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Adam Cattani

Image by Nick Andréka


November 13, 1982 - December 18, 2022

With broken hearts, we announce that Adam passed away on December 18th at his favorite place at the age of 40 years.

He is survived by (Alyssa) Sophie and Olivia; his brother Garrett; and his parents Maria and Gerald.

Adam lived the Field to table philosophy, he loved to hunt for his food, he thought of the forest as his supermarket always having a collection of natural teas, wild mushrooms and a variety of wild salads. He was an avid hunter, a fisherman, an excellent cook, a naturalist, a passionate gardener, and his expertise and teachings will be missed by so many including all who followed him on the internet.

 Adam from the very beginning did things his way, as a baby he started walking around furniture at 5 months of age to the shear horror of his Baba. She would panic and try and sit him down and he would just smile and stand up.

As a young boy Adam was involved in all sports, Hockey, baseball, soccer, karate. To say he was competitive would be a grave understatement. He competed at everything with an intensity level off the charts. Perhaps this had something to do with the fact he was a November baby and was generally playing sports with kids that were older than him. Adam loved hockey, I remember so many cold nights where he wanted to go to the outdoor rink to practise with the older kids so he could get better. His favorite hockey player was Theron Fleury and his entire youth hockey career was modeled after his style of play, in other words he was a shit disturber not afraid of any one.

Adams love of the outdoors started early in life, he accompanied his dad hunting and fishing from when he was about three years old and was always his dads companion right up to their last deer hunting trip last month. Adam grew up in lake country spending almost every weekend either at Bird Lake or The Big Whitshell Lake. He loved exploring in the forest, building forts, climbing the highest trees, cliff diving, swimming, fishing, water and cross country skiing, he embraced it all and was never in the cottage with the exception of bed time. His love of gathering began early in life this was a skill he learned from accompanying his mom, Baba and Gigi mushroom picking. This would be a skill he would go on to perfect. Adam was a member and regular contributor to the Manitoba Mycological Society he had many followers and was always being asked to identify wild mushroom species and determine their edibility.

Adams love of the outdoors and sense of adventure never ended when we left the lake, it continued at home. He grew up in East St Paul and as we had no neighbors behind our street, he had miles of land to explore. Adam his brother Garrett and their friends had a fort way back in the bush that was their base camp. One day I decided to visit the boys and see where they hung out it was a decent fort complete with a half a garbage can for camp fires the interior was decorated in early 1970s style playboy centerfolds that the boys confessed they had gathered at an abandoned farm house nearby. He always loved all wildlife, one day Maria said that she noticed that we were missing a lot of chicken packages from the freezer. I questioned the boys and Adam confessed he had found a coyote that was very sick and him and Garrett dragged the coyote into an abandoned barn and made a bed for it and began feeding it a steady diet of chicken legs. They had been doing this for over a week, the coyote died but his last days on earth were probably his most comfortable.

Adam did have another not so macho side. As a young boy he loved to sing and he had a beautiful voice. In his elementary years Adam was always asked to do a solo at the school Christmas concerts. We were always pressured by the school staff to have him signed up with a singing coach as he had such a special talent. He never lost his love for singing and was the highlight singer every St Patricks’ day at the Kings Head pub. His favorite gig was after some members of The Drop Kick Murphy’s heard him sing they invited him up for a set after which he partied at their hotel until the wee hours. He loved to tell that story as they were always one of his favorite bands.

Adam also loved acting and took drama throughout high school. His drama teacher thought of him as exceptionally talented and convinced us to have a professional portfolio put together for him. Adam was lucky enough to perform in three productions at the Prairie Theater Exchange.

When Adam was 14 the family purchased a cottage At Lake of the Woods. Most of the neighbors knew Adam and his dog Drake before they knew us as he was always exploring the forest. Having a cottage was only a starting point for him as usually the first day out he would pack his tent, fishing rod and his dog Drake into his canoe and head out camping on an island or portaging into another lake. The winter season was no different to him, he would convince a couple of friends to go winter camping every Christmas break no matter what the weather was, some years when he was out it was minus thirty.

