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Laura Taylor PHd

Image by Nick Andréka


November 12, 1949 – September 6, 2020

With great sorrow, we share that Laura Taylor PhD died, at the age of 70, on September. 6, 2020 in the St. Boniface general Hospital after a brief illness. 

Laura was born in Hamilton, Ontario to late parents, David and Gloria (Baxter) Taylor. She leaves her brother Rob, wife Sarah, and five nieces and nephews, Kassi, Ryan (Franzi), Brianna, Hayley and Duncan; and one great-niece Niah;.  Laura leaves her special cousin Sandra Taylor in Ontario; special friends Bonnie Smith-Froude and Dwight Froude of Winnipeg, and Pat Slade and Shirley McMahon of Ontario; friends from U of M’s Faculty of Social Work, and cousins in the U.S. and Panama. 

Laura’s life in academia began with a BA from McMaster University followed by an MSW from Wilfrid Laurier University in 1973. After working in the field of mental health for several years, Laura achieved a PhD in Social Work at the University of Toronto in 1988. Laura’s career as Prof. Taylor began at Ryerson Polytechnic University, leading to the University of Toronto, the University of Regina, the University of Windsor, and finally the University of Manitoba, both at the main campus in Winnipeg and the access program in Thompson, Manitoba.

Laura was a gifted teacher who believed in teaching adult learners the value of play - her teaching philosophy was to be so creative that her classes were never routine, boring or predictable.


The surprising noises coming from Laura’s classrooms belied the stolid and staid setting of the university. Laura applied what she’d learned leading summer camps and teaching kindergarten kids to engaging adult students, inspiring them to demonstrate creativity, whether in making their journals as artistically interesting as possible for the reader, [loudly] debating the merits of the best book to teach non-social workers about mental illness, or constructing the best song to demonstrate their learning during a semester.

Believing that experience is sometimes the best teacher, Laura often designed experiential exercises combined with art or photography for her students. The University of Manitoba honoured her with a Teaching Award in 2012 after a student nominated Laura.

Beyond teaching, Laura’s family and dogs were most meaningful in her life. Her family had collies while Laura was growing up, and as an adult, Laura ‘parented’ border collies beginning with Dinah, and then Bonnie Maggie and Annie Laurie. Laura also volunteered with the Manitoba Brain Injury Association in Winnipeg.

Laura will be remembered as a kind, caring, and extremely generous person who was always available to share her support and wisdom. She fought her health issues with grace, determination and tenacity. Laura’s unique personality and quirky sense of humour leave all of us with wonderful memories --- the world is a duller place without Laura Taylor in it.

A memorial service will be held at St. John’s College chapel at 2 p.m. on Thursday, September 17, 2020. Those wishing to attend should pre-register by emailing the following:

or call (204) 474-8531). Laura will be buried in St. John's Anglican Church Cemetery, 272 Wilson St E, Ancaster, ON L9G 2B9, just outside of Hamilton, Ontario. In the meantime, Laura’s family kindly requests that all of Laura's friends and relatives take a few minutes to honour her memory by sharing your own photos and/or sharing your own memories and stories using the comment section on this page.

In lieu of flowers, donations in Laura’s name can be made to D'Arcy's Arc, the Elizabeth Hill Scholarship fund to assist First Nations students with a special interest in mental health services advance their training in social work at the graduate level, or any worthy recipient of your choice.  


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Celna Sousa

February 16, 2021 at 3:57 AM

Laura was my Faculty Advisor from 2014-2016 in the MSW program at the University of Manitoba. She helped me in my research of applying mindfulness methods of intervention to chronic illness & pain in cancer patients. I will remember Laura for her spirit, passion, and dedication to helping her students do well. Thank you Laura for pushing me whenever I was being a lazy student, and I will forever remember the very interesting conversations as well that came after that. Take care Laura, wherever you are and I hope you are resting, full of joy and watching Garfield and Friends ❤

Marie Christian

February 11, 2021 at 1:37 PM

It came as a shock to hear that Dr. Taylor passed away.  I was very sorry to hear it.  I'm thankful for her, the way she taught, the way she interjected humour into the course content.  It was hard for me to navigate main campus, but seeing her get to and from the classroom with so much zeal and character kept me going.  Thank you, Dr. Taylor.

Linda Dustan Selinger

September 26, 2020 at 11:58 AM

I am very saddened to hear of Laura’s passing. She touched so many lives and the loss of her will be deeply felt by many.  Laura was one of my social work faculty advisors during my Ph.D program and I am ever thankful for the privilege of being mentored by her. I was always so inspired by Laura’s kindness, support, empathy, strength, courage and determination.  Rest In Peace dear Laura ❤ Linda Dustan Selinger

Linda Dustan Selinger

September 26, 2020 at 11:41 AM

Emoke Szathmary

September 19, 2020 at 11:43 AM

I am so very sorry to learn of Laura's death. She was a good person, and taught her students so much more than the technical elements of Social Work. She was kind and valued people. May she rest in peace.

