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Harvey Stevens

Image by Nick Andréka


September 18, 1944 - September 1, 2022

A funeral service honouring Harvey’s life will be held on: Friday, Sept 23, 2022 at 1:30 PM at Young United Church, 222 Furby Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba.


As seating is limited, to register for the funeral please sign up by clicking here or contact Young United Church at 204-783-0128.


His story began when he was born and raised on September 18, 1944 in Port Colborne, ON to Erie and Harvey Stevens. He reminisced often about a childhood filled with adventures, time outside and freedom to roam whether it be at the quarry, fishing or time at Uncle Ted’s cabin with his sisters Barbara and Shelley.


Harvey lived a full and very active life and was an amazing and energetic man. True to his statistical loving mind, he reminded us on his last day that he had lived to 77.9506 years of life.


Upon graduating with his B.A. from University of Victoria, he joined the Company of Young Canadians in 1966 as part of the first group of volunteers in a bold experiment in tackling poverty in Canada in the Logan area in Winnipeg. He furthered his application of knowledge with a Masters Degree from University of Toronto in 1972.


And with that so began a lifelong commitment to social and policy change as it applied to poverty and the climate as a Researcher with Manitoba Guaranteed Income Experiment, then with the Social Planning Council of Winnipeg and later as a Senior Policy Analyst with the Department of Families. Even into retirement he continued to tirelessly contribute to the body of knowledge as he published articles on welfare, basic income programs, affordable licensed care fee system and climate change. He also consulted on many different projects and papers. This year, his recommendations were accepted by the Special Committee on Poverty in PEI and was personally recognized and thanked by Hon. Dennis King. He vigorously worked for these causes, which were a reflection of his values and beliefs.


He also loved his family deeply. He was married in 1972 to Sarah Bowen and together they had four children. After their separation, he was fortunate enough to meet and marry his second wife Sue, with whom he just celebrated 22 years of marriage.


His passion for learning and problem solving also extended into his rich personal life. His love of adventure, travel, the love of puns, language, music, fitness, and carpentry was reflected in his many interests and leisure pursuits.


After a trip to Cuba in 2004, he took up Spanish classes and continued until two months before he passed. This is a man who built his own speedboat, took up sailing, hang gliding and scuba diving. He would build his own furniture, build rickshaws and Halloween costumes, tree forts and cradles for his grandchild. He sang with gusto in choral groups from the late 1980’s until 2020. Running and fitness were also a life long passion, evidenced by his participation in different marathon races. He was an avid walker and could be seen and walking from his home in downtown Winnipeg to Birds Hill Park regularly. One of his greatest adventures that he spoke of with great fondness was his completion of the 500km stretch of the French Camino route in 15 days in October 2016. This was a highlight of his life.


If you were lucky enough to meet him, you would also find him volunteering on various committees, gathering with friends for weekly coffee, entertaining anyone and everyone with groan worthy puns, helping his youngest son with his organic farm projects, and travelling often to visit his other children in St. Albert, Vancouver and the Pas.


In addition to his loving wife Sue Cowan; his life and legacy will continue to be celebrated by his children Bronwen (Mark) Samuel, David (Hui Mei), Aaron (Linda) and Jonathan, his step children Lesley and Ian and 3 beautiful grandchildren Sadie, Courtney and Wasayah, his sisters Shelley Stevens, Barbara (Don) Gray and extended family and many, many friends.


Although you are deeply missed, we are relieved that you were able to pass in the way you so desired and are no longer in pain after a long and courageous battle with cancer.

Again, true to your style and sense of humour, your final words to all of us was in the form of a pun. Yes, dear father, we wish you well on your Maid-En Voyage.


We will be reminded of your constant presence and gifts in our life every time we hear a pun or see a Tilley hat or a plaid shirt out on a walk. Via Con Dios. We love you.


In lieu of flowers, we welcome donations to the Green Action Centre or Eco Justice.


A heartfelt thanks to his palliative care team, the palliative team at Riverview Palliative Care Centre of 3 East, and his Minister Tim Crouch for your care.

Harvey's family kindly requests that all of his friends and relatives take a few minutes to honour his memory by sharing photos, memories, and stories, using the comment section on this page.


Cremation & Life Celebrations

530 St. Mary Avenue - Winnipeg

204-421-5501 -

Memories, Stories and Condolences


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Barb Williams (For Robert Harris)

October 18, 2022 at 11:51 AM

In reading all these beautiful words and memories beign shared about Harvey, it makes me sad I never had the chance to know him better. My father was the one who had the fortune to know this incredible man. He went to school with Harvey many years ago, and asked me to share his deepest condolences and told me how terribly he will miss his friend. I only had the pleasure of meeting Harvey myself once or twice, but when I did he appeared to be the kindest, and gentlest man. Rest in Peace Harvey and deepest condolences to the family. 