Adam was a Red Seal Carpenter and he loved his profession. He was a true journeyman as he traveled throughout Canada for his work. I think he loved the fact most jobs had that element of danger. He would sent us pictures standing on the edge of a Potash mine structure he was building 350 feet in the air or hanging hundreds of feet above a dam he was working on up north. Most recently his ventures took him a thousand feet below the surface working at one of the mines in Snow Lake.

Adam was so proud of his family and together with Alyssa they were raising Sophie and Olivia albeit from different perspectives with Adam focusing on his adventurous, active lifestyle and Alyssa focusing on academics. Both of the girls owned quads went hunting and fishing with Adam and spent countless hours exploring the great outdoors and learning his way of life all this while excelling academically in school.

From an early age Adam was financially astute. He always saved his money whether it was for his six month trip to Australia when he graduated grade 12 to buying his first house at 21. He was a great provider for his family earning a substantial income by traveling throughout Canada for his profession. Even with his passing Adam had a plan that if something happened to him his family would never have to face any financial pressures in the future.

Adam spent his last weekend at his forest property with his side kick Olivia snowshoeing cutting trails and exploring. We did facetime them Saturday night and they were so happy about the day they spent together. Adams last moments alive were spent saving his daughter Olivia’s life from a tragic fire.

We are all a little richer for knowing Adam and maybe a little envious of not being able to keep up with him on his adventurous lifestyle. I do know for most of us who followed his adventures on social media we will find Facebook a little less interesting.

For those who wish, a donation can be made to the Manitoba Wildlife Federation in honour of Adam.

A service and celebration of Adam’s life will be held 1:00 pm, Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 5819 Henderson Hwy, Corpus Christi Catholic Church.

Adam's family kindly requests that all of his friends and relatives take a few minutes to honour his memory by watching the photo-biography above. Please, also consider sharing your own photos, memories, and stories by making use of the comment section on this page.


Cremation & Life Celebrations

530 St. Mary Avenue - Winnipeg

204-421-5501 -

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Dan Reagan

February 17, 2023 at 6:18 PM

I did not know Adam but do know Gerald.  I know that Adam was sincerely ;oved and admired by his father.  I offer my humble condolences at your loss.

Marlene Dieter

January 21, 2023 at 12:21 PM

So very sorry to hear of your loss. Adam was much loved by his family and friends. My deepest sympathy at this difficult time. 

Liz and Eric Dieter

January 20, 2023 at 7:38 PM

To Maria Gerald Garrett and Olivia and family, Our hearts were broken when we heard the news of Adam’s passing. We have lived so far away so have only glimpses of our wonderful nephew Adam on our trips back to Winnipeg. As we read through the tributes to Adam’s life we feel his great love for his family and the great outdoors. You cannot help but feel his joy of life that is so evident in all the stories of his adventures with family and friends. That is how we will remember Adam. Loved and forever missed. Rest in peace dear Adam.  Until we all meet again. With Love Your Aunt Liz and Uncle Eric     

brian michaluk

January 20, 2023 at 6:39 PM

Hi Gerald, it was just last fall, during my visit to Stephen's place on the west coast that I recalled the two of us sitting on the bleachers of the East St Paul Arena, all those years ago.  Watching ever so intently, you cheered Adam as he raced over the red, passing to Stephen then back to Adam...A SCORE.  A few minutes went by...the team to Stephen; back and forth to Adam; yet Another GOAL.  You were so proud of your Son and the coordinated efforts exercised by the team.Who needed the NHL in those years hey.  This was the hockey that mattered not only to us, but as well, to each and every family member who had a player on opposite sides of the rink.  Totally invested, we not only observed but we also coached and refereed the games from outside of the plexiglass - good thing we didn't possess whistles.   Now I fast-track to yesterday as I opened an email from Beatrice.   Gerald, words are never enough, yet vivid, recounted memories of the past, contribute and will remain close to our hearts.  Through our memories, we all survive in others, yes. My memory is of a lad who played both ends of the rink with verve and tenacity, so stoically commanding his position while daring the skaters of opposite coloured jerseys to dislodge him.  Never backing down, he was indeed the Thoren Fleury of every contest.  My memory is also of a Dad who proudly and loudly displayed caring for his Son and accompanying that thought, a Son who would sneak a peak of his Dad, sitting and sometimes standing on the sidelines...always watching.  Gerald, to you and yours...take Care

