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Edna Gretsinger

Image by Nick Andréka



April 23, 1932 - November 22, 2020

It is with great sadness that the family announce the passing of Edna Gretsinger on November 22, 2020.

Edna was predeceased by her beloved husband, Lorne; their infant children, Lorne, Edna, John, and Sara; and her parents, Gudlauger and Beatrice Magnusson.

She and Lorne started their married life in Pine Falls, Manitoba and went on to live and work in numerous places around the world before returning to Winnipeg where they bolstered their roles as favourite aunt and uncle. When they became great-aunt and uncle, stories from living abroad became legendary within the family. At the time of Edna’s passing, she was a cherished great-great-aunt. She leaves loving memories with those who knew her and will be missed.


Edna’s family kindly requests that all of her friends and relatives take a few minutes to honour her memory by watching the photo-biography above. They also encourage the sharing of photos, memories, and stories by making use of the comment section on this page.

As per her wishes, we will celebrate her life (post Covid restrictions) in the manner she would have chosen. We will meet with words not of sadness, but of adventures shared, people missed, and family loved.


Cremation & Life Celebrations

530 St. Mary Avenue - Winnipeg

204-421-5501 -

Memories, Stories and Condolences


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John Northcut

April 20, 2022 at 10:40 AM

Could the family of Mrs. Gretsinger please contact me.

Gail Chipman

January 17, 2021 at 6:29 PM

My Cousin Edna and her husband Lorne were much loved by myself and my family. We followed their travels eagerly, and enjoyed their many tales later when we visited them at their home whenever we were in Winnipeg. They were so kind, always welcoming us with open arms. I remember one visit when our daughter Megan and her first child came with us. Megan and her family were then living in North Dakota. Ashley was just starting to walk, and she was a big hit with Edna and Lorne!  Over the years, we stopped in for visits and to catch up on their news. Lorne was much missed after his illness and passing. We would take Edna to a meal at the local pancake place! It is hard to know that these sweet visits are over, but we are buoyed by the joy that Edna and Lorne had such great adventures together!  Gail Martin Chipman ❤

Dwight Moore

January 7, 2021 at 11:06 PM

A special get together when Grace Moore and son, Dwight, travelled to Manitoba from BC in 2010.  We went to Edna’s favorite restaurant in St. Boniface and visited Edna a couple of days.  We kept in touch with Edna with long distance phone calls, cards and letters in recent years.  

Dwight Moore

January 7, 2021 at 11:05 PM

Cousins: Grace, Edna and Wilma the year Grace stayed the year at Magnusson’s during her Grade 10 year at Pine Falls.

Dwight Moore

January 7, 2021 at 11:04 PM

Edna feeding cousin, Grace’s pet deer at Helgason’s near Arnes, MB.  As the deer grew up it wore a leather collar with a bell so hunters would not shoot it. 

Dwight Moore

January 7, 2021 at 11:02 PM

Edna and my mother (Grace Moore née Helgason) are first cousins, their mothers being O’Hare sisters from Arnes, MB. They were very close knit families with Wilma spending an elementary school year with Grace’s family near Arnes, and Grace spending her Grade 10 year with Edna’s family in Pine Falls. My parents, Richard and Grace Moore were always close friends with Edna and Lorne. We regularly heard news of their world travels and spent time together whenever they returned to Canada.  In 1974 Edna and Lorne received the invitation to my wedding at Chilliwack, BC while they were wrapping up loose ends in Thailand.  Always full of fun and so generous, they realized they would be landing in Vancouver just in time for our wedding, but kept that a complete surprise.  The morning of our wedding we could hardly believe our eyes when they pulled into our driveway in BC, both grinning like the Cheshire cat!  That was quite the family reunion as my Amma and Afi Helgason (Edna’s Aunt Teenie) and my family were all in Chilliwack for the wedding. Edna and Lorne called Vancouver home for a while and got to know my wife then. What wonderful hosts they both were! Left to right: Edna and Wilma Magnusson with cousins, Grace and Laurie Helgason near Arnes about the time Wilma stayed with the Helgason family for one school year.

