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Robert Burton

Image by Nick Andréka


February 20, 1932 - December 24, 2021

Reverend Robert Lawrence Burton passed away peacefully with family by his side, in the St. Boniface General Hospital, on Christmas Eve.


He was born at Croll, Manitoba, near Boissevain on February 20th, 1932.  He was predeceased by his wife Margaret, his grandson Mark Burton, and Marg’s parents Jack and Grace Huhn, as well as by his parents Charles and Edna Burton (nee Plunkett), his siblings Bernice (Campbell), Clair, Alan, Keith, Lyle, and Floyd, his brothers-in-law Glen Campbell, Garth Seafoot, Ellis Percy, and Gary Simmons, and his sister-in-law Joan Jardine.  He is survived by his children Bob (Penny Schwalm), Cathy, Doug, Lisa, and Roslynne (Ryan Willer), his grandchildren Tara (Jordan Moreau), Ethan Burton, and Kaspir Willer, his great-granddaughter Charlotte (Moreau), his siblings Wilma Seafoot, Frank Burton (Sandra), and Jean Percy, his sisters/brothers-in-law Judy Burton, Catherine and Frank Wenski, John Huhn, and Grace Simmons, as well as beloved cousins and many nieces and nephews. 

The event of his birth yields a tale that one might find in a Sinclair Ross short story, literally one from another era.  Born during the Depression on a cold day in February on the farm, there was concern for the health of both mother and newborn.  The doctor was summoned and arrived in a cutter out at the house that morning where he was met by Frances Hudson, a nurse. Life-threatening complications arose, and mother and child fought to survive. In many ways, this first struggle captures some of the essence of Robert's life story.   

Life on the farm in the 1930s and 1940s was not easy, but the family dealt with each day in stride.  With so many little ones and too few beds, Charlie and Edna opened the dresser drawers at night to make cribs for the "wee babes," as Grandma used to say. Somehow, everyone found a place to sleep.  Robert (Bob to his family and friends) and brother Clair slept on the pull-out Toronto Couch in the parlour. Bob and his siblings rode to the one-room schoolhouse in the horse and buggy which sister Bernice drove skillfully.  There was always much to do on the farm and the siblings helped as they could.  In winter, the boys played shinny hockey on the slough.  At 15, Bob was a member of the Jr. B Hockey Provincial Championship Team.  A bad back put an end to his hockey life. Bob eventually boarded with a family in the town of Boissevain and was able to earn his high school diploma.  

Working up north in Flin Flon after graduation in the early 1950s, Bob was able to save enough money to buy his parents their first refrigerator, one that, it is worth noting, still runs and is housed in his nephew Bill’s barn. Bob also earned enough to attend the University of Manitoba.  While he initially wanted to study architecture, he had to admit that his calculus skills were lacking.  It was then that he turned his attention to agriculture. 


While working as a soils specialist, Bob met Margaret Huhn, a young school teacher, when they were members of the Student Christian Movement.  Before long, the two were smitten with each other.  On August 3rd, 1957 they married at Pine Falls, Manitoba, Marg's hometown. 


Bob spent five years with the Soils and Crops Branch of the Department of Agriculture in both Winnipeg and Brandon.  Eventually recognizing that being a soils specialist was not his true calling, Bob turned his attention to theology, which he studied at United College in Winnipeg where he earned his Masters of Divinity degree. He was an active member of Presbytery and over his thirty years as a rural minister with the United Church of Canada, he worked at pastoral charges in Clandeboye, Riding Mountain and area, Portage la Prairie, Binscarth and Foxwarren, Rivercrest, Birds Hill, Little Britain, and finally Koostatak (Fisher River) in the Interlake. 


Bob, Marg and their five children spent many summers camping and canoeing.  They also spent weeks at Grandma and Grandpa Huhn's cottage along the Winnipeg River in the summer, where many precious memories were made with Margaret's siblings, nieces and nephews, and cabin neighbours. The family also loved visiting Grandma and Grandpa Burton and many relatives in Boissevain.  Listening to his mom chord on the piano while his dad and uncle played the fiddle is something he appreciated both as a lapsed violinist and as someone who had grown up with this type of entertainment on the farm.  Boissevain is where he connected with his large family--his dear aunts and uncles, his siblings, their children, and friends he'd grown up with.  


