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Patricia Bryan

Image by Nick Andréka


January 11, 1941 – December 6, 2019

With heavy hearts, we announce that Pat passed away on December 6th, 2019 at Health Sciences Center, Winnipeg, Manitoba at the age of 78 years.

She is survived by their husband of 61 years Garry; children Kimberly (Gary), Lori, Tanice (John), and Tammy (Steven); grandchildren James (Kristin), Cyndi, Trisha (Shawn), Derek (Rylee), Virgil (Leanne), Anna (Howard), Sam (Kayla) Bryan, Beth, and Nathan; greatgrandchildren Kayla, Ryan, Logan, Wyatt, Aiden, Cameron, Norah, Willow, and Bo.

Those last few weeks still do not seem real to me. I miss you so much.

You have overcome so many illnesses in your life so that the broken hip did not overly concern me.  I felt you would come out of it fine and be back home in no time.  Little did I know it was only the beginning of issues that would take you away.

A long time ago your doctor said to you that it would not be the cancer that you fought so hard and beat, it would be the diabetes. That, ultimately, was to become the case. You had a hard time understanding how to deal with it. We tried to help but it would just make you angry. 

I was the fortunate daughter to be able to spend your final 2 weeks with you.  Lori came when she could and Tanice took care of dad. We talked, brought you “skinny” flavored coffee as the hospital coffee was so bad, rubbed your poor dry feet, clipped your finger nails and just spent time together. It was the best time in a long time that we had even though you were going through so much pain and discomfort.  Little did we know the worst was yet to come.

You did the hip surgery with a few hiccups.  We thought the worst was over but unfortunately complications set in and after having an angioplasty your heart just could not handle it. I held your hand so tight.  I was so scared. I was not letting you go.  You woke up and looked at me and said something.  I do not know what it was. I wish I did.  When I asked you to repeat it you went into cardiac arrest and we lost you. 

The day before the angioplasty, just as I was leaving, you yelled out to me “I love you”. I stopped right there and was going to go back to you to give you a hug and tell you that I loved you too. We have never been an overly demonstrative family, and assumed you knew.  NEVER ASSUME!  I did not follow through and regret not doing so.  I refused to believe all would not go well and did not want you to feel that way too before going into the surgery.  I thought this was one more thing you would beat. It was not to be. Maybe you had a feeling the outcome would not be good. I was told you were a little anxious the night and morning before.  I never knew.

You had requests you made to me before the angioplasty. As the oldest daughter I tried to fulfill them to the best of my ability.  I hope you approved.

We will take care of dad for you until he can be with you.  Just leave him with us for a little while longer please. Dad will talk to you in his own way.  Just listen for him.

I have many memories growing up with you as my mom.  I will think of them often.  I know that finally you are out of the agonizing pain you were in.  I know you used the last of your energy to wake up and see us all with you one last time.  You tried to talk but with the tubes in your throat you were unable to.  You looked at every one of us and I believe you were trying to say” I Love you all, take care, and good bye”.

Mom, I love you and will not say Good Bye because I will see you in my dreams. I will see you in my memories.  I will feel you in my heart.

I love you mommy,



You never said that you were leaving,
Yet time came to say goodbye.
We always thought you’d be here,
To watch the hummingbirds fly.
I rarely said I love you,
You knew it in your mind.

I saved each and every email, to read over time.
With everything that happened, the days would slip on by.
I thought there’d be more emails, we had plenty of time.
You never said you were leaving, but I could read it in your eyes.

There may never be new emails,
Thought we had more time.
I saved each and every email,
To read from time to time.

My heart feels like it’s broken, with tears all the time.
I know there’s no more emails, so glad I saved all mine.
Just knowing I can read them, with you on my mind.
I wished I saved unopened emails, to read another time.
Mom, you never said you were leaving, but I could read it in your eyes.

I am sending this email to heaven,
Mom, Dad will be fine.
Hope there’s cabbage rolls in heaven, but they won’t be like mine.
Think of me with you up in heaven.
I will be fine.
Reading all my emails, with you on my mind.

Love Lori XOXOXOXOXOXO I will be fine.


I miss you more than words can say.
I wish you didn’t have to go away.
You gave us all you could and more.

We had some good times I’ll always treasure.
Our love for you was way beyond measure.

My heart aches every day for you,
And I know that you, feel it too.
There will never be a day that goes by,
that you will not be by my side.

We spent so much time together.
Gardens were our forever.

I’ll always cherish our time we spent.  
I’m so glad we were so close and lived together.
You will always be in my heart forever.

I love you mom.  My only wish,
is to tell you that many times more in person.

My mom and I had a special bond. We lived together, played together.  There were times we had our differences, but that never meant I loved her less.  We had so many happy times, shopping, gardening, just sitting on the back deck with her morning coffee and my morning tea. And let’s not forget her ROARING bonfires. Mom loved them.

Mom also loved her cross stitch and if she was not outside you could find her sitting in the kitchen stitching the time away. 

As she started to struggle to walk, she still tried to help in the gardens, most times just sitting on her butt weeding the never-ending weeds.  She would fall over otherwise and flatten the veggies. She loved it here and to be outside to enjoy her lovely home.

Dad was her life; he misses her so.  Mom did all she could to care for the both of them but we never really knew the extent of her troubles. She hid a lot of it and we assumed it was her Spinal Stenosis that was causing all of her issues.  She waited over a year to get that procedure done that never ended up happening in the end. 

My mom may not have been perfect, but to us, she was everything, good and bad.

No more pain mom.  Rest


Friends and relatives are encouraged share memories, stories, and/or condolences for the family by using the comment section on this page. 