Marco Daza

January 20, 2023 at 5:44 PM

Condolences to his family and everyone who knew this great guy I'm sure lots of us are in shock 

Marco Daza

January 20, 2023 at 5:42 PM

This breaks my heart to hear that something like this can happen to the guy that was ready for anything, Adam and I wear friends since elementary at St. Alphonsus school I got the pleasure of working with him years later at the polar bear exhibit at the Assiniboine zoo and learn lots from him he also got me that job, we were also neighbors leaving 3 houses away from eachother for a few years. This is so hard to believe. I'll miss you buddy and still don't believe your not here, you'll be forever in my memories and heart. RIP my life long friend 😪

Jen Storm

January 20, 2023 at 10:14 AM


Jen Storm

January 20, 2023 at 10:08 AM

I'm so sorry for the loss of Adam, he was a great friend who could always make me laugh and was always willing to give a helping hand and down for any adventure. He (and Garrett) are always their truest happiest selves out on the land, and I love that about both of them. Sending love to the family.

Diane Mullen family

January 18, 2023 at 6:59 PM

Gerald, Maria and Garrett,  Our family heard about Adam from a mutual friend in the last couple of days. The Mullen family remembers him as a tour guide when we would come to the lake for the weekend with your family. It was clear he was where he wanted to be. I babysat Adam and Garrett for a summer back in the early 90’s, and they kept me busy! Absolutely the cutest boys! My dad always had such wonderful things to say about your entire family Gerald, you were a dear friend to him when we lived in Winnipeg.  We want to extend our sincere condolences and we hope you continue to find peace in your memories and in watching his children grow. Erin (Mullen) Kruger With love, Diane Mullen and girls (Jodie, Ann, Erin, Missy and Shelly)

Bart & Michele Michaleski

January 18, 2023 at 6:40 PM

Gerald and family.  Please accept our deepest condolences for your loss.  We are hopeful the many amazing memories provide comfort to you during this difficult time.  

Troy Argo

January 18, 2023 at 6:30 PM

As I scroll through pictures, I can't help but laugh and cry for a young man that lived life to the fullest and for some unknown reason had to leave us way too soon. I found a couple pictures that made me smile thinking about how Adam convinced Mrs. Yeo and the kids how great crayfish tasted when you have the right mixture of spice & hot sauce. After boiling up his special ingredients they had 50 crayfish looking like midget Lobsters at a Lobsterfest. Adam should have been a used car salesman if the red seal carpenter deal didn't work out after selling Mrs. Yeo!! Adam, I will miss the stories about your adventures both at work and in the bush doing what you loved most. Our thoughts and prayers are with all the family and friends you touched along life's journey. RIP Adam 

Morgan Whiteway

January 18, 2023 at 10:45 AM

Adam Cattani you will be missed! You were second none (well maybe to Garrett Cattani and I) at shooting and skinning a deer, I always enjoyed celebrating your birthday while hunting. Not a deer season will go by without thinking of you and wishing you were with us. We know you will be looking over us during our hunts and most likely telling us what we are doing right and/or wrong. PS thanks for always doing the dishes and I am enjoying your hot sauce still, I just wish I would be able to get more ❤️😢

George Coupland

January 18, 2023 at 9:44 AM

Our deepest condolences , our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.  George and Karen

Denis and Pearl Cattani

January 16, 2023 at 10:11 PM

One of the most difficult things in life is to loose a child. From the moment of this unfathomable tragic news, Gerald, Maria, and Garrett have been continuously at the front of our thoughts. It is heartbreaking to say goodbye to Adam. We were blessed to spend some time with him on his various trips to Calgary. What a wonderful young man he was. We followed his many adventures on Facebook, and always looked forward to the next adventure he would produce. There are no words that we can say that will ease the pain his family is going through. Adam was dearly loved and will be forever missed.