Bob maintained lifelong friendships with those he met at university and those he met through his art, through sports, and through the ministry.  Perhaps that's one measure of who he was as a man.  He was someone his friends could count on.   In the days following his passing, they commented on how kind he was and how much he meant to them.  Whether it was golfing with his buddies on summer mornings or curling with them over the cold winter months, he enjoyed their company and the chance to compete in two sports that he loved. Until a few years ago, he was youngest member (at 86) of the oldest curling team to compete in The Friars’ Briar.  It was important for Bob to do what he loved with the friends that he cherished. 


Bob’s journey to becoming an accomplished amateur artist was years in the making.  At eight or nine he received a watercolour set for Christmas.  He remembered adding some water to the yellow pigment and brushing the paper.  The intensity so impressed him that in that moment he became hooked on art.  He sketched and drew prolifically from an early age as well.  He honed his skills whilst drawing flora and fauna in his grade eight science notebook, which he submitted to the Boissevain Fair.  It was there that Manitoba Premier Garson took notice of the budding artist.  He was so impressed with Bob’s skill that he sent a personal letter to the family advocating that Bob pursue art in the future.     


While he did not make art his career, it was Bob’s passion. He had a few mentors along the way; the earliest was the Canadian artist Ivan Eyre. Bob first met Ivan while they were both studying at the University of Manitoba in the 1950s.  They were in residence together and became better acquainted through their mutual interest in art.  Bob eventually took six classes with Ivan when the latter was teaching Fine Arts at Brandon University in the late ‘50s.   It was he who gave him his most valuable advice:  go to the galleries.  During the summers of 1973 and 1974, Bob had the opportunity to study with the Canadian realist painter Jack Chambers at the Banff School of Fine Arts.  From him he learned composition and unity.  From Jack,

he learned how to paint using photographs.  In the late 1990s, Bob attended classes with the American water-colourist, Christopher Schink.  The speed with which Schink was able to paint is something Bob took away as a lesson for applying similar techniques when using acrylics, which later became his medium of choice.  


The valued instruction of these artists, along with countless hours spent in galleries in Canada, the U.S., Italy, France, England, and Scotland, inspired Bob to explore a variety of media, techniques, and themes.  He worked on landscapes, abstracts, and portraits. His work was eclectic.  Over the years, he experimented with found art (or “junk art” as his wife Margaret used to say), turning things found on the side of the road or down the back alley into a sculpture or painting.  He worked with birch bark and cedar, as well as parts from pianos that he dismantled.  His wife Margaret was very supportive of his hobby but could also be a trusted and helpful critic of partially completed works that, in her opinion, might have been missing something in the foreground or were perhaps too dark in value. Theirs was a partnership in more ways than one. 


As much as Bob enjoyed making art, he also loved learning about it.  When he found a painter he liked, he read voraciously about the artist’s life and his/her technique.  Then, he completed numerous paintings in that style.  His favourite artists were the Canadian David Milne, American Louise Nevelson, Swiss-born Paul Klee, and French painter Paul Cezanne.  He liked artists who broke from convention.    


During the pandemic and as he approached his 90s, he tried to paint every day. He would often say, “Art helps me to relax.  While there are problems to solve on the canvas, I know the answer will come.  It will work out in the end.”  And so it did.  We who knew and loved him have his paintings on our walls as proof.  He was a brilliant artist, a wonderful friend, and a compassionate minister.  As his family, we never doubted that he loved us.  We, in turn, loved him tremendously and will miss him dearly.


A service and interment will take place in the summer when all can gather safely. In the meantime, Bobs family kindly requests that his friends and relatives take a few minutes to honour his memory by watching the photo-biography above. Please, also consider sharing your own photos and/or sharing your own memories and stories using the comment section on this page.