Tannis Podheiser

September 19, 2020 at 9:54 AM

Laura was my faculty advisor when I did my MSW (1998-2000). She helped me developed an animal assisted therapy program for a psychiatric hospital. She taught me so much and I had such a wonderful experience because of her. I will always remember her smile and the stories she shared about her pets.  She and I connected over the strong bonds and therapeutic benefits between people and their pets. May she rest in peace. 

Margaret Hill-Bennett

September 18, 2020 at 1:36 PM

I went to High School with Laura in Hamilton.  Her ability to make friends and make people laugh was with her even then.  I have often thought of Laura and will miss her.  She was a great friend and wonderful 'old' soul.

Kendra Nixon

September 17, 2020 at 11:47 AM

Laura was a wonderful colleague and a true friend. She loved her teaching, her students, and her colleagues. She was incredibly generous and kind. Laura was there for me during one of the most challenging and darkest times of my life - when my son was ill with cancer. I will remember how fun she was (I can picture her wearing her witch costume as I write this) and all of the interesting conversations we had together - you could talk about anything with Laura (her breadth/wealth of knowledge was vast.) So many good memories I will treasure forever. I will miss you my friend. ❤

Silvia Straka

September 17, 2020 at 9:48 AM

Laura was my teaching mentor and friend. Always optimistic while also being realistic, unfailingly kind and interested in the lives or others, passionately committed to her students, creative and, yes, wonderfully quirky, always learning, and so much more. Laura was a determined and courageous person. Her energy was strong and she told her truth. How many times did she get up after a conversation and barrel down the hall to right something that was amiss. She had that sharp focus for justice. In the years I worked with her, she learned to become an advocate for and supporter of trans people, who often lacked representation in committees.  I envision her to be somewhere now, running with her dogs, laughing, and spreading her joy in life and huge love and passion to the universe. May we all carry some of Laura forward with us and keep her memory alive. 

Sasha Kondrashov

September 17, 2020 at 1:19 AM

Laura is one of the most dedicated and caring teachers I met at U of M Social Work. Her passion for students and desire to bring joy, fun, creativity into the classroom is very inspiring. Vichnaya Pamjat' (Eternal Memory) Dr. Taylor. You will be missed a lot. I am grateful for all the teaching, mentorship and care you shared with me.  I will keep sharing Laura's teachings with my students.

Lyn Ferguson

September 16, 2020 at 3:58 PM

Laura was a dear friend and colleague for many years. Her generosity was legendary, her sense of fun contagious, her love of teaching a true gift to students, and her commitment to her students & colleagues knew no bounds. I will miss her always and hold her gifts close to my heart. Good-bye dear Laura. Well done Dr. Taylor. ❤

Jim Mulvale

September 16, 2020 at 9:26 AM

I was very saddened to hear of Laura's passing.  Our offices used to be around the corner from one another, and we had many amiable and enjoyable chats.  Laura and I shared stories of Hamilton ON (Laura was from there, and I studied there).  We thought of ourselves and as the charter (and only) members of the Faculty of Social Work's Hamilton Tigercats Fan Club.  Laura's concern for students and respect for colleagues was remarkable and genuine. 

Cathy Rocke

September 15, 2020 at 11:13 PM

I will always remember Laura for her exceptional teaching and support of her colleagues.  Whenever students mentioned one of their favourite professors Laura invariably topped the list.  Her commitment to her students was deep. When Laura’s health took a turn for the worst her first words when she was still in hospital was her concern for her graduate students.  She wanted me to ensure that their studies would not be negatively impacted by her illness. My memories of Laura will include the chats in her office and her ability to be both supportive but also very frank! I will miss her kind nature and her laugh.  Laura has left us but she will not be forgotten. 

Maria Cheung

September 15, 2020 at 10:14 PM

Creativity, generosity and dedication is what I describe Laura. Laura dedicated her life in social work education. She was a talented and passionate teacher. It will be a loss not only for our faculty but for the social work field. She'll be missed by us all.

Tuula Heinonen

September 15, 2020 at 4:16 PM

Laura was a creatively gifted and inspiring teacher. I remember her use of Irish penny whistles, ‘zines, mandalas and much more in the classroom. She shared her views and ideas generously and always invited colleagues to come in and sit with her in her Tier Building office, even if she was in the middle of grading mounds of student assignments.  Laura worked with a group of us on a social work textbook in which some of her ideas and writing enriched the collaborative work of the book. We will miss her passion and determination very much.  As a colleague and a friend I feel a sense of loss at her passing. I will miss her dearly.

Sid Frankel

September 15, 2020 at 2:35 PM

Laura was everything a friend should be: kind, pleasant, smart, and able to tell it like it is.  She was a gifted scholar and teacher.  I will miss her. The world and the university need more Lauras.

Brenda Bacon

September 14, 2020 at 8:58 PM

Laura was one of my closest friends in Winnipeg - my mentor at the university and a great support in my personal life. She was always available to offer a cup of tea and a listening ear. I will miss her so much. This picture was taken in 2014 at my husband's book launch at McNally Robinson - as a person who had lived in the North, she was recommending the book.

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