Jessica Stephenson

January 16, 2023 at 7:42 PM

RIP Adam, I wish we had had a chance to know you better, but are so grateful that you were part of the family and that you brought so much love and joy to Alyssa and the girls. What a terrible loss.. Our deepest heartfelt condolences to everyone during this awful time

Heidi and Bruce Birchard

January 16, 2023 at 2:39 PM

❤To Olivia, Gerald, Maria, Garrett and family  We loved reading your tribute to Adam - so many great stories - he was so happy - which is exactly what you want for your children. We will miss him at the lake - we could always hear him on the trails exploring for years as a young man and later showing Olivia the world he had discovered.  Adam was always the first to cut a trail through the bush and was the first to get all the way through to Pipe Lake about 11 km away from the cottage.  Often Adam would stop by our place and show us the mushrooms he found or casually point out food growing right there in front of our cottage that we did not know about but that Adam would identify and show us how to cook or prepare. Our prayers are with you all at this incredibly difficult time.❤❤ Xoxo, Heidi and Bruce Birchard

Reg Klassen

January 16, 2023 at 10:10 AM

Dear Gerald, Maria, and family. We cannot imagine the pain you are experiencing in this so difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers have been with you since we heard the news of Adam's passing. He was such a fine human being and you often regaled Karyn and me with his outdoor exploits. We know he was a loving and caring father, and his courage the night of his passing knew no bounds. Our love for you, our dear friends, reaches out during this challenging time in an attempt to give you strength. All our love. 

Jan, Harve, Ryan and Melissa Rochelle

January 15, 2023 at 11:41 PM

❤Dear Maria, Gerald, Garrett and family,   Sending prayers and  comforting  hugs on the early  passing of Adam. Last  time  we  seen  Adam  and  family was  at  our  Church ,  so  proud of his  dtrs.  our prayers are   going  out  to you.  Vichnaya Pam'yat!

Linda Blair

January 15, 2023 at 6:01 PM

I am so sorry to hear the loss of your beautiful son. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Carol and Terry Yakiwchuk

January 15, 2023 at 12:37 PM

There really are no words that can adequately express or extend our heartfelt sorrow and deepest condolences for your profound loss Gerald, Maria and Garrett. We are all so deeply grieving his passing and know this is the hardest thing you will likely ever face. You are in our thoughts and prayers every day.  Adam was a perfect baby from the very start and such an amazing nephew to us, an outstanding father, son, brother, and friend to many. We shared so many great times- from our babies' first airplane trip to visit Grandma and Grandpa in Calgary (where we dressed them as twins!), to many good times and adventures at Bird Lake, LOTW, at family gatherings, and more. I (Aunty Carol) will never forget the biggest squeezy hug Adam gave me this summer when we met at the Millennium Centre. We will hold all these memories close to our hearts and be reminded of you and your beautiful spirit Adam when we see all the birds that visit our feeder, pick wild berries and mushrooms (that you LOVED to gather), fish in our lakes, and traipse through the great outdoors Adam.  Vichnaya Pam'yat / Вічная Пам'ять / Eternal Memory

Dan Scott

January 15, 2023 at 12:51 AM

What an incredible life he lived, and I wouldn't have expected anything less. Some of my best memories from all those years ago have you in them Adam. You'll be forever missed.  Dan 

Josh Chellew

January 14, 2023 at 9:11 PM

Adam,  You were a great friend and co worker over the last 15 years. I am truly going to miss you. You were one of my first friends I made after moving to Winnipeg. I will miss the impromptu after work fishing trips. 

Barb and Bryan

January 14, 2023 at 7:24 PM

There are no words to express the sorrow we feel for your entire family at this devastating loss. Adam had so much more to share and was taken far too soon. We will all cherish our memories that we have of Adam. Our prayers go out to all of you. 

Mel and Judy Dueck

January 14, 2023 at 4:24 PM

Amazing man, father, brother  friend, and son!! You could have dropped Adam off in the middle of the forest with no food, drinks or weapons and he would have found a way  to survive. Sweet wonderful man, you will be missed so very much. Such a beautiful tribute to Adam by his loved ones. Our prayers go out for Gerald and Maria, Garrett, Alyssa, Sofia and Olivia. Such a tragic loss! Love you all so much. ❤❤

Leagh Denysiuk

January 14, 2023 at 3:40 PM

I had a great time growing up with Adam. Being his neighbour, we had a lot of laughs growing up.  I’m so sorry for your loss.  Leagh Denysiuk 

Dave Anton @ Charolette

January 14, 2023 at 3:25 PM

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time.