The family wishes to thank the staff at the Palliative Care Unit at St. Boniface Hospital.

In lieu of flowers, contributions in memory of Bob may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation or to the CNIB.  


Cremation & Life Celebrations

530 St. Mary Avenue - Winnipeg

204-421-5501 -

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Susie Conrad

June 27, 2022 at 10:02 AM

The world had a very special person in Bob. I have two small original paintings of his which I will always treasure as well as all the lovely conversations that we had over the years. Always in our hearts ❤


January 11, 2022 at 10:56 AM

My sincere condolences on your loss. I remember him well as next door neighbours in Binscarth and of course growing up with you all. He was kind and gentle and this was a lovely tribute. Kim Stemberger (Woods)

Penny Menzies

January 7, 2022 at 1:05 PM

Condolences from Jack and Flo Widdicombe and family. 

Penny Menzies

January 7, 2022 at 1:04 PM

Patty Slywchuk

January 6, 2022 at 11:11 PM

❤❤My heartfelt condolences to the family and the many close friends of Bob. A beautiful obituary! Reading the many messages, truly confirms that Your Dad touched the hearts and made an impact in so many lives. I pray the endless and wonderful memories of you Dad bring joy and smiles thru the healing process!  Warm hugs, Patty Slywchuk, Binscarth childhood friend of Roz

Terry Fleury

January 6, 2022 at 10:17 AM

Hello, I grew up in Binscarth, Manitoba. My best friend was Rev & Marg's oldest son Bob, (Bobby). I knew the family very well. Rev. Burton was a very kind father-figure. I always felt welcome in their home, sharing meals with the family and hanging out day after day with Bobby going to school, hanging out at DY's and playing sports. As many childhood stories draw to a close, Bobby went to Winnipeg to attend university and I went into the workforce until I found my career. Although I had lost touch with the Burton family over the years, with the Burton family moving from Binscarth and my parents passing, the trips back to Binscarth ended. I will always have fond memories of my childhood, my best friend Bobby and his Mom and Dad, Mr. & Mrs. Rev. Robert Burton. My sincere condolences to the Burton families. God bless, Terry Fleury, Prince Albert, SK.(

Rev. Allan C. Sinclair

January 6, 2022 at 8:09 AM

My sincere condolences for the passing of Bob. Bob was instrumental in my career working as an ordained minister for the past 25 years. When Bob was ministering in Fisher River Mb he helped me secure funding to attend theological training which led to my ordination. I worked alongside Bob as I became a student minister; attending presbytery meetings, conferences etc, I learned much from Bob. The last time I saw Bob was about 15 years ago as we the past ministers were invited back to Fisher River Mb to celebrate with them. I have many memories of Bob and hopefully they can be shared at a later date. Ps I hope he found his son. Rev. Allan C. Sinclair  Fisher River Pastoral Charge Koostatak, MB

Greg Laxdal

January 6, 2022 at 4:15 AM

On behalf of my family,  I would like to pass on our sympathy and condolences to Bob's family.  While we haven't crossed paths since his time in Binscarth, he made a lasting impression on our family and will be remembered fondly.  He will live on in your hearts and memories.  

Elaine Wintle

January 5, 2022 at 10:49 PM

Our deepest sympathy to the Burton families on the passing of Bob, our hometown boy. We have many fond memories among our congregation here at St. Paul’s, Boissevain. 

Loree Brisebois

January 5, 2022 at 10:49 PM

My sincere condolences to all the family. I have many fond memories as we were neighbours. Also so many from church. Truly a kind and thoughtful man. Loree (Pash)Brisebois 

Barbara Donaldson (Brown)

January 5, 2022 at 7:35 PM

My deepest sympathy to the Burton family. May his memory be a blessing. Bob married my husband and me in 1972 in Binscarth. Two years later he baptized my son. He was a lovely man. 

greg burton

January 4, 2022 at 10:12 AM

All of us Burton/Ross clan in Pei are all thinking of you. We loved hosting Uncle Bob here and showing him around. We will miss is generous heart and thoughtfulness.