Mark Moore

January 5, 2021 at 1:22 PM

Edna and my mother (Grace Moore née Helgason) are first cousins, so my brothers and sister and I saw Lorne and Edna often as we were growing up. Edna and Lorne trusted our family to take care of their beloved Labrador, Leroy, when they embarked on their world travels. In 2013 my brother Dwight and I accompanied Mom on a tour of her friends and family and friends in Saskatchewan and Manitoba and we had lovely visit with Edna. I am glad that Mom had that chance to see her while they both had the health to enjoy themselves. We were sad to hear of Edna's illness and passing, and I am sure I speak for all of our family in extending our sincere condolences to all Edna's family and friends. ❤

Christine Vieweg

December 8, 2020 at 4:44 PM

I didn't know Edna for a long time but knowing her was a blast. She had a great sense of humor. Playing cards and Mahjong with her could be an adventure. I could count on her coming up with a comment or 2 (or more) that would make me laugh. She was also so very kind and a good listener.  My condolences to her family.

Lorne Gretsinger

December 1, 2020 at 10:41 AM

From my youth, I remember how Edna and Lorne were larger than life.  Their international escapades had me thinking they were like James Bond characters.  As an adult, I have profound appreciation for what they built in the world.  I remember hearing stories of the Gambia, Thailand, Bolivia and other placements in such awe.  When they came home, they shared their unique spirit - card games, love of animals (especially Percy the cat who Edna rescued from the ravine across the road).    I fondly remember their time in St. Catharines and am mad that I did not get to see Edna in recent years since Lorne passed. Thank you Alexis and family for taking such constant daily care for Edna.

Diana Cruise

November 28, 2020 at 6:59 PM

In the almost 14 years of life at our Stonecrest condo, Edna has been a treasured thread in the fabric of our community.  We will remember the many hours we spent playing Mahjongg, canasta and bridge as well as the many potlucks and time spent making art together.


November 28, 2020 at 6:40 PM

Playing chess with Edna in summer 2017. She made short work of me. Ever since I was a kid I was inspired by the stories of her and Lorne’s adventures across the globe - particularly their time in California and I thought of them often there. I’m going to miss her dry wit and wry smile from across the table during dinners in Winnipeg. 

Alanna De Luca

November 28, 2020 at 6:36 PM

So many wonderful childhood memories of Edna at my Auntie Alexis and Uncle Tony’s home and with my grandparents! Edna always had such a warm spirit and welcoming nature. She’d always surprise me and make me giggle with a clever comment or joke! I feel so fortunate to have had her at my wedding last December. She will be missed. ❤️ - Alanna De Luca

Lise Hall

November 28, 2020 at 12:07 PM

We had many cerished moments with Aunt Edna.   Seeing her after travels to exotic countries.  Kathy and I had the pleasure of going to see them in Bolivia.  We travelled all over the country.  She was always gracious and kind.  We played alot of cards over the years.  She laughed alot and always loved her fur babies taking in strays in Bolivia.  She loved to dance.  We love you and will miss you dearly.

Gary DeLuca

November 28, 2020 at 10:00 AM

Edna was my mother's younger sister. I was lucky enough to share two wonderful things in life with her. She always instilled in me the importance of literacy and reading as well as a good game of Scrabble. We also both loved a good black cup of Earl Grey tea many times it was over there for a cup of tea and the game of Scrabble and although we hadn't gotten together for a while it is sad to know those games won't continue but I do have happy memories of always being over there on cold winter afternoons playing Scrabble and just talking about life in general. She will be sadly missed. Gary DeLuca

Shirley Neal

November 28, 2020 at 9:39 AM

Please accept my sincere condolences. Edna was such an interesting and smart lady. We had many good bridge games with her. She will be missed.  * with sympathy in this time of sadness *  She will be missed at Stonecrest ❤ Sincerely, Shirley Neal 


November 28, 2020 at 9:33 AM

Aunt Edna was always welcoming.  Visiting with her was a cherished time. She showed Guy and I all the good things about Winnipeg.  Despite having lived all over the world it was clear that was home for her.  Always a proud prairie girl! I found it so interesting to hear stories of the inspirational travels that were part of Aunt Edna and Uncle Lorne’s adventures. It was so very obvious that the two of them were soul mates.  In tribute, my husband and I chose to honor them by choosing our wedding day to coincide with theirs (June 27). Be at peace Aunt Edna!

