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George Edenhoffer

Image by Nick Andréka


October 20, 1949 - December 15, 2020

It is with heavy hearts we announce the passing of George Edenhoffer, on December 15, 2020 at the Health Science Centre. 

A private celebration of George's life will take place at a later date. In the meantime George's family kindly requests that all of his friends and relatives take a few minutes to honour his memory by sharing photos, memories, and stories, using the comment section on this page.


Cremation & Life Celebrations

530 St. Mary Avenue - Winnipeg

204-421-5501 -

Memories, Stories and Condolences


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Bianca Taylor

October 28, 2023 at 10:44 PM

George was a close relative of mine. I never knew him too well, but he always gave my sister and I such beautiful gifts for Christmas growing up. He was an electric soul. I wish I knew him better when I had the chance to. 

Kelly Wilwand

April 27, 2021 at 1:20 PM

I’ve know George since 1998 at MTS. We hit it off great from day one. We would talk and laugh so much the back of my head would hurt. No one else could do that. No matter where I would be at Christmas time he would come over for a visit. I’ll miss our conversations together.

Ed Hume

February 17, 2021 at 10:29 PM

I have known George since 1992 when he joined our home Bible study.  Our three daughters Kyla, Janelle, & Arlyn grew up knowing him who they loved dearly and he lived long enough to attend all three of their weddings.  He also took a memorable picture of the 3 of them when they were very young.  George had a very deep connection with the Holy Spirit.  He often brought out deep insights in our Bible study.  We'll always remember walking with George in the March for Jesus in the late 90's a 1 mile course from the Legislative Building to the Forks. He completed every one of them on his own two feet and his two canes.  When finally arriving at the Forks he would raise his canes above his head and would look skyward in victory.  George also didn't mind raising the dust on political issues which challenged God's word.  He went with me (Ed) to share his views on the Redefinition on Marriage with our two local MP's in Ottawa and also presented with me at the Provincial government hearings on Gay Straight Alliance Clubs in schools.  He was a warm, caring, intelligent individual,  with a great sense of humour.  He loved to eat and celebrate life.  George was a great mentor and friend.  I know he is celebrating in heaven right now, I look forward to seeing him there someday.  My condolences to his family and friends.   Warmly, Karen & Ed  

Suzan Bays

January 31, 2021 at 8:54 PM

I miss George. Truly, to be with the Lord is a wonderful thing. But we, back here in this world, miss George greatly. One day we will get to see him again. I’ve attended The King’s Fellowship with George for many years. He was so witty and sharp - He always made me laugh. (We would tease each other about being late). He taught me to pronounce Hungarian words (our cultural background), as we had coffee after the services. There’d be conversations about music, politics, work, evangelism, gardening, integrity, honour. He knew about many many things. There was always joking, and laughter. He worked at staying strong, healthy. He understood about nutrition (and yes- he loved good food!). He always kindly listened, and then speak the good answer - something clear and wise. God Bless you George! Thank you for how much you blessed us in the time you were here.  Suzan Bays

Mark Seburn

January 27, 2021 at 8:33 PM

I Am so happy to have know George as a freind as a brother  and as a fellow worshipper of Jesus.  He taught me what perseverance is all about. I will miss that wry smile and that mischievous twinkle in his eyes. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord !


January 16, 2021 at 4:21 PM

Gyuri (George’s nickname) enjoyed going on long road trips with me in California and Oregon. Sometimes I took the wrong exit and we were on a detour. Gyuri would have a big smile on his face, pull out his camera from his bag, and we were on an adventure. He liked detours. We joked about how the English expression “being lost” did not describe what we were experiencing. We were not lost. We were just somewhere else for a while. So Gyuri, until we meet again, somewhere else, you are in my heart forever.

Sue Gordon

January 14, 2021 at 2:00 PM

Every Sunday over the last 26 years I had become used to seeing George sitting in his regular seat, standing with arms outstretched ( when he could ) while worshipping the Lord, once in a while shouting out a comment, and voraciously eating lunch after the congregational meeting time. He was so much a part of life at Kings, entering into every aspect. His hair greyed, his body became a little thinner, he didn’t move around as much but his love for the Lord and people stayed strong and true.   I was continually amazed at George’s zest for life. His enthusiasm for and dedication in doing everyday things like gardening, photography, meeting and eating with friends, attending events in many churches and groups put many of us more able bodied people to shame. His joy in life brought others joy as well. His lack of bitterness, judgement and anger over life circumstances affected me profoundly. George’s life wasn’t small. His impact wasn’t small. He was a man who lived large. I’ll miss this man and look forward to seeing him again in heaven one day. I know he’ll laugh when he sees all of us! 

Brigitte Bereznay Taylor

January 11, 2021 at 6:32 AM

I am his first cousin.  This was an very beautiful tribute .Peter. I wish I had spent more time with George. I met him while i was in boarding school in Winnipeg and spent a few occasions visiting the family, and worked at their camera shop as my first job. At that time George was very busy with photography, his hobby.  Once I moved out west, I lost touch with George, but he always remember my girls at Christmas.  He was so generous and thoughtful.  We called him GeorgiePorgie.  As Peter mentioned he always had a smile and a joke for us at our family gatherings.  No doubt he is with my Mother and his Father, up in Heaven enjoying laughter and dancing.  Eternal life. We were blessed to have them in our lives. Love  lives on.  That is all there is and it never ends.

