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Evie Bennett

Image by Nick Andréka


November 28, 1970 – June 22, 2023

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Evelyn “Evie” Pauline Bennett, daughter of the late Donald David Bennett and Hannelore Foster on Thursday, June 22, 2023 at the St. Boniface Hospital in Winnipeg.


Evelyn grew up in Morden, MB and Morris, MB. She resided in Winnipeg at the time of her passing.


Evelyn was known for her vibrant personality and her joy in the Lord. She was an active member of the Church of the Rock until her health and the whole covid pandemic prevented her from attending in person. But if you visited her, you would quite likely hear the praise and worship music from her church on her phone.


Evelyn loved to write poetry and had a couple of her poems published. She dreamed of writing a book some day in hopes of helping other people who suffered from mental illness.


Evelyn did not enjoy a healthy life here on earth but we know she is praising her Lord and Saviour now with song and dance.


Evelyn was predeceased by her grandparents; her dad, Donald David Bennett; and her brothers, Andy Ganz and James Bennett. She is survived by her mom, Hannelore Foster; stepdad, David Foster; also her aunts, Marianne, Ellen, and Evelyn; uncle Ed; cousins, Mike, Tim, Chris, Jason, Jennifer, Kim, and Kristie; and her precious friends.


A memorial service will be held at 11:00am on Tuesday, July 4, 2023 at Church of the Rock (1397 Buffalo Place).


Evelyn’s family kindly requests that all of her friends and relatives take a few minutes to honour her memory by watching the photo-biography above. Please, also consider sharing your own photos, memories, and stories by making use of the comment section on this page.


Cremation & Life Celebrations

530 St. Mary Avenue - Winnipeg

204-421-5501 -

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Tim Olfrey

July 5, 2023 at 8:52 AM

Found this amongst Evelyn's stuff and really describes THIS Evelyn to a T!

Tim Olfrey

July 5, 2023 at 7:58 AM

I should also note that Evelyn was literally stir crazy about CHOCOLATE!!  And in the pic below, her and I are enjoying a visit at Tim Horton's and she is displaying her favourite hot beverage...."HOT CHOCOLATE"..... Cheers Evelyn!

Tim Olfrey

July 5, 2023 at 7:46 AM

This is Evelyn and I last Christmas.  Evelyn had a gift that she had won from a contest from CHVN radio and had promised that she was going to use it with me some day, and so we finally did!  This was the last photo that we had together!❤

Tim Olfrey

July 5, 2023 at 6:33 AM

I just want to send out a big thank you to all the people involved in Cousin Evelyn's Service of Celebration.  All of the volunteers who showed up to help out in any way that they could.  Pastor Steve, who did a fabulous job with the service.  It stands without reason, why Cousin Evelyn felt so much at home at Church of the Rock!  I want to share something that I was thinking should have been shared during my Eulogy, but never was. While Cousin Evelyn was in hospital for the last time, she was on life support cause of her serious brain injury, caused by the many strokes that she had endured.  I said a prayer with Evelyn.  She was unresponsive as far as her brain activity was.  Her eyes were closed.  When they finally took her off life support, I simply told Evelyn that she needed to not hang on any longer and just walk towards the light.  She listened to me immediately.  I was standing right beside her.  My ex girl friend was to her left.  Jody says,  "Look!"  Evelyn's eyes opened up big and wide and she cracked a smile for me!!!  She was at total peace with no pain or nothing!!  And I knew at that very moment that she was walking towards the light!  That she was finally home and reunited with  the people she missed and loved so dearly!  Such a blessing!  I will always think of you and miss you!  But I know that we will meet again!❤

