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Kelly Sutherland

Image by Nick Andréka


July 30, 1960 - January 8, 2021

It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden passing of our sister Kelly, January 8, 2021.


Kelly is survived by sisters Tracy, Tara (Paul), Clare and only brother Billy; Aunt Tass, many cousins in Winnipeg, as well as much family in western Canada.


Kelly was predeceased by parents William and Joan Sutherland as well as older sister Shaune, many Aunties, Uncles, and cousins.


Kelly was born in Winnipeg on July 30 1960 but always celebrated on the 31; it must have been a Friday. Younger sister to Shaune, who she never listened to, and older sister to four siblings who she bossed around because she was in charge. Kelly always made time for her siblings either brushing her sister’s hair or taking her brother to the Red River Exhibition. She grew up in Charleswood where she learned to be a strong swimmer. Kelly was a graduate of St. Mary's Academy in 1978. She got a lot of uniform passes. She was an outstanding basket ball player but could kick your butt in Trivia when it came to history. Being very athletic she pursued a career with The City of Winnipeg, where she obtained instructional certificates in aquatics, where she could teach swimming, diving and lifesaving.


Growing up in a large family, she developed a strong work ethic. Indoors or outdoors, she gave it her all. That is where she discovered her love of gardening. Tomatoes, roses, anything she could plant. Many garden centers knew her by her first name. Her love of dogs and all animals lead her career with the City to work in Assiniboine Park. Animals and Tropical House plants, what a sweet deal. She retired in 2015.


She spent time gardening at home and in her mother's garden. So did her dog(s). The garden enabled her to spend more time with her mother, being a part time care giver. Kelly's ongoing health issues grew after the death of her mother and her older sister. She still had spirit in her, and a smile on her face.  Kelly eventually took an apartment as chores became to be too much.


She will be sadly missed in many ways.


Thank you to all of her friends, neighbors, care givers, especially K2. Your work was a god send. Thank you to Hillary and her team.


May the road rise up to meet you
May the winds always be at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face and rains fall soft upon your fields
Until we meet again
May god hold you in the palm of his hand


In lieu of flowers please send donations to a charity of one’s choice.


Cremation & Life Celebrations

530 St. Mary Avenue - Winnipeg

204-421-5501 -

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December 30, 2022 at 11:01 AM

Awe my friend. I was shocked when I just recently learned of your passing. I am  so missing you. You were a wild spirit. I loved your wildness. You cared for everyone in your way and lived your life that way. Until we meet again. You are in my heart. ❤ K2

John Sutherland

May 16, 2021 at 2:55 PM

Kelly was my cousin, our two families didn't really keep in touch much except at Christmas when we would head out to Charleswood and hang out for an evening. Kelly and I were the same age and she passed away on my birthday, so if there is more to be had from life I hope she's enjoying it.

Kathleen Harris

February 3, 2021 at 3:58 PM

I was shocked and saddened to hear of Kelly's passing.   I first met Kelly in the Fall of 2000 when I worked for a brief time at 2000 Portage Avenue - which was a City facility at that time.  I had the good fortune of meeting up with Kelly again when we both ended up working at the Assiniboine Park Zoo. She was a Utility person and I worked in the zoo office.   Kelly and I shared many smoke breaks together.  We would meet up in the zoo office parking lot and smoke cigarettes, drink coffee, laugh and joke around. I loved taking pictures when I worked at the zoo.  But Kelly would never let me take a picture of her.  When I tried, she would jump on her golf cart, give me the finger and drive off. Kelly always tried to pass herself off as this "hard crusty broad" but I knew she had a heart of gold.  So many memories - she will be missed.  ❤

Sister Marylyn Gibney

February 1, 2021 at 2:15 PM

My sympathies to the Sutherland family, I am sorry to hear of your sister's death. I was teaching at St.Mary's when Kelly was there. I think I taught her either maths or science. And I do remember her on the basketball court. As someone said in her remembrances...she remembers Kelly as being a feisty individual. This is my memory as well. She always had something 'on the go' it seems. And yes, I may have even given her a uniform pass or two. It is good to claim her as one of 'our girls.' May your memories and the support of friends and family be a source of peace to you at this time. God bless and keep you all.


January 28, 2021 at 8:07 AM

Dear Sutherlands,  I am so very sad to see that Kelly has passed!  I am certain the love of your family and friends will help you through this difficult time.  I watched the attached video tribute several times.  What great pictures of Kelly and all of you, along with wonderful memories that will live on in your hearts and dreams forever!!  ❤

Kim Goolia

January 23, 2021 at 4:29 PM

In our younger years I have the fondest memories of Kelly being feisty, smart and  the intuitive caregiver.  Always willing to be supportive and sympathetic to any and all who knew her Kelly had a presence in any room. She walked in to all wedding socials and parties only to be chased by several want a be suitors.  In later years I remember Kelly was quite religious and very spiritual, always trying to talk to her dearly departed through mediums now she gets to do it in person.  I am sure there are many dearly departed blowing trumpets and horns awaiting your arrival in Heaven.  Farewell on earth but see you in Heaven dear Kelly.  Rest in Peace ❤

ruth burke

January 23, 2021 at 4:28 PM

I worked with Kelly at Margaret Grant Pool for many years.  She was a terrific teacher and loved the kids.   She was  a faithful friend and very dependable  person.   I was shocked to read the obit in today's paper,   I send my condolences to Tracy who also worked with us.   ❤


January 23, 2021 at 11:10 AM

So sad to hear this. Kelly and I worked closely together at Assinniboine Park for awhile.  The world will miss your sense of humor and sarcastic wit keeping everyone on their toes ❤

Patrick Keelan

January 22, 2021 at 7:51 PM

Kelly and I were students in the same grade when we both attended St John Brebeuf elementary school. We would often talk with each other during recess and had some common friends with whom we would do activities like skating at River Heights Community Club. We would also run into each other when Nanna hosted our families for Christmas dinner and when our family visited her family. She was always very nice to me and others and I always enjoyed talking with her. 

Ethical Death Care (Death Care Services Inc.) is privately, independently, and locally owned. Shane Neufeld and the original team of Integrity Death Care own and manage this organisation.

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