Dennis Butcher

January 3, 2022 at 1:43 PM

We appreciated getting to know Bob, participating with him in the Winnipeg Chaplains' Curling Club and the Friars' Briar Bonspiels over the last 24 years. Bob's attributes which come to mind and for which we are grateful would include his creativity, enthusiasm for life, thoughtfulness, inclusivity, hospitality (with a little, maybe a lot of help from his family), human caring and concern, and generosity. We will miss his friendly demeanor and presence in our lives. Dennis and Amy Butcher

Cathy Williamson

January 2, 2022 at 3:52 PM

About a month ago I came across a very meaningful sermon that Bob sent to my Mom the late Joyce Hawkins (daughter of Charles and Catherine Lawrence of Pipestone Mb.) a number of years ago.  I hope to use it at one of our  congregation member led church services in the near future. The topic of the message dealt with depression and faith in such a kind and caring way, I’m sure Bob would be ok with sharing it. I recall the Lawrence family relatives spoke so highly of Bob and Margaret, I remember speaking with them at reunions and thinking they were such nice folks. My sincere condolences to the Burton and Huhn Families. Cathy Williamson 

Cecile Ritchie (van Malsen)

January 2, 2022 at 1:07 PM

  The first time I met Bob was when my mom  had Marg and Bob over to her place to celebrate their engagement. Later on I, and Marg's sister Joan, were in their wedding party. I was still in student nursing when I visited their place on River Ave., and so it continued throughout the years.      Bob was a soft spoken, talented  gentleman who always impressed me by his interest in all nature and all people.     My sincere condolences to the Burton and Huhn families                                                  Mag and Bob are together again.

Merrily Marchessault

January 1, 2022 at 10:18 PM

My sincere condolences to the Burton and Huhn families. Bob was a kind man who did not hesitate to offer advice/help when I needed it at my cottage at Whitemud Falls.  He loved his family and was generous and wise. He will be missed by all who knew him. 

Karen Klayh

January 1, 2022 at 11:51 AM

Rev. Burton married my husband and I in 1980 . My husband and I enjoyed getting to know Bob and Margaret as he was the minister at the church we attended ,Birdshill United,. We are very sorry to hear of his passing . He was a kind and interesting man , We saw his happy relationship with Margaret and knew he lived what he spoke of , kindness, compassion , love and true dedication to not only his work but his family, and ministry. We are very sorry for your loss. A very unique individual, not only in his thinking and his way of expressing it .  

Margaret and Dale Kristof

January 1, 2022 at 10:53 AM

Condolences to all of your family.  We have fond memories of visiting with Bob at Whitemud Falls.  He will be missed.  Hugs for all of you.  Margaret and Dale Kristof

Robert Campbell

January 1, 2022 at 12:14 AM

I well remember attending the annual meeting of Conference and finding, each year, that Bob had designed the platform area with its backdrop. His ability to convey his theology through his art was matched by none of his colleagues. I was so grateful that, in retirement, he came to Westminster Church and shared his gifts with us. He was a mentor and friend and unfailingly supportive. What a privilege to have known him!   

James Rooney

December 31, 2021 at 11:46 PM

I will always remember Bob’s kindness and insightful advice, and I offer my condolences and sympathies to his family and friends. 

Ian Morrison

December 31, 2021 at 9:19 PM

Having only met your Dad once in Cathy’s backyard. He seemed like a very accomplished and approachable man. Now having read the obituary, I certainly understand why. My condolences to the family. 

