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Tim Marceniuk

Image by Nick Andréka


1953 - 2023

Tim went home to be with the Lord after a massive heart attack at home on his deck, on June 23.


Left behind, but looking forward to seeing him one day, is his wife of 42 years Theresa; children, Gerry, Neil, Phil, and Anne Marie; and sisters, Pat (Emile) Proulx and Melody (Greg) De Groot.


After graduating from Tech Voc in Winnipeg, he went into printing, and eventually transitioned into a child care career at Marymound and Seven Oaks Youth Centre.


Tim was an easy going, laid back, and soft-spoken guy with a great sense of humour (puns were his specialty) which worked well with the troubled youth.


Tim tired of shift work and started taking computer courses, which opened a door as a programmer for the Manitoba Government. He worked there for 30 years and retired in 2018.


Tim had different hobbies over the years including photography, scuba diving, playing pool, and geocaching. But his passion was playing his guitar. He was self taught as a teenager, and after becoming a Christian, dedicated his talent for the Lord.


He was involved in prison ministry for many years including Manitoba Youth Center, Stony Mountain Institution, and Headingley Jail. He would sing, give his testimony, and encourage the guys that it was not too late to change with God's help.


He was also very involved in church with worship teams, choir, and homegroup. He also regularly volunteered at Siloam Mission.


During retirement he enjoyed his crossword puzzles and travelling especially the winter getaways to Mexico with Theresa.


The memorial service will be held at 1:00pm on Friday, June 30 at Church of the Rock (1397 Buffalo Place).


His legacy will live on through his family and friends.


Trust in the Lord with all your heart

and lean not your own understanding;

in all your ways submit to him,

and he will make your path straight.

~Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)


Tim’s family kindly requests that all of his friends and relatives take a few minutes to honour his memory by watching the photo-biography above. Please, also consider sharing your own photos, memories, and stories by making use of the comment section on this page.


Cremation & Life Celebrations

530 St. Mary Avenue - Winnipeg

204-421-5501 -

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Tom Coolen

July 10, 2023 at 1:17 PM

Sorry to hear of your loss Theresa, your husband sounds like a wonderful man and enjoyed a good family life. Left us all to soon. If you ever head over to Alberta please give us a call. Love Tom


July 5, 2023 at 8:47 PM

As I sit here watching this video, reading his obituary, and the comments, I am reflecting on the kind of man Tim was. He and Theresa have become like an extended part of my family.  Tim was known for his puns, always trying desperately to land the punch line…but it often fell on deaf ears…or groans. Lol! Though he always found them quite hilarious and always laughed at his own punchline. He was the first man I ever saw get tangled in a metal measuring tape, and walk it off like nothing happened…he simply looked around and said “what?!” He was hilarious! My dad had told me about the times they would go play pool to recapture their youth as pool sharks….and wound up making trick shots at the pool because as pool sharks age…they become Grandpa sharks. Lol!  Above all the hilarious and funny times, Tim had a soft genuine heart. He was honestly one of the kindest, sweetest people I have ever met.  As believers we are called to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. To aim to be like Him. That was Tim. Jesus had a heart for the broken, the down trodden, the people that no one else wanted. That was Tim. He had a huge heart for the lost, the broken, and the ones people cast off as not good enough. Tim was seen playing his guitar and singing for the homeless, and the rejected. His passion for the prison ministry was fuelled by his desire to just see people come to Christ to be set free. He was so compassionate and soft hearted.  Time was an inspiration, a role model, and a true friend. I’m going to miss him!  Theresa and fam, I am devastated for your loss. I am so sorry you are going through this. Tim was so loved by so many, and I hope you find comfort in the warm embrace of your Heavenly Father. 

Patrick Kroeker

July 5, 2023 at 3:03 PM

For those of you who don’t know I was in foster care from ages 4-8. This was the Dad in my life during that time. He was an amazing man. Those formidable years were guided by this man. I didn’t know it at the time but he is one of the biggest reasons that I turned out the way that I did. He was a strong force in my path. He helped to teach me on so many things, most of which I don’t remember, but his influence cannot be underestimated. He was so loving, even to a child that wasn’t his own.  Over the last 27 years I have kept in touch with Tim and Teresa. They were always so happy to see me and my family. And they were always celebrating the things I did in my life. Although I haven’t seen them in the last few years, I always knew that they were praying for my family and I. He was such a strong man of faith.  As I sat at the Funeral on Friday and listened to the stories I was so glad that he was was my dad for those years. He was the Dad I needed and I wouldn’t be where I am today without him. I believe that sometimes people are there for a time in our lives when we need them, and when that time is over we move on.  Teresa told me the he was so proud of me. And that means the world to me.  He was the man with the second biggest influence in my life, and he was the one who put me in the right track I miss you Tim. Thank you for all you did for me.


