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Gisèle Delaquis

Image by Nick Andréka


It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Gisèle Delaquis, at the age of 72 years. Gisèle died peacefully, surrounded by her family on Sunday, July 16, 2023 at Riverview Health Center.


Gisèle was a dedicated physiotherapist, an open-minded traveller, a lover of classical music and nature. She was a supportive sister, a kindred spirit for her friends and colleagues and, most of all, a woman who loved her family. Her pride and joy were her sons – Pierre, Martin, Justin and Stéphane. As a mother, Gisèle had an endless amount of patience for four rambunctious boys and she parented with grace, demonstrating a wonderful balance of modeling what it is to be a human being, while also fully embracing “letting go”. She taught them to be kind and respectful. To honor themselves and their family. To love. Her greatest achievement is reflected in the men those boys became. Kind, loving and thoughtful men; attentive partners and fathers.


As a mother-in-law, Gisèle welcomed her daughters-in-law with a ready smile and open heart from the very first time she met them. She supported and encouraged their relationships with her sons, celebrated their love stories and delighted in her growing family. The French word for mother-in-law is “belle-mère”, which translates to “beautiful mother” and two words could not describe Gisèle more perfectly.  She was an amazing woman with a beautiful heart, always willing to love and honor another person coming into the family.


In her later years, she became a proud and loving grandmother who took pride in her five beautiful grandchildren – Sébastien, Maxim, Luc, Chloé and Mathieu. She often came to hockey, soccer and basketball games, to gymnastic or dance classes. She made endless trips to the park and spent hours playing or reading stories. She often travelled to Comox and Moose Jaw, to visit her son Stéphane, his wife Jackie and their children. When Grand-mère came to visit, she gave you her undivided attention, with patience and kindness, which made her a favourite visitor.


From her friends – “Être dans la présence de Gisèle, c’était vivre des moments de qualité. Sa présence, son grand respect pour les autres, et son engagement envers sa famille étaient sans pareils. Sa première priorité était sa famille, ses enfants, ses belles-filles et ses petits-enfants. Elle se souciait de leur bien-être et s’assurait qu’ils se sentaient aimés et vus. Elle vivait sa vie dans la gratitude, dans l’amour et la joie de vivre. Elle était engagée et déterminée tout au long de sa vie.”


Gisèle was beautiful, patient, gentle and kind. She was always positive and grateful, quick to smile and laugh. She lived her life with grace and dignity, and managed to carry on the same way throughout her illness. She was grateful for everything and everyone until the very end. She always had a kind word to say to those who cared for her and always expressed her gratitude for her “army of angels” – those blessed people who helped her until her final days - her sisters, her friends and her family.


She will be greatly missed, but we carry on knowing that she taught us all how to live. With compassion, gratitude and kindness.


We welcome those who would like to pay their respects to attend the funeral service at 2pm on Thursday, July 27 at St. Eugene Parish (1009 St. Mary’s Road, Winnipeg).


In lieu of flowers, Gisèle requested that donations be made to Henteleff Park Foundation or Morberg House.


Cremation & Life Celebrations

530 St. Mary Avenue - Winnipeg

204-421-5501 -

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Anita Malbranck

July 27, 2023 at 6:41 PM

Nos condoléances, Steph, Pierre, Justin et vos familles.  May your sweet memories of your dear maman comfort you.  Sincèrement, Anita et Allan Malbranck 

Ken Apostle

July 27, 2023 at 12:18 PM

I am so glad to have known Gisele. My deepest condolences to all the family who meant everything to Gisele. My next walk in Henteleff Park will be in her honour.

Annick Delaquis

July 26, 2023 at 4:50 PM

Toutes nos condoléances à la famille. On pense à vous tous  Annick, Michel et Camille . 

Jill Taylor-Brown

July 25, 2023 at 9:37 AM

My sincere condolences - I knew Gisele  when I worked at St B and through mutual friends ....she was always a joy to be around .... and from the wonderful video I can see that she has passed on her love of life to her family. She will be deeply missed

Joelle Boisvert, Mike Carruthers, Caleb et Rémi xoxo

July 25, 2023 at 8:45 AM

Chers Pierre, Justin, Stéphane et familles,  J’ai eu l’honneur et le privilège de connaitre Gisèle, via ma grande et belle amitié avec Pierre depuis plus de 30 ans. Je garde de beaux souvenirs d’elle, surtout lors d’un voyage ensemble de Winnipeg à Vancouver, avec mes parents (Roland et Yvette Boisvert), lorsque Pierre et moi travaillons pour VIA RAIL.   On se console sachant qu’elle est maintenant réunie avec son fils Martin et de membres de sa famille. Les gars : on vous entoure de beaucoup d’amour et de pensées et on vous aime beaucoup.  Joelle Boisvert et Mike Carruthers et famille. xoxo

Laura Donatelli

July 24, 2023 at 12:49 PM

I was very sorry to hear of Gisèle's death.  Pierre, Justin and Stéphane, you and your families are a wonderful legacy to a special person.  My condolences.

