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Len Warelis

Image by Nick Andréka


December 8, 1958 - November 13, 2020

 It is with sad hearts that we announce the passing of Leonard E. Warelis. Affectionately known by many as Dad, Len, Lenny, Leapin’ Len, Papa Len, Coach Len, and “my guy”. Survived by his wife Joanne, sons Andrew and Aaron, and beloved dog Milo.


Every spare moment Len had was spent at the family farm with his Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and Grandparents. Here he enjoyed killing chickens, baling hay, corralling cattle, driving around on the “Farmall”, eating sandwiches in the field, and playing cards with the family. When he wasn’t at the farm, Len could be found out around the Headingly area snowmobiling with friends or out in Gimli at the race track.


Many hours of Lens childhood were spent at the Charleswood golf course across from his childhood home. The rest of his time was spent touring the streets of Charleswood delivering newspapers to replace the abandoned golf balls in the neighbourhood bushes. When winter came, he would enjoy spending time at Varsity View CC. with friends.


His first job was at KFC, where he’d always brag to his family on how he alone could run 6 cookers at a time. At the end of some of his shifts he’d bring home buckets of chicken much to the enjoyment of his mom Sylvia. Sure enough what do we find in Len’s mementos not one but two Coronel Sanders bow ties! From there he moved on to the maintenance crew at the downtown Holiday Inn Hotel as a young man. Life was exciting during these days, when he’d spend his nights partying, then getting a few hours of sleep before his early shifts.


Eventually it came time to settle down when he met his wife Joanne at his job with Motor Coach Industries. It wasn’t long before they had their first son Andrew, and they tied the knot soon after. Life kept moving forward and they bought their first house in South St. Vital where they welcomed their second son Aaron. His boys brought him a lot of joy, and he was always proud to see them involved in a variety of sports. He was very involved in his children’s lives - he coached Andrew’s hockey team in the early years, and when Andrew found a passion for baseball, he enjoyed managing the team or keeping score. Andrews’s involvement in baseball also led to the occasional road trip to nearby towns. Aaron had a special talent for football, and The Mustangs Football Club is where Len spent most of his weekends volunteering as the team manager. As the boys grew older they both came to love golf, just like their dad – Golfing at South Side golf course as a school outing was Andrew and Aaron’s first memories of golf that led to their passion for the game today.


Many family trips were made to the Duck Mountains. This is where Len and Joanne taught their boys how to camp, fish, and enjoy the simple things in life. Eventually Dad gave in and the family got a dog, Milo, who became his best friend. Every moment spent watching TV or in the back yard was accompanied by his little buddy.


Summer vacations as a family often meant packing up the car and making the 16-hour drive to visit in-laws in Edmonton, Calgary and Jasper. As the kids became young adults, Len and Joanne would take time off to go fishing for days on end. These fishing trips took them to places such as: Minaki, Nestor Falls, and Canyon Lake. Len always boasted about how great of a fisherman he was growing up. Unfortunately, these skills did not follow him into his adult life. More hours were spent swearing at his fishing rod than actually catching fish. If you visit these lakes, please be on the lookout for his lost hats and half fishing rods. In the end, he quite enjoyed being the “Captain” of his own sinking ship. If he wasn’t complaining about Joanne, he was providing unsolicited fishing tips and lake tours.


“Tours by Len” – not recommended.

Water was not an option to Len, and instead was always seen with a cup of coffee or can of Pepsi in his hand. Although he lived in the city, he tried to bring a little bit of the farm to his home. This was done by growing large gardens every summer. Consider yourself special if you ever received cucumbers, tomatoes or heads of lettuce from their yield.


Anyone who spoke to Len would know of his love of The White Tail Lodge. Family reunions and the occasional weekends spent here are what he looked forward to the most. Family memories of hunting, barbequing, chopping wood, exploring the “bone yard” in the back forty, and the occasional consumption of home brew were cherished moments by him. Yet again, “Tours by Len” were supplied to his family without the option of opting out. We cannot say enough about this place, as it’s truly where his heart was and those who knew him best would agree.


His free time in the city was spent managing the socials and other events held at Greendell Community Club where he felt at home. He formed a tight alliance there with those who took care of the place year round. They were the ones that made ice, cut the fields, and everything in between. These individuals are who he relied on when he was in a pinch. Many summer mornings were spent drinking coffee and throwing shots at each other around the picnic table. The word got out, and Len found himself at his beloved Mustang’s Football Club – affectionately coined “The Club”. Nearly every weekend you could find him cleaning, repairing, and preparing the hall to make every event special and safe for patrons. Any guest who came to view the hall was guaranteed to be given a Mustang’s history lesson as his love of the club always shone though. His twenty years of volunteering led to the inevitable “Volunteer of the Year” award in 2010. His sons would say their dad’s undeniable work ethic rubbed off on them, and everything they do in life is done with the same dedication and commitment that they saw in their dad.