Nicole Shimonek

January 10, 2021 at 4:24 PM

This is a beautiful tribute. I attended the Kings Fellowship with George. Outside of church we had some nice visits together sharing a love for Jesus and creative practice. He made me really good coffee when he worked at MTS. I was always glad and comforted to run into him by "chance". 

Erin Bereznay

January 7, 2021 at 2:45 PM

Our family will really miss George. He was my husband's cousin and he was a huge presence at family dinners and celebrations. My side of the family got to know him well and we all loved him. He never forgot our daughters’ birthdays and gave the most special gifts to them but the greatest gift was in knowing him and enjoying his fun personality and seeing him overcome so many challenges with such a joyful heart. We are thankful to have had him in our lives. ❤


January 7, 2021 at 12:49 PM

I am George’s first cousin. My earliest recollection was at age 5 playing with his canes at family functions while he just laughed at me He did not have an easy life, but was an amazing soul and took on his challenges. He had a great sense of humour and I truly admired how he persevered in life and looked forward to seeing him at any event the family had. .  I am sure there are many people that have great stories and not enough space/time to relay them all...I am glad to see how loved he was and how many friends he had.     I would like to give a special thank you to my sister in law’s family “the Kelly’s” who really treated George like family. They are extremely special and I hold them all dear to my heart.   Victoria Delveaux (Bereznay)❤

Kathy McCamis

January 6, 2021 at 8:31 PM

I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to get to know George. Through House Blend Ministries we shared potluck suppers one evening a week for several years. I will remember George as a patient listener, and a person of genuine compassion and grace. I will miss seeing his eyes light up when he encountered someone he knew, and the twinkle in his eyes as he delivered a punch line.

Don Dyck

January 6, 2021 at 7:55 PM

I will miss George!  He and I had a delight in life despite his handicap or maybe because of it.  He loved deep conversations and I discovered his compassion when in the summer of 2019 after church at Elim chapel, he asked howI was doing?  I said that I was sad and he was most anxious to know why.  As I talked to him of my loss of my dear wife, Gloria, tears were forming and he reached out in true sympathy.  I will miss George!

Sharon Mooney

January 6, 2021 at 3:01 PM

I had coffee with George at the Forks most Wednesdays and it was always a joy to see his smile and hear his mischievous laugh. He seemed to know everyone, and was a friend to all. I will miss him. The Forks will never seem the same.

Lindsay Ward

January 5, 2021 at 9:40 PM

We met George about 25 years ago during a time of a charismatic renewal that was happening in Winnipeg known as Prairie Fire.  George at the time was attending a small church called King’s Fellowship in Osborne Village, yes the same fellowship now located next door St. Ben’s.   George loved Jesus and the various  ministries and Church expressions across the City.  He was a Board member of Living Bible Explorers, a ministry that worked with inner city youth in the North End for over 15 years.   For  all of George’s physical challenges, he had a deep faith in Christ that carried him through life and into the presence of Jesus.  Praise God. Amen Lois and Lindsay Ward

Pat Mowat

January 5, 2021 at 6:23 PM

I met George at saint benedict’s table. We often chatted with him at the St. Norbert’s Farmers Market. He had a infectious love for life and always was happy to pray for concerns and excited when I shared an answer to prayer with him.  He is missed. 

Murray and Audrey Krushel

January 5, 2021 at 5:45 PM

George will be missed. He was always welcoming whether it was in church or out and about in the city. He had a generous spirit. When I served George communion, we always made eye contact and he always said thank you. When we return to in person church services, we will wait expectantly to hear George's entry, the unique tap of his cane and then him settling  into his pew. There will definitely be a gap without George.

Inga Skundberg

January 5, 2021 at 11:34 AM

I didn’t know George other than seeing him at church a few times but we did exchange greetings sometimes afterwards. He was always so cheery & always wore his beautiful smile. I once shared a handi-transit ride with him while accompanying my Mom somewhere several years ago & of course, he greeted my Mom & I in his usual cheery fashion when entering the vehicle even though he had never met Mom & wouldn’t have known who I was.  From the little I know of George, I knew he was an incredible person, and I was saddened & shocked to learn he passed on. A special Angel of God whose presence will be especially missed when church resumes in-person. I am keeping George’s family in my prayers.

Jamie Howison

January 5, 2021 at 9:40 AM

A joyous character in so many ways, it was always a delight to see George coming through the church doors on Sunday evenings, full of light and life no matter what he might have faced that week. He is missed. 

Rachel Twigg

January 5, 2021 at 8:41 AM

What a privilege it was to know George!  I loved the twinkle that would appear in his eye just before he delivered a hilarious zinger and his laugh when he found something funny.  He was a good friend who took his faith and by extension his responsibility to make our world a better place seriously.  He will be missed. My deepest condolences to his family and all who loved him. 

Ethical Death Care (Death Care Services Inc.) is privately, independently, and locally owned. Shane Neufeld and the original team of Integrity Death Care own and manage this organisation.

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