Barry Thomson

October 1, 2022 at 9:01 PM

My deepest condolences to Sue, Barb, Shelly and and Harvey’s children and stepchildren. So sorry to hear of Harvey’s passing. I have known Harvey(Buddy) for eons since we both lived at the corner of Erie and Union Sts. In Port Colborne. Early memories of walking to Vimy School, and building projects…carts from buggy wheels and tree forts on his cousin Stanley’s property on Chippawa St. We were also involved in Cubs, Scouts and trips to the CNE. The memories of good times are endless. May his star continue to shine brightly. Barry (Thomson)

Ken Murdoch

September 30, 2022 at 10:32 PM

Despite my wife's impending and eventual passing, I did not want the opportunity to go by without saying goodbye to an old friend and fellow worker, Harv.  We first met through the Summer of Service interdenominational program for placing 80-some youth in summer work opportunities across Canada.  Harvey became a year-long worker for the organization for finding placements in communities. For an organization running on $38,000 you would appreciate why Harvey slept one night in Newfoundland in a gravel pit! I later caught up with Harvey upon my return from Victoria when we worked together at the Social Planning Council of Winnipeg. He would remember that phone call from an interviewer for his perceptive Survey of Housing Needs in Winnipeg report. The comment was to the effect he was only able to get the full name, birth and death dates from his designated subject.  The 'random address' for the household to be interviewed turned out to be in a cemetery!  It was to my benefit that we shared our past together at a lunch a few weeks before he left us.  Fond memories of Harvey persist and I appreciate how others remember him so.

Randall McQuaker

September 22, 2022 at 3:48 PM

Harvey was also one of the founding members of the Recycling Council of Manitoba, back before there were blue boxes and municipal recycling programs. While he had a big-picture view of the issues, he was also active in making change in practical ways on the ground. He volunteered at recycling collection events in the 1980s, and I later met and worked with him when he was on the Board (and president) of the non-profit Resource Conservation Manitoba, now Green Action Centre. During that time, he was the lead author of a meticulously researched brief on waste reduction that influenced provincial policy. His contributions in so many areas strengthened our community in countless ways. Harvey and family, you are warmly in our thoughts.

Drew Fenwick

September 22, 2022 at 6:30 AM

I had the pleasure of working with Harvey during my tenure as President of the Green Party of Manitoba. Harvey's insight, intelligence, sensibility and resolve will remain with me in memory. His passing is a loss to us all. His years of dedication to our cause to build a better world for those here and generations to come will stand for years -  in testament to the meaningfulness of his contributions - and will remain among core planks in the ideas that the Greens stand for and wish to bring to good governance and public policy. For his participation in shaping and formulating that he will have my everlasting gratitude. Harvey you will be missed. Your deep concern and resolve to provide solutions for the betterment of the lives of others and a better planet will remain unforgotten. Rest In Peace.

James Beddome

September 18, 2022 at 4:23 PM

Harvey was one of the most brilliant people I have ever met. It saddens me that I will never have another chance to engage with his brilliant mind. Basic Income, Early Childhood Development, Climate Change, Economics there were few things Harvey was not knowledgeable about. Not only brilliant, he was also incredibly generous with his time. He volunteered for numerous ecological and social justice organizations. He sang in his church choir, and was a member of a barbershop a capella band The Happy Homesteaders. Harvey was a man of many talents. I got to know Harvey quite well as he made substantial contributions to the Green Party of Manitoba as he was a key volunteer on the Policy and Platform Committee, chairing the Committee from 2014-2016. Harvey was the brilliant mind behind many of the statistical calculations behind our policy/platform planks in 2016 and 2019 elections. Condolences to Sue and the rest of the family. Harvey you will be sorely missed. James Beddome, Leader, Green Party of Manitoba (2008-2022).


September 17, 2022 at 12:33 AM

Harvey tuve la suerte de haber coincidido contigo en esta línea de tiempo, llamada vida agradezco todas tus atenciones ,tus consejos tus anécdotas compartidas ,tus vivencias tu apoyo emocional y económico por todo el apoyo que nos diste  a mí y a mi familia, por aver puesto ese granito de arena para devolverme la vista Dios es grande por poner a personas como tú en mi camino vuela alto te vamos a extrañar como te decían mis niños nuestro abuelito canadiense,quizá en otra vida podamos coincidir mi ángel de vida mi viejo como te gustaba qué te llamaramos no es un adiós si no un hasta luego , gracias por esas palabras de motivación   " siempre adelante" nunca las voy a olvidar te amamos hasta siempre nuestro ángel. Atte : tu familia de Zihuatanejo. Nuestras condolencias para Susan: te abrazamos con el alma.