Len was sent on his journey with mementos chosen by his family:

  • A deck of cards symbolizing the countless games played at the farm and at home

  • A golf ball representing the endless hours on the course playing and looking for balls

  • A picture of his black 1974 Monte Carlo

  • A playing card with a “bikini girl” photo symbolizing…

  • A photo of the 1987 World Series that he attended in Minneapolis

  • A picture of his wedding with Joanne in 1993

  • A picture of his house that they made a home

  • A copy of the Ethelbert Echo Newspaper, his favourite read upon arriving at his parent’s house

  • His White Tail Lodge baseball hat from the 2009 Family Reunion

  • A dime – every time he swept the floor at “The Club”, he was sure to find a dime.

  • A Set-for-Life scratch ticket ($5 winning ticket)

  • A $5 bill since he always complained about never having money in his wallet

  • Pictures of him with his children, and a photo of Milo

  • A flower from each beautiful bouquet sent by loving family and friends

  • A single one oz. bottle of Rye representing his carefree days

  • A Rosary and a single cream coloured rose from his sister and her family 


A celebration of Leonard’s life will be planned at a later date. In keeping with the spirit of Len, his family asks those who knew him to go out into your communities and give freely of yourself and your time.


“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”


-Winston Churchill


Cremation & Life Celebrations

530 St. Mary Avenue - Winnipeg

204-421-5501 -

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May 7, 2024 at 8:43 PM


February 24, 2024 at 7:43 PM


December 24, 2023 at 5:28 PM

Well Len, Christmas # 4 no one to stir that frying pan of mushrooms at Babba's cause there are no mushrooms,no one to stir that Borscht cause there is no Borscht we will however leave this thought...............................                                          Traditional Ukrainian Christmas Eve Holy SupperUkrainian Christmas Eve is the last meatless meal of Philip's Fast, which began 40 days earlier on November 14, the eve of the Feast of St. Philip. In the Ukrainian language, this Holy Supper is known as Sviaty Vechir. As dusk approaches, the children of the family eagerly look for the first star. When it is seen, they announce, "God's star shines." The father would carry the bowl of kutia (boiled wheat mixed with poppy seeds and honey) around the home three times, reciting prayers. When he re-entered the home, the family would all pray together before the icons. The father would carry the kutia and the mother would carry the candle to the doorway, where the father would call out to the souls of their deceased family members to join them at supper. The empty place at table has been given several meanings--for deceased relatives, for hospitality to the stranger and even for Jesus Christ Himself. Straw may be also placed on the table under the tablecloth. In the corner of the room would be the didukh. A didukh (Ukrainian: дідух), is a Ukrainian Christmas decoration; made from a sheaf of wheat, it is a symbolic sacrifice taken from the best of the autumn harvest. "Didukh" literally means "the spirit of ancestors". Didukhy are traditionally made from the first or the last stalks of wheat reaped during the year. It symbolizes the household's wish for an abundance of nature and a bountiful harvest for the upcoming year. Before the holidays, wheat ears or stalks are gathered with colorful threads, then the bunches are tied with ribbons. A didukh is placed in most Ukrainian homes before Christmas, and kept until Maslenitsa (Cheesefare Week). It is believed that the spirits of the household's ancestors reside in didukh during the holidays. While it is at a place of honor inside the house, the souls of all ancestors will unite and bless the family. On Christmas, kolyvo is traditionally being prepared in front of the didukh. On Masnytsia,the didukh is burnt symbolizing the end of the winter After all the preparations have been completed, the father offers each member of the family a piece of bread dipped in honey, which had been previously blessed in church. He then leads the family in prayers of gratitude to God for the past year. It includes petitions for health, happiness, long life, salvation and that the family may be united in love forever. After the prayer the father extends his best wishes to everyone with the greeting "Khrystos Razhdajetsja" (Christ is born), and the family sits down to a twelve-course meatless Christmas Eve Supper. While it may appear that the serving of twelve dishes (in remembrance of the twelve apostles spreading food for the soul throughout the world) constitutes more of a feast than a fast, the dishes are the ingenious combination and lengthy preparation of the most important products of field, garden, and orchard. The order of the dishes, and even the dishes themselves, are not uniform, for each region adheres to its own tradition and the dishes served depend upon the availability of ingredients; but meat, dairy products or eggs are never used. Traditional 12 dishes for Ukrainian Christmas Eve usually include the following, however foods may vary by regional traditions: Kutia Kolach Meatless Borsch Stuffed Salmon or Fried Fillets Pickled Herring Meatless Holubtsi Varenyky – Potato, Sauerkraut or Prunes Sauerkraut and Peas Broad Beans or Mashed Beans Pidpenky with Gravy Compote (fruits) Pampushky, Makiwnyk After the supper, nuts and maybe candies would be scattered in the hay under the table for the little children to find. Out of respect for their elders, the children would take baskets of food to their grandparents and godparents after supper. This tradition may have derived from the belief that young innocent children are the messengers of good spirits; as they traveled to the homes they were visiting, the children would call our "Khrystos Razdayetsia (Christ is born)!" to all they passed, receiving back the answer. "Slavite Yeho (Let us glorify Him)!" Throughout the rest of the evening, the traditional Christmas carols are always sung by all the family. When it was almost midnight, all the members of the family, from the oldest down to the youngest, who could possibly leave the house (barring extreme sickness) went to the Nativity Divine Liturgy, a beautiful celebration of Christ's birth where religious carols were also sung. When the Liturgy was ended, families would call to each other outside the church with the traditional greeting "Christ Is Born" with the response "Glorify Him" and after visiting with each other, the families then returned to their own homes. Now. that the fast was broken, the delicious pastries which were prepared for Christmas might be eaten before the family retired to bed.