Jim & Tammy Anton

January 14, 2023 at 12:37 PM

Our hearts go out to you at this difficult time. Please accept our condolences and know that we are thinking of you.  Jim & Tammy Anton

Greg and Lesia Palaschuk

January 14, 2023 at 12:13 PM

We are so deeply sorry for the tragic loss of your dear son Adam.  Wishing you strength and peace.   Greg and Lesia Palaschuk

Dave and Lynn

January 14, 2023 at 12:07 PM

We are going to miss Adam's teasing at all get-togethers.  Going to Melita with Adam, Gerald, Garrett and Morgan on their annual deer hunt was something Dave looked forward to every year.  Adam was such a wonderful father.  He taught Olivia and Sofie so many things like going into the woods to forage for food, set up camps anytime of the year and out into the lake.  Adam's posts showing their extraordinary adventures are going to be missed by all.  Adam was a young, strong-willed man that lived his life to the fullest.  You will be missed by so many.  RIP Adam.  Dave and Lynn.❤

Sharon McCallum

January 14, 2023 at 11:52 AM

My dear Alyssa. I am so incredibly sorry. You and your family are in my prayers.   Love from Sharon McCallum❤️❤️

Brian Smith

January 14, 2023 at 11:32 AM

Rest in peace Adam. The world is a sadder place without you in will be missed!

Dale and Delores Boulette

January 14, 2023 at 11:13 AM

Our heart felt condolences,Gerald,Maria and family.Prayers for comfort and strength.💞🙏🏼.Love Delores and Dale Boulette.

Paul Ruta

January 14, 2023 at 10:22 AM

Meet Adam working at K3 mine in estrhazy Saskatchewan, Adam and I butted heads at first but became good work friends after a year at K3 together. We then both took a job at pointe du bois where we worked for another couple years together.  My deepest condolences, The world is lesser without Adam Great man, Great Carpenter

Jared, or as Adam would call me, Simon.

January 14, 2023 at 9:01 AM

Became friends with Adam in Red River, getting our Red Seal Tickets. My stories aren't much different than most of his friends I'd imagine. Beers, Fishing, Jokes and good times. Truly, Adam was a Gem. R.I.P. dude and my sincere Condolences to his family and friends.

Shawna & James Grapentine

January 14, 2023 at 8:48 AM

I am so sorry to hear this tragic news on the loss of your son! Condolences to you & the whole family, sending love & prayers for comfort & strength 🙏❤️

Shayne Follington

January 14, 2023 at 8:30 AM

I'm am so taken buy this  I had the pleasure of working on the potash mine with Adam,R.I.P 


January 14, 2023 at 7:19 AM

I am heartbroken for all of Adams loved ones. I am grateful to have known Adam and will cherish all the memories with him, and the stories he told. I always did and will continue to think of him every time I pass a wild mushroom. I’m sorry we did it get to spend time together this coming summer as planned. You will Be missed my friend. 

Don Cattani

January 13, 2023 at 8:18 PM

I am heartbroken by the loss of such a beautiful young man. Adam had the Cattani love of pranks and practical jokes - he was epic in that regard. I wish there was something I could write which would ease your pain Gerry, Marushka and Garrett. Just know that you are loved always by your family.

Pat Dieter

January 13, 2023 at 6:40 PM

I didn’t believe the news when I was told, and in many ways I still don’t. We lived on other sides of the world…we had our differences but our blood was always thicker. You have lived in my heart since we were kids and you are still there. You will always be there. I miss you. I love you. 

Ben Yakiwchuk

January 13, 2023 at 4:56 PM

Words cannot convey my sorrow. You knew who you were, and you lived the hell out of every day with whomever could keep up. I have so many awesome memories of growing up at the lake with you, going on adventures, building forts, just being outdoors. You grew up to be an amazing dad and with what and how you’ve taught your daughters, they will carry around that love with them forever. 

Uncle Bernie and Aunt Cheryl

January 13, 2023 at 4:26 PM

Our Hearts are Broken by your loss.                                                                         WHEN YOU CALL ME AND I DONT ANSWER SIMPLY LOOK IN YOUR HEART AND I WILL APPEAR.       HUGS

Ethical Death Care (Death Care Services Inc.) is privately, independently, and locally owned. Shane Neufeld and the original team of Integrity Death Care own and manage this organisation.

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