Susan Proven

September 13, 2022 at 5:21 PM

Harvey was an energenic person with a bucket list of things he wanted to do.  One of them was to see the CN train cross the trellis over the huge Assiniboine River Valley.  While Sue and I waited listening to the approching engine, Harvey climbed up the hill to stand beside the track.  It was a train with more than 100 cars going at a very high speed. What a wonderful idea to go and see the train that took 20 minutes to arrive, and another 20 minutes to get over the 1 and  1//2 mile  bridge.

Drew Perry

September 12, 2022 at 8:33 AM

It was truly an honour to work with Harvey in the now Department of Families. He was dedicated to pure knowledge regardless of changing times or policy directions. He informed us all and made us better as a team. When Harvey showed us the data he had mined you knew for certainty that it was right. Thanks to his family for the wonderful obituary. Drew Perry

Sheilah Redekop

September 7, 2022 at 5:14 PM

I was one of the lucky people who got to know Harvey in our Spanish classes. Over the years I thought I had come to know  quite a lot about Harvey from our discussions in class and at coffee breaks, but I didn’t even know the half!  He added so much energy and knowledge to our classes that I always knew we would  have a  better time when he was there. What a loss to us and what a loss the world! 

Shelley Jonasson

September 7, 2022 at 9:13 AM

I was fortunate to work with Harvey when I was at Healthy Child Manitoba Office and he was working on the Abecedarian program evaluations. It was always a pleasure working with him. I enjoyed his sense of humour and love of word play, and appreciated his sharp intellect. I have to echo others' comments about the twinkle in his eyes and kindness to others. He will be greatly missed. Condolences to Harvey's family and friends.  

Karen Mackintosh

September 6, 2022 at 1:50 PM

I was very lucky to have Harvey as a colleague when I started working as a policy analyst at the Department of Family Services. Harvey taught me a lot about social services, program data and evaluation, as well as the importance of daily coffee with coworkers and the joys of biking to work. Harvey was a great mentor and kind friend. My thoughts are with Harvey's family.

Andrea Thibault-McNeill

September 6, 2022 at 9:09 AM

I had the pleasure of first meeting Harvey in 1998 when I started as a policy intern with the Department of Family Services.  Harvey was a senior analyst and welcomed me onto the team as only he could - by sharing all of the latest research and statistical information on a project he was working on.  I appreciated Harvey's mathematical mind and his excitement whenever we talked about social policy change.  He had a great laugh, his eyes would twinkle, especially if he heard a witty pun.  Thank you Harvey for all you taught me and for being such a kind and thoughtful soul.   My deepest condolences to your family and friends.   Andrea Thibault-McNeill

Nikki Isaac

September 6, 2022 at 8:38 AM

I had the great fortune of working with Harvey (Harvard, as he let me call him) as a new policy analyst in the Manitoba government. Harvard was a great mentor and friend to us P-Pals. I learned so much from him, not just about social policy approaches to poverty reduction but also about life. He was open to share his wisdom, experiences, and yes, his puns. Deep condolences to family and friends. He was a treasure. 

Shelagh Yarnell

September 5, 2022 at 9:33 PM

During the many years that Harvey and I were classmates in our pursuit of  the Spanish language, he became not only a fellow student, but a treasured friend as well. His humour - his quick rejoinders and clever one liners - always made me laugh. It was impossible to top him. But we did have many very funny e-mail exchanges. Harvey's appreciation of music and his lovely voice were a gift to all of us. His love of statistics, and of the difficult subjunctive tense in Spanish, baffled me. His thoroughly prepared presentations in class were laced with statistics which I could never absorb nor later recall. But the presentation of his walk along the Camino was something I remember vividly. The use of beautiful photography and eloquent words painted a memorable picture. It was clear that the walk meant a great deal to Harvey and that he was both grateful to have had the opportunity and proud of his achievement in having completed the journey. I saw personally the impact Harvey had on a struggling young family in  Zihuatanejo, Mexico. Through his compassion and his generosity, he changed their lives for the better, forever. Harvey was a modest man, a caring person, and a much admired friend. I feel privileged to have known him. Bless you, Sue. Condolences from Ross and me to you and your family.                                                                     Shelagh Yarnell

Bonnie Bachorcik Proven

September 5, 2022 at 4:17 PM

I met Harvey when he started dating my dear ,lifelong friend Sue. I attended their wedding and enjoyed many years of friendship with Sue and Harvey.  We enjoyed lots of cross- country skiing  in the country in the Basswood and Riding Mountain  National  Park areas. We often had dinner after skiing and enjoyed lengthy conversations  about equality,  social justice,  climate change,  and family. Harvey made such a positive and valuable contribution to our province,  and nation as well as family and friends.  My condolences  to Sue and his family.