Brandon Johnston

December 31, 2021 at 5:09 PM

Nathan and I are very sorry to hear of Bob’s passing. We had the pleasure of getting to know Bob at Westminster church.  Bob was always very supportive of us, both separately and even more so when we became a couple and eventually married. We have a great picture of Bob in the congregation as we are exiting the sanctuary after being married. Nathan and I both have a great appreciation for art, although we like very different styles. Bob’s art is so good and so varied in style that we have three of his pieces hanging in our home. We have both enjoyed visiting Bob at his home and taking a tour through his studio. We will certainly miss Bob, but are glad we can remember him through his art both at Westminster and our home. Brandon Johnston and Nathan Poole

Lynn Deere

December 31, 2021 at 4:11 PM

You have captured the essence of your father.  His image will not soon fade. May he rest in Peace.  May your family find comfort in your memories.   Lynn Deere

Shannon MacFarlane

December 31, 2021 at 2:21 PM

Bob was a kind, considerate and gentle man.  I so enjoyed “passing the peace” and chatting with him at Westminster. His art was brilliant and stretched us on our faith journey.  Peace to the family and know that he was well loved and respected.  Shannon MacFarlane 

Morris Deveson

December 31, 2021 at 2:15 PM

So sorry to learn of Bob's passing. Bob and I were Agriculture class mates at the U of M and I worked with Bob when he was with Soils and Crops. I lost track of him when he entered the Ministry but we ran into each other several times after retirement. I always enjoyed our times together and he was an exceptionally kind and friendly man. He will be missed. Morris Deveson

Don McIntyre

December 31, 2021 at 12:08 PM

I write on behalf of my father Earl McIntyre who knew Bob well and always enjoyed Bob's company golfing, curling, discussing theology when Bob was in Binscarth and in later years   Decades later I enjoyed our conversations about curling, golf, hockey and theology before and after worship. His art in Westminster United met it's goal of stretching our understanding of Scriptures. I will remember him as humble with a dry sense of humour.  I thank God for the friendship we shared.

Keith Smith

December 31, 2021 at 12:07 PM

Bob was a member of a recently formed group. Advanced Aged Aggies. - a dozen or so Ag grads that shared stories and life experiences. I knew that Bob painted but was unaware of just how good he was. Bob and I worked together in the 50’s and 60’s - a great guy that will be missed.  Keith Smith

Ruth Campbell

December 31, 2021 at 11:39 AM

This is such a beautiful memorial to a very kind, thoughtful and talented man.  I knew Bob as a member of Manitoba and NWOntario Conference and appreciated his stage art for many of our Conferences.  I also knew Bob as an Artist and appreciated his innovative use of wood,Piano parts etc in his Art.  I was glad to know him.

Denise Gareau

December 31, 2021 at 10:47 AM

My name is Denise Gareau, I was a partner and sister in law to Trefflé Gareau.  Trefflé met Bob and his wife Margaret through Frank and Cay Wenski who were Trefflé and Irène's friends  for many many years.  When Trefflé and me lived together after Irène's death in 2007, Bob was a guest of ours in our apartment in Fort Garry Place.  He came and shared a lunch with us (this is when I met him) and he had brought Trefflé a frame with Louis Riel.  Trefflé was very thrilled to have received that from Bob, and I have kept it since Trefflé passed away in 2008.  I have met one of Bob's daughters, I believe it is Lisa who I met at Crusty Buns on St.Mary's Road when we were having lunch with Frank and Cay.  I would like to offer my condolences to the family and friends.  Grieving is one of the most difficult thing to go through in life.❤

Katherine Abra

December 31, 2021 at 9:51 AM

What a beautiful memorial page for Bob! I got to know him while he served on the Worship committee at Westminster Church. I loved chatting with him at coffee time after church, and love how he honoured us with his art at Westminster. His demonstration of his faith through art was meaningful. I think of him often when I look at his artwork in our sanctuary. One of the things I most admired about Bob was how he was so young at heart, and always learning. He came to a book club I started at Westminster only a few years ago, and read The Hunger Games, and the Dove Keepers with us, offering so many wonderful insights. I will miss him. Condolences to his family. ❤

Marlene Schellenberg

December 31, 2021 at 8:00 AM

With this obituary and photo-biography, you have honoured Robert with dignity and love. My heart goes out to you at this time of grieving. May you find comfort in your memories.

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