Karen Bill Patti & Owen

July 4, 2023 at 1:52 PM

 Eleven. We gave Evelyn the moniker “Eleven” for she was way better than a ten. She liked that alot. Beyond most, she was at times “out there” because of her bi-polar affliction, but she was always there. A card in the mail for every birthday, an update of her struggles by phone more than often, a prayer request absolutely every time, she just never stopped reaching out because she loved us and knew we loved her. At a Church of the Rock Christmas dinner early in the millenium Bill and Karen Sparrow gave Evelyn a potted silk pointsetta. Ever grateful, she would call them each year in October or November as she again prominently positioned her treasure for the coming season. In 2017, during one of her many moves, the plant went missing, and Eleven’s world was upended. Teetering between it having been stolen, or misplaced by the moving guys, the loss tormented her, and she was incessantly vocal of it. An overlooked box from the move produced it’s stash in the fall of 2018. 15 minutes of phone hysteria and laughter told Karen that Ev’s world had been restored: the prodigal plant had returned. Innocent and bubbly, Eleven was easy to excite. Having been served a new culinary delight by Patti at a barbeque on our patio, she just could not stop telling everyone she came across about it. “Have you ever tried a cheese smokie? They are amazing! I never knew there were cheese smokies! You have to try them! I can’t wait til I get to have a cheese smokie again!” The excitement about her new favorite food lasted for weeks and the status of a favorite for years. Many years ago, soon after her baptism, Eleven joined us on a visit to other Christian friends. Bill Sparrow was driving his elevated big black Dodge ram and again Eleven was wildly excited, because this was her first real experience in a big truck. Seating only three, she was struggling to climb up into the tall big wheeled beast ahead of me, eager for the thrill of her first ride. Two feet from ground to floor, and no running boards or step up, her eye height barely met the seat height and her arm strength couldn’t lift her chubbyness up, even with a hold on the interior door handle. “Can you help me up?” came the offered invitation to some fun. With her right hand up on the door handle, and left foot up on the sill of the door, her bum pushed out as the offered target for the lift. Never to miss an opportunity, I got low, placed one hand on each cheek and boosted her with an expectation of more weight than she had. As she flew well above the height of the seat and all the way to the center of the cab an exclamation came from her that is clear to this day. The sound association I still remember is that of the Pillsbury dough boy when that finger nudges him in the belly. You know the sound. Except that this one was louder, more glee filled, and female. She talked relentlessly about the fun she had that day, and we revisit the joy received from her audible reaction still to this day. Eleven was on cloud 9 for God and would take a front row seat whenever she could. Her exuberant ways and infectious laughter are remembered, and should be. No matter the number of times the joke was heard, she laughed full tilt at every one Pastor Mark offered to the congregation. For us, the remembrance of Evelyn at Easter services revealed the most of her love of God. Again front and center, except now sporting festive headwear; her off-white shearing wool hat with side flaps and round little ears knitted at the top, had her round face, big eyes and beaming smile below. Eleven on Easter was a twenty, and her declaration that she was sporting her “Lamb of God hat” made the celebration complete. Already we miss our little sister but our tears are overcome with memories and a certainty now that she will be infront of us as we aspire to enter heaven. Evelyn loved Christ, and lived faithfully in the light that God had given her. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain will by no means precede those who are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then and we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words. 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18 Thanks for everything Eleven. We will see you again, bear-hugging Jesus. Owen and Patti Shaffer Bill and Karen Sparrow ❤️

Cyndy Brandt

July 1, 2023 at 12:35 AM

Evelyn and I have a long history together and her faith in Jesus always impressed me. We kept in touch right to the end and I will miss her. She loved well and hard and my family was often the recipient of her love. She never forgot a birthday.  I am comforted in the knowledge that she is finally at peace and well and in a home of beauty with her beloved Jesus. 

Marianne Olfrey

June 30, 2023 at 10:20 PM

Evelyn didn't have an easy life, but having Jesus in her life always gave her hope and courage to carry on.  Love you dearly, Evelyn.from Aunt Marianne

Gail Deere

June 30, 2023 at 5:41 PM

Sweet Evelyn, you left a big imprint in the many lives you touched. I first met you when you were an adorable little flower girl at your Aunt Evelyn’s wedding. Over the years I enjoyed your smile & positive energy at Church of the Rock.  I know your earthly walk was never easy. I know you longed to be free of the heaviness you carried, but I also know that your faith helped you bear the burden.  RIP dear Evelyn…you are now set free!

Darby Rudolph

June 30, 2023 at 12:05 PM

I am so very sorry to learn of this news.  Evelyn was part of a special home group we had at our home years ago.  It's been a long time since we were a part of each other's lives, but I remember the constant encouragement she was in sharing cards and letters and quotes.  We always received birthday cards and other things even just randomly to brighten our day.  She was always a positive person and fun to be with.  She was very much gifted with that ability.  I wish we had kept in touch.  I am sad she is gone, but I am sure the heaven's rejoice.


June 30, 2023 at 11:26 AM

❤My sympathies to the family. I have known Evelyn for many years. We meet at Church of the Rock and enjoyed  many evenings dancing in the front row to the lively Praise and Worship Night music. She had an intense love for the Lord no matter what life threw her way. It is comforting to know she is dancing in heaven now.   
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