Rossana McCormack

September 5, 2022 at 10:20 AM

I met Don Harvey, as we called him in Spanish class, when I started teaching Spanish at Creative Retirement about 20 years ago. That was when CR was at Sherbrook Street, and from the on I had the pleasure of sharing lessons with him at CR until this past Spring at our Advanced Spanish class with many of the students from the CR Sherbrook Street time. His love for languages and cultures took him to study in several Spanish speaking countries as well. I have so many fond memories of Harvey’s wit and kindness! My mother was visiting from Peru once and was waiting for me at the CR cafeteria, and told me later that a very nice man had helped her with the coffee machine, of course when she came at the end of the class to say hello, it had been Harvey.  She never forgot him.  Harvey, this last Spring you gave us the gift of your participation in class,  knowing that it might be the last time, and gave us a lesson in courage, optimism, and all the qualities that produced a life well lived.  We will miss your class persona and your Timbits for break time, but we will remember you with a smile. Ve con Dios y descansa en paz.  My sincere condolences to his wife and family.

Jan Forster

September 5, 2022 at 9:57 AM

I was fortunate to work with Harvey for many years in the Policy and Planning Branch of Family Services. He was brilliant and mentored many young analysts, and his significant policy papers will have lasting impact.  He brought joy and humour to the office and will always be remembered fondly by the team there. Sincere condolences to his family.   Jan Forster 

Donna Downie

September 4, 2022 at 8:41 PM

I have fond memories of Harvey while we worked at SPC.  I’ve never seen anyone whose eyes would light up, like Harvey’s, when he’d spot the reams of paper that contained the newest census data. Harvey loved fun pranks, who could forget the time he heard one of the staff coming towards his office so he hid under his desk, what he didn’t know was she was bringing someone she wanted to introduce him to.  Being Harvey he just got up and shook the visitors hand like it was a normal occurrence, definitely a class act.  A big set of shoes needed to be filled when Harvey left.  My heartfelt condolences to his family.    Donna Downie

Gordon Peters

September 4, 2022 at 6:13 PM

I came to know Harvey when we were both recruited to the Leadership Team at Young United Church in Winnipeg. I was a most reluctant board member initially, having arrived at Young simply to sing in the wonderful choir. I believe Harvey & I shared in the struggle to find how we might fit into a faith-based practice, but we each found great satisfaction as co-conspirators in finding ways to turn around the chronic deficit and rent out unused space to bring more social services to the residents of West Broadway. While he was typically a quiet reserved man, his passion for justice flared brightly from time to time. I also particularly remember his wonderful voice as a reader during services and the jumping click of his heels as he arrived for board meetings. He shared some of his delight in the Camino with me, as my wife & I planned to walk it until Covid ended that dream. His quiet courage and equanimity as the cancer was finally diagnosed spoke to the character that underpinned everything he tackled. I am better for having known and experienced him for that decade at Young. Sail on brightly, Harvey.


September 4, 2022 at 5:15 PM

Harvey was a longtime friend of my father, Ross McIntosh. Their deep, metaphysical conversations spanned nearly 4 decades. Condolences.

Peter Miller

September 3, 2022 at 5:17 PM

Dear Harvey, what a wonderful comrade in arms you have been over decades at Green Action Centre and elsewhere. Yet those adventures in policy analysis and advocacy were only a fraction of your rich and creative life. My sympathy and thanks to Susan and your family for sharing your life story.

Barry K. Morris

September 3, 2022 at 2:02 PM

As expressed to my long, long friend Harvey, earlier this week, but not enough: for all that has been possible between, among and out of us,  thank you, and for all that shall be: Yes! I thankfully shared much of Harvey's deep, intimate and modestly shared or expressed spiritual life, and for that, I will always remember him. . Indispensably he helped organize,  research, edit and publish "The Word on the Street" on Canadian urban and community ministries in 1990 (with Aileen Urquhart and myself). May his love of songs &/hymns &  challenging "hones to God" theology inspire and enrich us, steadfastly so. I pay warm tributes to his 4 adult children, his former wife, Sarah, and his beloved now widow, to their end, Sue. Gracias! Barry K. Morris, Vancouver, BC

Marlene Schellenberg

September 3, 2022 at 7:39 AM

Thank you to the family for writing a beautiful tribute to your husband and father. He was a remarkable friend whom I knew for 35 years. He thought about justice for others with an intensity and passion that informed the wisdom he developed. He used this wisdom to serve through his brilliant capacity for research and writing. My life was enriched by his musicianship and love of socializing and laughter. Memories of his friendship will sustain me.
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