In Accordance with Patricia Bryan's wishes, cremation has taken place and no formal service will be held.


Cremation & Life Celebrations

530 St. Mary Avenue - Winnipeg

204-421-5501 -

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Gail Morton

December 29, 2019 at 5:30 PM

Our deepest condolences to all of the families of Pat. We will miss you so much. We had a lot of fun going out for suppers & planning our driving group Christmas parties. We had great fun.

Diane Pellerin

December 28, 2019 at 11:33 AM

We are so fortunate to have been able to spend time at the lake with your mom and dad. We were always so welcomed. Good times!  We will always remember our trip with them (and ‘Barth’) down to Florida.  It was quite the adventure, fun memories!  We were always in awe of your moms talents especially with cross stitch, and we cherish the ones we received from her. We will think of her often as we see them hanging on the walls of our home. Our thoughts are with you and your family during this time, so sorry for your loss ❤ Julie and Diane 

Cheryl and Tom Ehn

December 28, 2019 at 8:53 AM

Pat and Garry created so many wonderful adventures for their family which is part of their legacy.  Their sense of adventure has certainly influenced their children, children's spouses and grandchildren who all like to get out and have fun and experience what life has to offer. Pat was so talented and wasn't afraid to try almost any type of craft.  We still have a beautiful plastic canvas set she made for our daughter many years ago. May those memories  help to get you through this difficult time. Continue to honour her by making more great memories and enjoying life.   Our thoughts are with you.

Adeline Wlasichuk

December 28, 2019 at 6:52 AM

The heart of the family  has gone but her soul and memories will continue to give you love and strenght when you need it,so sorry for your loss. Addie❤

Tammy Boddy

December 27, 2019 at 11:57 PM

I thought of you with love today but that is nothing new,  I thought about you yesterday and the day before that too. I think of you in silence, I often speak your name. All i have now are memories and a picture in a frame. Your memory is my keepsake, with which I'll never part. God has you in his keeping, i have you in my heart. No matter what tomorrow brings i know you will be there watching over us and smiling.  We love you mom and will be forever missed.  ❤

Samual Siedler

December 27, 2019 at 10:54 PM

I would have to say one of my favorite memories with you grandma was when i was younger. Oh how you hated the holes in the knees of my jeans. So much that one day you just had enough and grabbed onto them and ripped them so big i couldnt wear them anymore. When i started crying that you ripped my jeans you pulled out your scissors and made me my new favorite paid of jean shorts. You always had a way to make things better. Another memory was one time my mother had yelled at me for doing something. I cant for the life of me remember what it was i did but you told me to go outside and get a nice long willow switch. I didnt know what a switch was at the time but i came in with a long stick with tears in my eyes asking if this would be good enough. You smiled and said it would do just fine, then smack my mom on the butt with it and told her not to make your grandson cry. Then when i brought my first born child out to visit his granny and great grandmother he was playing by the pond and fell in. You laughed so hard at the humor of it then told aiden all was ok and helped dry him off. I think of you so often especially every time i pull out your sewing machine to fix my kids clothing. I charish that sewing machine even more now and am so greatful for every moment we had together. My only regret is not coming by when i was in town for work but grandpa was in bed already and you had an appointment to get to in the morning. I thought there was going to be another time to see tou but there isnt anymore. All i have are the memories and i will keep them in my heart forever. I love you grandma. -sammy❤

Cyndi Wlasichuk

December 27, 2019 at 10:36 PM

Dearest Grandma, My heart aches knowing that I will never hear your voice again. I’ll never hear you say hello as I walk into the kitchen and you are toiling away on your cross stitch. And I’ll never hear you say goodbye, telling me to be careful on the highway as I head home after after another great weekend at the cabin.  Your spot on the deck will be filled with memories of you drinking your coffee and chatting away with some ridiculous small dog at your side. Every time I use your knitting needles and make something new from your yarn, you will be with me. I hope you enjoy washing dishes, because I have a heck of a lot of cotton yarn that you gave me last year and the only purpose I can think of is turning it into dish clothes. Your final knitting project, a partially completed blanket that you gave me, will be finished and will keep me warm for years to come. The world seems so different now that you are no longer in it. Your absence is felt deep in my heart, a hole that is empty, that no one can fill.  Thank you for so many great years. I wanted more and I know you tried but now, you can rest. You created a great family around you, and  now, more than ever, Gramps knows how much we love you both. I hope, somehow, that you can see the world through my eyes, and keep adventuring for many years to come. Love you Grams, Your Cyndi-Windy

Dianne and Glen Foster

December 27, 2019 at 10:26 PM

So very sorry for your loss . Its so hard for the family and we send our condolences out to each and everyone of you . She was a trooper in all her health battles , but now she is in her new home free from pain .  

Helga Gregory

December 27, 2019 at 10:07 PM

She certainly was a fighter and waged her battles with grace and courage.  Rest well.  Another angel called home too soon.  

Trish & Shawn Iggulden

December 27, 2019 at 9:00 PM

Grandma, The years will always roll on byand time will always pass,but every memory I have of youwill definitely always last.I like to smile when I think of you.I try not to be sad.It's pretty easy to do with all the good times that we've had.But sometimes I can't help it,and memories leak out of my eyes,and I quickly try to brush them away.I know you wouldn't want me to cry.I don't know how it's possible,but I love you more now than I did then,and I really cannot wait untilthe day that I see you again.Because, Grandma, I know I would take hold of you and never ever let you go.Every day that passes byI miss you more and more. -Trish & Shawn Iggulden ❤

Ethical Death Care (Death Care Services Inc.) is privately, independently, and locally owned. Shane Neufeld and the original team of Integrity Death Care own and manage this organisation.

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