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Janet Warden

Image by Nick Andréka


April 10, 1944 – June 3, 2021

It is with great sadness the family announces the passing of Janet Warden, beloved wife of Ian Warden, on June 3, 2021.


Janet is survived by her husband of 57 years, Ian; sister Kathleen Zimmerman (Alex); brother Graham Collins (Gloria); niece Carla; and nephews, Robert and Kevin and their families. She is predeceased by her parents, Nesta and Roy Collins.


Janet was born in London, England in 1944 in the midst of the Second World War. She and her mother sailed from England to Halifax, Nova Scotia in January 1945 and were later joined by her father. Janet was raised in Charleswood and attended Beaumont School and Charleswood Collegiate. She met Ian after high school, and they were married on May 30, 1964. They started married life in an apartment on River Avenue and later returned to Charleswood where they lived for many years. Janet and Ian travelled extensively throughout Canada and the United States in their motor home for holidays, making many new friends in both countries. Janet had a long career in the accounting department at Motor Coach Industries. Retirement evolved into staying closer to home, enjoying and maintaining their immaculate yard. Janet was also an avid reader and will always be remembered as a devoted wife and a kind and caring person.


In keeping with Janet’s wishes, cremation has taken place and no funeral service will be held. A celebration of her life may be held when it is possible to gather. In the meantime, Janet’s family kindly requests that her friends and relatives take a few minutes to honour her memory by sharing photos and/or sharing your own memories and stories using the comment section on this page.


If friends desire, in lieu of flowers, donations can be made to one’s favourite charity.


Cremation & Life Celebrations

530 St. Mary Avenue - Winnipeg

204-421-5501 -

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Ron Scott

June 17, 2021 at 3:49 AM

I’m so sorry to hear of Janet’s passing, Ian. As you know, she & my late wife Barbara, went to school together in Charleswood. Janet was also her her Maid of Honour at our wedding in 1964. My Sincere condolences, Ian. Take care. Ron Scott. Calgary, Alberta.

Margaret Streich

June 15, 2021 at 4:06 PM

Our deepest condolences to you, Ian, on the passing of your beloved wife. I went to school with Janet for many years & we became lifelong friends. I was so pleased and honoured to be a bridesmaid at your wedding in 1964. Her loss still seems hard to believe……. She was such a caring & gentle lady & I shall remember her forever. Please take care of yourself….. we were so happy to hear that you have found a new & safe place to live with caregivers to help you. Sincerely, Margaret & Garry Streich.

Kevin Collinss

June 14, 2021 at 1:29 PM

This was a very nice obituary Ian. Auntie Janet was such a special person and we'll all miss her dearly. I hope you are doing as well as you can. Let's talk soon. 

Sandra Morison

June 14, 2021 at 11:14 AM

Ian, I am so sorry to hear the news about Janet.  I had the absolute pleasure of working with her for quiet a while at Motor Coach Industries and was there when she retired.  So was always a quiet, kind, nice lady who was like by many at the company.  I did learn something new about Janet today.  I did not know she attended Beaumont School which is the same elementary school I attended having also grown up in Charleswood. My heart goes out to you.  Take care of yourself Ian.

Donna Gordon

June 14, 2021 at 9:09 AM

We’re so sorry to hear of Janet’s passing Ian. She was one of the best. So patient, kind and soft spoken. Our sincere condolences to the entire family. Donna Gordon and Angie Wiebe. ❤

Sydney & Peter

June 13, 2021 at 10:57 AM

So sorry to heat about Janet, Ian.  She was a kind & caring Lady and lots of fun.  Peter & I enjoyed five pin bowling with her for many years.   We will miss her smile.

Leanne ursel

June 12, 2021 at 11:59 PM

Ian, I was so sorry to hear of Janet’s passing.  She was such a kind person and truly wanted the best for those she cared for.   She had a great laugh and made the best cheese ball and punch for Boxing Day!   My thoughts are with you.  Take care.   Leanne ❤

Shirley Dech

June 12, 2021 at 1:00 PM

Ian, So sorry to learn of Janet’s passing.  She was a wonderful woman and I will always remember how willing she was to help with anything that needed to be done.  She will be dearly missed.  Take care. Sincerely, Shirley Dech

Harold Korne

June 12, 2021 at 8:26 AM

Ian, please accept our sincerest condolences. Everyone will miss Janet . We hope you are doing well and we look forward to playing cards with you in the near future. Stay safe. Sincerely Marilyn and Hal Korne

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