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Vivian Free

Image by Nick Andréka


October 11, 1929 – January 2, 2020

Our beloved mother passed away on January 2, 2020 in the Victoria General Hospital after being diagnosed with cancer just two months earlier. Our family was fortunate to have celebrated Mom’s 90th birthday with a beautiful dinner and evening at the Canoe Club just three weeks before her being hospitalized.


Vivian was predeceased by husbands James McLeish and Daniel Free.  She is the loving and devoted mother of Penny Gibson (Roy), Ronald McLeish (Gina) and Jackelyn Caine (Doug). Much loved Grandmother of Amanda Dotoli (Martino), Travis, Conor and Cody Gibson, Ben, Matt, Johnny and Katherine Caine and Lori and Jenna (McLeish) as well as 7 great grandchildren, Jackson, Spencer and Luca Dotoli, Brady Gibson, Taylor and Jacob Berube and Camilla McLeish.


Our Mom was the strongest woman we’ve ever met.  Her life was a roller coaster taking her through many struggles and tragedies but also great joy and happiness.

Vivian married James (Jim) McLeish in Brandon. Their 1st born, Wendy died at 6 months.  Then in 1951 their 2nd child, Penny was born.  Just 2 short years later, Jim was struck with polio during the epidemic and was air lifted to Winnipeg.  Now, Winnipeg would be their home.  Mum was pregnant with Ron at the time and he was born a few months later.  In 1965 Vivian married Daniel Free and Jackie was born in 1966.


Vivian was Manager of the Eaton’s Grill Room for many years and after retirement continued to get together with the Eaton’s group for monthly lunches.


Vivian and Dan spent many happy years wintering in Mesa, Arizona.  Summers were spent at their cottage at Winnipeg Beach.  These were very happy years with family and friends. 

In 2014 the Canoe Club became mom’s home.  She loved living at the Canoe Club and the many friends she made there.


Mum loved chocolate, entertaining, fashion, jewellery, traveling, re-arranging furniture, garage sales (especially being cashier Lol), bingo, her friends, ice cream, word search, the cottage, the Canoe Club, social gatherings, curling, her family and pink popcorn.

The family thanks Bill Bawden, a devoted friend who was always there for mom and the many friends who visited mom and sent their well wishes.


Friends and relatives are encouraged to share in a memories, stories, and condolences for the family by using the comment section on this page.


In accordance with Mom’s wishes, cremation has taken place and no formal service will be held.

“The world changes from year to year, our lives from day to day, but the love and memory of you, shall never pass away.”


Cremation & Life Celebrations

530 St. Mary Avenue - Winnipeg

204-421-5501 -

Memories, Stories and Condolences


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March 17, 2021 at 11:34 AM

Jackie - I know this is late in the day, but I came across news of your Mom's passing just now & wanted to say that I am sorry for you with respect to your loss. While I didn't know your Mom really well, I did know her to be a warm person with a great sense of humour. I hope you & your family are well. DS

Dan Warrener

May 12, 2020 at 2:35 PM

Vivian married my uncle Dan Free and I only met her a few times in Winnipeg when I was going to Brandon University 1965 to 1968. There was a family reunion in Baldur ( my home town) in 1982 and I believe that was the last time I saw Vivian. We had the same Grandma Free ( your dads mom) but you would not remember her Jackie as she passed away in 1967. I am named after your dad. My late condolences . Dan Warrener. Chatham, Ontario 


March 15, 2020 at 10:14 PM

My father is at the Canoe club, was a physician caring for those affected by the polio epidemic, and Manitoba speed skating president for more than a decade. We talked fondly  about Ron today and then I searched and found this information about your amazing mother. Marianne C 

Bernice Heinrichs

January 14, 2020 at 10:17 AM

I was so sorry to read of Vivian's passing.    I met Vivian and Dan when they were my neighbours at Mesa Dunes in Mesa, Az.   I remember Vivian having these beautiful dinner parties in the tiny mobile home and she did it so effortlessly.   And yes, she did love patio sales and often found great bargains.  Rest in Peace Vivian.

Arla Cleghorn

January 13, 2020 at 2:49 PM

Condolences to the family, on behalf of my parents, Don & Berna Cleghorn 

Arla Cleghorn

January 13, 2020 at 2:47 PM

 I have so many memories of hanging out at the Free household with Jackie, while our parents visited.  I was lucky to enjoy many childhood sleepovers on Brock Street with Jackie's mom putting up with a lot of giggling into the night.  Vivian was always a lot of fun to be around.  The Free family will always hold a special place in my heart.   From, Arla Cleghorn


January 13, 2020 at 11:39 AM

Vivian was a wonderful person, and we miss her dearly.  I feel fortunate to have had the pleasure of getting to know her over the past 5 years while she resided at the Canoe Club.  Vivian was proud of her family, she spoke of them all quite often.  Thank you for your kindness, guidance and generosity Vivian.  I love you and will keep you in my heart.

Brenda Valerie Gibson

January 12, 2020 at 11:29 AM

It seems like I have known Vivian forever; meeting her when Penny and my brother Roy were courting. She was so gregarious and loved spending time with her friends. Her calendar was always filled with events and luncheons to go to. She cherished her family and had an abundance of time and generosity for them. She was so good to my Mom, often inviting her to the cottage until I bought at Wpg Beach also and then we both enjoyed the wonderful dinners we were invited to. She was a great cook and hostess! She will be sadly missed by me and family and friends who enjoyed her company. My condolences to all the family for their loss.❤ Love from Brenda Hornsby

Brenda Valerie Gibson

January 12, 2020 at 10:25 AM

It seems like I have known Vivian for ages; meeting her when Penny and my brother Roy were courting. She was so gregarious & loved spending time with her friends. Her calendar was always filled with events or luncheons. She cherished her family & had an abundance of time and generosity for them. She was so good to my Mom inviting her to the cottage until I also bought at Wpg Beach & then we enjoyed the wonderful dinners we were invited to. She was a great cook and hostess! She will be sadly missed by me and all the family and friends who enjoyed her company. My condolences to her family on their loss. Brenda Hornsby ❤

Bob Giasson

January 11, 2020 at 12:41 PM

Vivian had the gift to make you comfortable and a joy to be with her and able to discuss all kinds of issues, whether they be about food, politics or the Canoe Club.  She was there for my wife Monica when she lost her mother a few years ago.  They have this special bond.  Your Mom helped her Wii Bowling team this year by winning the first half season trophy.  She is really missed by her teammates and are continuing to win each Friday since Vivian passed.  She will always be in our hearts forever and we offer to the family our sincerest condolences.  She is now pain free and in peace.  Love, Bob & Monica Giasson ❤

Nella and family

January 10, 2020 at 10:21 PM

Our condolences to the family.  We are very fortunate to have met Vivian, one classy lady! 

Bonnie Kocsis

January 9, 2020 at 10:03 AM

Your mom was truly an amazing woman.  She was welcoming and caring to so many opening her home to us for lots of great weekends with “the girls” at the lake.  She always had a sparkle in her eye and a mischievous grin.  Great lady.   Bill/Bonnie Kocsis

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