Dorianne Bristow Lafontaine

November 27, 2020 at 9:49 PM

Our condolences to the whole family. I remember meeting and getting to know Edna in Bangkok whe I was visiting my Mom and Dad, Sig and Rudy. She and Lorne were also very good to me when they moved back to Canada. I loved visiting them in St, Catherine's. Dad sends his condolences along with ours. With love from Dorianne and Val, Jen an Chris, and Rudy

Sharon brown

November 27, 2020 at 7:14 PM

Memories from Stonecrest. Very couple of months 4 of us would go to Perkins on a Monday night. This was free pie night.  We would all order from the seniors menu - Edna always had the liver and onions. Edna was not a dessert eater but would take her pie home as she would say “ I think Tony would enjoy this”  she had a soft spot in her heart for you Tony. A couple times a year 3 of us would go to the casino to play the slots. Edna preferred Regent casino. We agreed that whoever won would buy lunch - this meant cheese burgers and fries at McDonalds. Edna alway won and had to treat us to lunch. Edna would entertain us with her stories of her and Lorens travels. She had so many amazing memories of these. Edna was an avid bridge player. She would always play her hand according to Goren. Edna would try to walk to Walmart every day , weather dependent . Periodically she could be seen bringing home a burger from the McDonalds . This pandemic put an end to that and Edna became sheltered in her condo . Did not see much of Edna after that. We will miss you Edna. From sharon at Stonecrest 

Lise Hall

November 27, 2020 at 4:22 PM

We always looked forward to their homecomings to Canada.  We loved the presents from other countries including the Thai thumb locks which no one could grt out of.  They were always laughing.  Kathy and I had the privilege of going to visit them in Bolivia.  They took us all over the country including La Pas, Lima, cochabomba.  The markets in all of the places we went.  We would visit them frquently in St Catherines when they lived there.  Watching the boat racing on the river.  Seeing them was always a treaured memory.  We will miss you Aunt Edna love you forever  until we meet again.  


November 27, 2020 at 4:01 PM

Story time. Hearing about an adventure in Peru, The Gambia or Thailand. 


November 27, 2020 at 3:57 PM

Edna closing her eyes trying the old, ‘if I can’t see you, you can’t see me technique’ when caught double fisting two glasses of wine. 


November 27, 2020 at 3:56 PM

With the beautiful bride


November 27, 2020 at 3:50 PM

Alanna & Arwin’s wedding Dec 27, 2019

Susan Krepart

November 27, 2020 at 3:37 PM

Since joining this family over 20 years ago, I will always remember Edna fondly. The first thing that comes to mind is gatherings at her and Lorne’s in Linden Woods. So much love in that house and I could feel how much she loved a crowd there. She was always the one who would allow for a sassy comment or two from me and would join in from time to time, though away from everyone else. When her beloved Lorne got sick I was struck with what an ardent advocate she was for him and for the never failing care she gave. Always by his side. Always. Through both of my pregnancies she was such a strong supporter of me. Always listening to my (many) complaints with patience and offering gentle advice. One time I fell down a couple of stairs and it was her who urged me to just go in for piece of mind. I’ll never forget her putting her hand on my belly and the look in her eyes when she said it. Those beautiful expressive eyes. She compelled me. I listened. (Everything was fine.) She gave me Lorne’s old chair and I nursed both kids in it and it became my favourite spot in the house. As she got older and a bit more quiet, it was a nice to sit beside her and gossip or prattle on about things at family gatherings. She was an amazing great aunt to my husband and I , and another grandmother figure as great great aunt to my two children. I will miss her box of chocolates every Christmas and the bottle of wine she always brought. Never failed with those. She was such a warm and gentle souls full of stories of adventure that beguiled her years. I feel comfort in the fact that she is reunited with her soulmate Lorne and their precious babies, looking down on and wishing the best for us all. What a rich and wonderful life she had, and how lucky are we who were fortunate enough to know her. RIP, Edna. I love you.

Geraldine (Gerry) Vannier

November 27, 2020 at 2:55 PM

I will forever miss our weekly telephone visits, sister-in-law.  We had some pretty good times together, and some sad ones.  My earliest memory of you was you and Wilma walking to school together and later you both playing in the band under my father's direction.  I wonder if anyone else remembers you that far back.  I was so glad Alexis was there with you as it was impossible for me to be there with you.  Love, Geraldine (Gerry).❤

Ethical Death Care (Death Care Services Inc.) is privately, independently, and locally owned. Shane Neufeld and the original team of Integrity Death Care own and manage this organisation.

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