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Bob Cloutier

Image by Nick Andréka


July 12, 1946 – January 6, 2020

“Bob”, 73, passed away peacefully on January 6, 2020.


Bob was an avid Bombers fan his entire life; he was ecstatic with the 2019 Grey Cup victory, he attended Bomber breakfasts and for one season he was even Captain Blue!


Bob was a life-long entertainer; he was ‘Harry’ in tv commercials, he loved to make people laugh at Murder Mysteries, he impersonated Elvis and Oliver Hardy, he would have been a Beatles tribute band all by himself if he could have, he performed as a member of a ‘Bunch of Grapes’ for four decades, he enjoyed playing Santa Claus and he was the voice of Tookie at Club Regent.


He loved sharing facts about historical figures, he spent hours reading books and sitting at the computer learning about historical events. He was extremely proud that Zachary Cloutier was his ancestor who settled in Quebec in 1634.


Bob liked to surprise the family at Christmas by handing out silly gifts like Rudolf antlers or blinking red noses for everyone to wear. No family gathering will ever be the same for Roger, Ron, Ray, Esther, Joel, Arla, Zoey and Marc without his practical jokes and witticisms.


Thanks to Home Care for providing personal care for many years and the medical staffs at St Boniface Hospital and Health Science Center for their compassion during this stressful time, thank you.


In lieu of flowers, please donate to the Heart and Stroke Foundation or Canadian Foundation for AIDS research.

A celebration of Bob’s life will take place at a later date.


Cremation & Life Celebrations

530 St. Mary Avenue - Winnipeg

204-421-5501 -

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Jason Schreyer

December 20, 2021 at 6:29 PM

I worked with Bob for a few years at Club Regent.  We were both the voice of the world-traveling Toukie the singing Toucan bird, among other things.  Bob was a wonderful co-worker; in fact, he told me about the job in the first place.  He was also an excellent singer and we would do some great duets together.  Working with Bob was a special part of my life and I will always miss him. - Jason Schreyer

Randy Pitch

February 15, 2020 at 8:34 AM

Bob was my brother's best pal and he affectionately called me "Lil Sis."  He was a unique, big hearted , humorous ❤and grand presence in this life.  Lots of love and appreciation to his family and friends who are left behind. 

Randy Pitch

February 15, 2020 at 8:28 AM

Bob is/was my brother's best friend.  He affectionately called me "sis," and remembered my birthday (once in awhile!) with a rendition of "Happy Birthday To you" in grand style...everything about Bob was grand!❤

Ed East

February 11, 2020 at 8:37 PM

so sad to hear of Bob’s passing. He was my best friend throughout high school and early adult life.  spent many hours listening to the Beetles in his basement and going to all the community dances when Winnipeg was the hub of the country for up and coming bands. The girls always liked him better because he was a good dancer.  So many adventures. He always made me laugh. A little off the wall and embarrassing at times but he was kind with a heart of gold and he was a very good friend of mine. I moved away to university, got married but kept in touch whenever I could. Rest in peace my old friend. You are missed. Ed East

Lucille LaPorte

January 20, 2020 at 11:47 PM

Met Bob in1986 at Fantasy Theatre for Children. He was Mr . Bumble in their production of “Oliver Twist”. We had a blast working together in the show. After that, Bob kept in touch with FTC and we enjoyed when he would drop in for coffee and kept us informed of his many projects. He was a true entertainer! We will all miss his humour and stories. Goodbye Bob, and say Hi to Tony for us! 

Brian Conway

January 15, 2020 at 10:12 PM

I am Bob’s cousin, originally from Montreal, now in Vancouver. My mom dragged us out to Winnipeg many summers in my youth to visit the family for several weeks. Jean MARC’s kids were 3, 6, 9 and 12 years older than me (easy to remember!). I was always the eastern and more French cousin. Always welcome and great fun times! Bob visited us in Montreal many times. He reminded us that he came to broaden his horizons as he pointed to his back side! Bye, Bob! I work in AIDS research,so please give generously! We are not there yet! Brian

Allen Pitch

January 14, 2020 at 11:31 PM

Boobie- As I affectionately nicknamed Bob became my best buddy when we met 30 years ago as we walked our' 12 steps' in recovery. You helped me and so many others. I know you struggled often but always kept things positive and knew no strangers. Our summer yard sales will never be the same. You making jokes and new 'friends' wherever we went. You called me "your little angel" and I consider myself blessed to have had you in my life for all these years. I miss you so much- even those corny jokes you loved to tell over and over. No doubt heaven has a new entertainer to bring some laughs to 'the angels' up there.