Sonia Feakes

July 24, 2023 at 9:55 AM

We worked for several years in Rehab at St. B.  Gisele was so kind and always so upbeat.  I was saddened to hear of her passing!  Keep smiling Gisele as you had the best most infectious smile! Sonia Feakes

Carole Laurin

July 23, 2023 at 5:58 PM

Cette belle photo de Gisele et son beau sourire évoquent pour moi de beaux souvenirs. Une femme rayonnante, chaleureuse, bon sense de l'humour, acceuillante, et toujours plaisante. Elle possédait une présence contagieuse composée d'une énergie positive et paisible. Mes condoléances les plus sincères a sa chère famille et ses proches.

Sherril Fehr

July 23, 2023 at 5:47 PM

Gisele, I hope you knew how your friends at st.b. admired your kindness,your quiet dignity and your love and complete devotion to your will be missed   Sherril 

Liliane Fargey

July 23, 2023 at 12:35 PM

Sorry for your loss. Condolences to the family. The last time we met was in Henteleff Park. I will always remember her beautiful smile and her kind words. Une cousine..Liliane

Claude et Rose-Marie Robidoux

July 23, 2023 at 12:18 PM

Nos plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille à Gisèle ainsi qu’à toute la famille Delaquis.  Sachez que nos pensées sont avec vous tous dans ses moments difficiles et que les bons souvenirs puissent vous réconforter.


July 22, 2023 at 6:25 PM

Je me souviendrai toujours de Gisèle comme je l'ai connue depuis les 13 dernières années de as vie: pleine de coeur, de joie, et de paix; généreuse et acceuillante.  Tu as ajouté à ma vie Gisèle, et je te souhaite un éternité de bonheur avec ceux que tu as aimées. Atma Namaste Roger F😆

Angela Gyoerick

July 22, 2023 at 5:35 PM

Gisele was one of the first Physiotherapists I worked with as a new Graduate (of another discipline), I will always remember her as respectful, kind and patient.  Sending my warmest thoughts to her entire family. 

Rhéal Delaquis

July 22, 2023 at 5:02 PM

Mes sincères condoléances à tous les membres de familles. Que vos peines soient apaisées par les beaux souvenirs que cousine Gisèle a gravé dans vos cœurs. Avec regret, je ne pourrai être des vôtres pour la célébration de La vie de Gisèle. Vous serez dans mes pensées. 

John Lackey

July 22, 2023 at 4:10 PM

Gisele was a beautiful soul, very kind and present to all. Knowing Gisele helped me become a better human being! Thank you, Gisele 

Marc &Claudette Delaquis

July 22, 2023 at 1:57 PM

❤Nos sincères sympathies à toute la famille.Nous regrettons de pouvoir assister à la célébration de la vie de Gisèle, mais vous serez tous dans nos pensées et prières 

Carla Litke

July 22, 2023 at 11:08 AM

So sorry for the loss of a beautiful human being.  Gisele was gentle and kind.  Condolences to the family.

Gisèle Mousseau

July 21, 2023 at 11:04 PM

Gisèle était une personne spéciale qui avait un cœur ouvert et plein de gratitude. Mes sincères condoléances à toute la famille. Pierre, Justin et Stéphane; votre chère maman sera toujours dans vos cœurs et veillera sur vous et toutes vos familles. Elle restera toujours présente en esprit. Gisèle Mousseau 

Staff of St B Physio

July 21, 2023 at 10:48 PM

Gisele was a gem, so wise and gentle” “Gisele shared her wisdom with all of us; may she rest in peace” “She was amazing, I remember her climbing the Himalayas, I believe for her 50th birthday” “And her sense of humour! So full of quiet, hilarious commentary!” “Very sad news, she always had just the best outlook on life” “A beautiful soul well loved, a beautiful life well lived” “So sad to hear of Gisele’s passing. She was truly one of a kind” “She was the best of us. Always a smile and calming sense about her” “She was the best of us. Always gracious with a kind or uplifting word, yet simultaneously honest and forthright. A lovely soul indeed”

Christian Delaquis

July 21, 2023 at 9:22 PM

Nos plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille, avec nos pensées toutes spéciales pour Pierre, Justin, et Stéphane. Je garde de bons souvenirs de ma cousine Gisèle.  Christian (Delaquis) et Stephan

Ethical Death Care (Death Care Services Inc.) is privately, independently, and locally owned. Shane Neufeld and the original team of Integrity Death Care own and manage this organisation.

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