July 1, 2023 at 9:42 AM

So sorry to hear of your loss. What a great way to have lived and exampled his life in service for the King!  Praying for God’s peace, comfort and strength to surround your family along this difficult journey. We hold on to the hope we have in Jesus knowing we will all be celebrating together one day! With love and prayers, Randy and Carla Redmann

Katie Hackett

June 30, 2023 at 1:36 PM

Sending my thoughts and prayers to your family. Tim was a kind and gentle soul and his love will live on through his family. Sending my love to Aunt Theresa and my cousins. 


June 30, 2023 at 11:42 AM

Even though I only knew Tim briefly, when ever we met in the church lobby he was always cheerful and friendly..someone you were instantly comfortable to chat with. Tim truly was a joy-filled ray of light.  My husband Len said Tim was always a kind, welcoming-type of fellow.  Our sympathies to Theresa ❤and all the family.    Tim, we will be dancing to your music again in heaven some day!

Janice Harding

June 29, 2023 at 10:21 PM

I worked with Tim for Province Of Manitoba, I will remember his gentle personality and how he always had a sweet innocent smile ❤ Rest in peace Tim

Linda Shaw

June 29, 2023 at 8:33 PM

The memories flooded in as I read of Tim's unexpected passing. I met Tim at the Nazarene Bible College, just outside of Winnipeg, where we were both taking a course.  We decided to car pool, and became friends.  I introduced him to some of my friends, and the rest was history.  So many memories of Tim...the worship nights, the laughs, the deep talks, Tim's 4 a.m. alarm clock prank at our Morning Star Christian Community house, on Ruttan Bay, back in the late 1970's, of holding church services at Seven Oaks, and the Manitoba Youth Centre. Years later, our family went back to visit friends in and around Winnipeg, including Tim and Theresa and their children.  What a great time we had with them, and their beautiful blue eyed Bearded Collie, Barclay.   Tim had such a gentle and serving spirit, a welcoming personality,  a quick witted sense of humour, and a heart of gold.  Tim, I will miss our FB updates, but you are so blessed because you are now worshipping in the Presence of Jesus Christ, who you served so well, here on earth!!!  Theresa and family, you were such a blessing to Tim.  May you know God's deep comfort and peace in this difficult time.   

Nancy Zeilstra

June 29, 2023 at 3:48 PM

Tim was a very talented and dedicated member of our worship team at church.  He blessed everyone with his awesome guitar playing and congenial personality.  We will truly miss him.  Theresa and family you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Norman M.

June 29, 2023 at 10:42 AM

I worked with Tim at the Province for a few years prior to his retirement and we were "cubicle neighbours" for a while, sitting next to each other.  Tim was a great person to work with,  he was very knowledgeable and always willing to offer his help to resolve issues.  I enjoyed listening to his stories about his vacations and tales of scuba diving and geocaching.  I am very shocked and surprised at Tim's sudden passing,  my deepest sympathy to the family on your loss. ❤

Melody De Groot

June 29, 2023 at 9:21 AM

You will always be the Queen Bee of spelling bee game, and we count on you looking over our shoulders and helping us with the tough NYT crosswords, Tim.  Love, Pat and Mel👍

Melody De Groot

June 29, 2023 at 9:04 AM

At an early age my brother Tim learned to play guitar, a skill that served him well and blessed many throughout his life. This is Tim leading us in a musical tribute to our brother Wes at Elmwood cemetary. Tim and I enjoyed singing together at the Nazarene Church and he later enjoyed ministering in music at church and in prison ministries.  Tim's IT skills served us well too, allowing him to set up and troubleshoot zoom meetings during covid between himself in Winnipeg, Pat in Ontario, Wes in Calgary and me in Lethbridge. For hours we regaled each other with jokes and stories, recipes, life hacks and reliving/embellishing our childhood antics.  As newlyweds, Tim and Theresa took on 7 foster kids, while Tim worked full time. A model of hard work, efficiency, love and support, Tim and Therea have been a model for everyone they knew of what a "good marriage" looks like. They adopted their 2 youngest foster kids, Jerry and Neil, then added Phil and Anne-Marie, to complete their family. Their aventurous spirit took them all over, visiting Theresa's Nova Scotia roots, family in Alberta, and escaping Winterpeg for scuba diving in Mexico.  Years ago our Mother Ruth claimed the verse "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." I know her prayers have been answered and I look forward to eternity together.  With love and gratitude, Mel and Greg De Groot   

