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John Kruizenga

Image by Nick Andréka

KRUZENGA, John - Web Obit Photo.jpg

March 22, 1934 - August 21, 2022

On a radiant Sunday afternoon our beloved and steadfast father, grandfather (Pake), and great-grandfather (Oerpake), took his leave of this temporal world to be received into the infinite mystery of the hereafter.

Our grief is tempered by humble gratitude for the preceding weeks that Dad was able to bask in the loving embrace, joy, and inestimable richness of deep communion with family, friends, and all creatures great and small. We are comforted by the wonder of this tender mercy granted him.

He leaves to mourn his passing five surviving children, Leonard (Jennifer), Herbert (Laurie), Peter, Karen (Garry), and Kenneth (Paula); grandchildren, Michelle (Troy), Laura (Jeff), Tate (Heather), Spence, Lanza (Amy), Helio (Mia), and Anthony; great-grandchildren, Luca, Maximus, Aiden, and Cole, as well as his surviving siblings, in-laws, nephews, nieces and friends.

Dad was predeceased by his beloved wife Bertha (née deJong) in 2007, youngest son Robbie in 1970, and great-granddaughter Ava in 2011.

The eldest of eight children, at 17 he emigrated from Friesland (Holland) to Canada in 1951 with his parents and siblings, and dutifully worked to establish the family.

In 1955 Dad married the love of his life to begin his own family. When Mom became seriously ill in 1996 he tended to her with unflinching devotion, love and tenderness for over a decade, ensuring she lived out her remaining years in dignity, peace and the assurance of his loving proximity. 

Throughout his life as a husband and father, Dad possessed a relentless work ethic and accepted his responsibilities as a provider with pride and resolve, qualities first acquired working as a young farmhand near Carmen, Manitoba where his family first lived in Canada.

He joyfully embraced his role as Pake taking great pride in the accomplishments and aspirations of his grandchildren and forged deeply personal and independent relationships with each one of them. They cherished his attentiveness and returned his kindness and devotion to them with their own fierce admiration, profound love and deep respect for him.

Complex, forceful and highly opinionated, Dad was seldom encumbered by prevailing conventions or orthodoxies. His sharp intelligence, independence of thought and unshakeable convictions often posed significant challenges for those unaccustomed with such candour. However, he rewarded those brave, curious and resilient enough to negotiate whatever paradoxes they might encounter in him with his earnest affection, deep sensitivity and unflagging loyalty.

Throughout his life Dad summoned his emotional, intellectual and spiritual sustenance from family, friends, classical music, literature, language, poetry, the exploration of his own spirituality and appreciation for the wonders offered by the natural and animal world. He remained surprisingly robust until the end and enjoyed reaching out to his surviving siblings, extended family, contemporaries and friends to provide whatever moral comfort and assistance they might require.

We kindly request that all of his friends and relatives take a few minutes to honour his memory by sharing photos, memories, and stories, using the comment section on this page.

A memorial service will be held at 1:00 pm on September 29, 2022 at Covenant Christian Reformed Church, 653 Knowles Avenue, Winnipeg, MB

In lieu of flowers donations to PETA or the Winnipeg Humane Society ― causes near and dear to Dad’s heart ― would be appreciated.

 “Blessed be the covenant of love

between what is hidden and what is revealed.”

~Leonard Cohen, Book of Mercy


Cremation & Life Celebrations

530 St. Mary Avenue - Winnipeg

204-421-5501 -

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August 20, 2024 at 10:30 AM


Elaine Segstro

September 28, 2022 at 12:55 PM

We have many special memories of John.  I so enjoyed accompanying the MOB (Men of Breakfast) when John was conducting.  He was always appreciative of my playing and was very encouraging.  John had high regard and respect for my father, which meant a lot to him and to me.  We offer sincere condolences to the family. - Elaine (and Ed) Segstro

Gerrit Boonstra

August 29, 2022 at 6:32 PM

The first time my brother Bill and I met John (Jan) Kruizenga was on April 4 or 5, 1952 in the little village of Homewood, Manitoba. The Kruizenga family had arrived in Canada one or two years before the Boonstra family, and for that summer at least we were close neighbors. John was almost instantly likable, an extrovert who reached out to people. By the time winter came along in 1952 we lost track of the Kruizenga family, as Homewood became something in the past for both families. It was not until the late 1990's or early 2000's that we reconnected again. My wife Eileen and I had moved to Garson, MB while John and Bertha had moved into the R.M. of Brokenhead. One day, by chance, I saw John and Bertha at the Garson Grocery where we ended up talking about old times, since leaving Homewood, and all the things that had happened to us in the intervening years. He was such an easy person to listen to, for he also had great knowledge about many different subjects. Even though he moved to Winnipeg, we did get to talk to each other occasionally. These were the types of conversations I still treasure to this very day. Just like John, I too am eighty-eight years old. On behalf of my brother Bill and I, we extend our sincere condolences to  the family. Gerrit Boonstra 

gerta dejong

August 27, 2022 at 2:15 PM

My sincerest condolences to everyone.  A beautiful tribute to your Dad, Pake and Super Pake.   A memory that stands out for me is when John would come by 533 St. Anne's Rd to practice playing on the pump organ.  He would come by after work and when Bertha called that supper was he would go. I know that Beppe de Jong enjoyed these times immensely. At that time, they lived on Rose Ave,  across the street from the de Jong residence❤ - Gerta

Ethical Death Care (Death Care Services Inc.) is privately, independently, and locally owned. Shane Neufeld and the original team of Integrity Death Care own and manage this organisation.

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