 2021 at 6:21 PM

Boyd was my big brother.  I've always loved him, and always will.  Rest peacefully.

Ethical Death Care (Death Care Services Inc.) is privately, independently, and locally owned. Shane Neufeld and the original team of Integrity Death Care own and manage this organisation.

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