Danielle Savage

January 12, 2020 at 8:55 AM

I worked with Bob performing at Murder Mystery dinners. He was always a crowd favourite and could be relied on to get a quieter crowd into the show and having fun. I miss those days. My deepest condolences to the family. 


January 12, 2020 at 1:20 AM

What a great picture of Bob! My condolences to all of the Cloutier family. Bob’s big personality and his over the top sense of humour will be greatly missed. I especially remember seeing Bob in his Laurel and Hardy duo at the fringe many years ago. It was darned hilarious. Entertaining people was just in his blood. I know Bob had many health challenges the last years and that he had friends and family who loyally stuck by him. May you Rest In Peace Bob.

Dave Blais

January 11, 2020 at 5:27 PM

I will miss walking into Bob and Ron's place back in the day, to pick up Ron for a bomber game and Bob standing in the back asking where his ticket was and feigning sorrow when we left . Always made me feel guilty even though we could hear him laughing as he went back to the living room . Once saw him do his Oliver Hardy act at a Goldeyes game and it was better than the baseball . So long Bob .

ron cloutier

January 11, 2020 at 1:03 PM

I was Bob's youngest brother and naturally he introduced me to many of my firsts.He brought me to my first Bomber practice at Packers Field and when they   moved to St John's Ravenscourt ,we walked one afternoon from the old field to the new one where we were astounded ,along with the rest of the crowd,by a new player called Mack Herron.                                                                Bob  brought me to Mrs. Mikes for the first time when I was a kid and with all the teenagers and motorcycles and hot cars around had to be the coolest place to be.                                                                                             On a break from his job on a chain gang he ordered a bag of Chinese food to the house. another first for me.When the first McDonald's opened in Winnipeg we jumped into his best friend's Matt's car and went for 32 cent burgers Bob will now be eating Mom's home cooking.Leave some for me

Jim Williamson

January 11, 2020 at 12:56 PM

Bob, the best moments of our Laurel & Hardy act were in your car, joking and doing voices on the way to the gig. How we laughed! It worked; once we were "in the mood" we always made our audiences laugh just as hard. Thanks for sharing that with me. - Stanley.


January 11, 2020 at 12:21 PM

Bob, you were one in a million my friend.  I have so many memories filled with laughs of our times together.  Whether it was your Oliver Hardy with my Charlie Chaplin or your Elvis to my Colonel Barker ... it was always fun! I will miss getting those phone calls that began without an introduction, just simply "So, Sless, I have two jokes for you today." Then you would launch into them and once finished, you would say "So, quick, which one did you like better? And, you got a joke for me?"  You always kept me on my toes.  You will be missed in a big way old friend.  Rest in peace. ❤

Marcus Ogibowski

January 11, 2020 at 12:16 PM

He was a story teller thats for sure. Bob i loved the sound of your voice. It totally mesmerized me during our conversations.

Ray Cloutier

January 11, 2020 at 9:41 AM

Goodbye Bob. Every time the Bombers win or lose a football game, there will be something missing- your phone call praising or complaining about the team. I won't hear ' Fire the coach!' any more.  The family won't have surprises at Christmas anymore. No more Elvis clothing, no more loonies taped inside a pizza box as a gift, no more 50 lbs of chocolate, no more coming late because you had to perform a Santa gig... When there is a documentary on John Lennon, I will not get a phone call telling me  which channel the program is on. I won't be able to see an Elvis impersonator or even photos of the real Elvis without thinking about you singing 'Can't Help Falling in Love with You.'  Find some rest, some peace of mind.

Esther Cloutier

January 11, 2020 at 9:04 AM

Bob we have such great memories of you. In the past few months we watched the Winnipeg Blue Bombers win the Grey Cup together and on Christmas Day we even stayed up until after midnight. Rest in peace.

Ethical Death Care (Death Care Services Inc.) is privately, independently, and locally owned. Shane Neufeld and the original team of Integrity Death Care own and manage this organisation.

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