Emile Proulx

June 28, 2023 at 11:09 PM

Tim was always the calm spirited one in the family. If there was ever a conflict or confrontation Tim would say "ok, let's talk about this"; and before you knew it, he would have the situation resolved. That was his gentle spirit.  He will truly be missed by family and friends alike. It is so comforting to know that he will see mom and dad and his brother Wes on the other side.  All my love,  Pat 🙏

Mel and Carol Schwab

June 28, 2023 at 9:15 PM

We met Tim and his family at IPC church.   Such a good man, and truly he will be missed.   The Holy Spirit was seen in Tim.   The character of The Lord was evident in his life.      Our prayers are with Theresa and the family

Janet Despic

June 28, 2023 at 8:07 PM

 May HIS memory be a Blessing. I worked with Tim for many years at Seven Oaks for Youth in B Cottage(boys). He was the kindest person and we would sneak in a game of pool when the “Boys) weren’t playing. My to you and your family.   

Diane and Ralph Ulmer

June 28, 2023 at 5:21 PM

❤    Such a lovely tribute.   In our hearts and prayers!

Elaine McCourt

June 28, 2023 at 4:35 PM

Dear Theresa,  So sorry for your loss.  My heart is with you.  Elaine McCourt

leslie mike

June 28, 2023 at 4:17 PM

rest in peace my friend

Sherry DeRidder

June 28, 2023 at 4:07 PM

Miss our Buddy Tim. Our thoughts are are with Theresa and the family. May our God love and comfort each of you. Steve and Sherry 

Dana Rogalsky

June 28, 2023 at 4:04 PM

What a gentle soul...he will be missed.  He was gracious to accompany me when I sang in Headingly Prison many Saturday afternoons.  In this picture, we did an evening at Lighthouse Mission, circa summer 2010.(sorry for the poor quality)  Faithful, kind, quick to share a joke...glad he was my friend.  Sincere condolences to Theresa and family.  

Jiwei Peng

June 28, 2023 at 2:41 PM

I am deeply saddened by the passing of my coworker. It is with a heavy heart that I learned of his sudden departure due to a heart attack. We shared a long and meaningful professional journey together, having worked side by side from 1999 until his retirement in 2018. When he decided to step down, I took over the responsibility of managing the two applications he had maintained, which was using the legacy computer language Clipper. There is still his one of application (CA) that I have maintained. He graciously took the time to guide and mentor me, patiently walking me through each step and intricacy of his work. His knowledge and dedication were invaluable, and I am forever grateful for the knowledges he shared. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and loved ones during this difficult time. 

Fred Van Aertselaer

June 28, 2023 at 12:17 PM

I was very saddened to learn of Tim's passing. I worked with Tim in IT for Family Services, Province of MB.  He was an easy going yet hard working dedicated person.  He was a pleasure to work with.  I enjoyed our discussions about music and bands as well as his great sense of humor.  My heartfelt condolences to his family. Fred Van Aertselaer.

Erhard Buss

June 28, 2023 at 10:49 AM

We knew Tim for decades.  He was a hard worker.  He cared for his family, and he cared for his community.  He was  very involved in the life of the church.  He had a special ability to work with tech. Rest in God's peace, Tim.  Erhard and Beverley. 

Darlene Marsch

June 28, 2023 at 9:39 AM

I worked with Tim in Information Technology Branches for the Province of Manitoba.  He was a great person to work with and he had a great sense of humor.  I would tease him saying he looked like Robert De Niro.  😁  My condolences to his family.  Regards, Darlene Marsch

Ethical Death Care (Death Care Services Inc.) is privately, independently, and locally owned. Shane Neufeld and the original team of Integrity Death Care own and manage this organisation.

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