December 23, 2023 at 10:50 PM

LMFAO oh now Jenny understands haha


December 8, 2023 at 5:20 PM

A milestone Birthday never to be celebrated. Where ever you are we ALL wish you a Happy 65th.


November 13, 2023 at 3:37 PM

Where has the time gone? Three years and three too are never far from our thoughts, 


August 30, 2023 at 4:55 PM

ON THE DAY I DIE ... On the day I die a lot will happen. A lot will change. The world will be busy. On the day I die, all the important appointments I made will be left unattended. The many plans I had yet to complete will remain forever undone. The calendar that ruled so many of my days will now be irrelevant to me. All the material things I so chased and guarded and treasured will be left in the hands of others to care for or to discard. The words of my critics which so burdened me will cease to sting or capture anymore. They will be unable to touch me. The arguments I believed I’d won here will not serve me or bring me any satisfaction or solace. All my noisy incoming notifications and texts and calls will go unanswered. Their great urgency will be quieted. My many nagging regrets will all be resigned to the past, where they should have always been anyway. Every superficial worry about my body that I ever labored over; about my waistline or hairline or frown lines, will fade away. My carefully crafted image, the one I worked so hard to shape for others here, will be left to them to complete anyway. The sterling reputation I once struggled so greatly to maintain will be of little concern for me anymore. All the small and large anxieties that stole sleep from me each night will be rendered powerless. The deep and towering mysteries about life and death that so consumed my mind will finally be clarified in a way that they could never be before while I lived. These things will certainly all be true on the day that I die. Yet for as much as will happen on that day, one more thing that will happen. On the day I die, the few people who really know and truly love me will grieve deeply. They will feel a void. They will feel cheated. They will not feel ready. They will feel as though a part of them has died as well. And on that day, more than anything in the world they will want more time with me. I know this from those I love and grieve over. And so knowing this, while I am still alive I’ll try to remember that my time with them is finite and fleeting and so very precious—and I’ll do my best not to waste a second of it. I’ll try not to squander a priceless moment worrying about all the other things that will happen on the day I die, because many of those things are either not my concern or beyond my control. Friends, those other things have an insidious way of keeping you from living even as you live; vying for your attention, competing for your affections. They rob you of the joy of this unrepeatable, uncontainable, ever-evaporating Now with those who love you and want only to share it with you. Don’t miss the chance to dance with them while you can. It’s easy to waste so much daylight in the days before you die. Don’t let your life be stolen every day by all that you believe matters, because on the day you die, much of it simply won’t. Yes, you and I will die one day. But before that day comes: let us live.


May 21, 2023 at 7:45 AM

Your fav...............can't have 1 no we gotta have 3 why? They were on sale,.... yup that apple has not fallen to terribly far. 


May 21, 2023 at 7:42 AM

When you can't decide what you need buy more "to have" 


December 31, 2022 at 4:30 PM                                               Well Len, I was there to usher out the last D coach It's the end of an era as the "D line" comes to an official close Dec 2022. Last unit off line 16667.....     


October 16, 2022 at 2:09 PM

Venue: St Vital Mustangs Football Club. I would highly recommend this venue to anyone having a social. Len was great to work with; very helpful and super informative. The main reason we picked this venue was because of Len and how passionate he was about the football club and how experienced he was with working socials there.


October 16, 2022 at 2:08 PM

I’d recommend the St. Vital Mustangs Club. They were so good to us, and we got so many compliments on this venue. 


October 16, 2022 at 2:07 PM

Highly thought of..... We booked the mustangs football club. Pricing is comparable to others that hold the same amount of people (~350), the venue is huge and has strings of lights pre hung for ambience which is nice. One feature that I liked in particular was the fa t that it has windows! Adds a little something that most others don't  It also comes with a lot, set up & take down, cups, shot glasses, coke/Pepsi products. All we need to bring are the prizes, food, and anything else for drinks like oj, clamato, cranberry, etc. They also do all the mopping and taking out the garbage. We're really only responsible for taking everything out that we brought in. We haven't had our social yet but we're happy with our choice. The events coordinator (or whatever his title is) was very knowledgeable and gave some great suggestions as he's worked there for a long time. His name is Len                    I’d recommend the St. Vital Mustangs Club. They were so good to us, and we got so many compliments on this venue. 


May 1, 2022 at 9:19 AM

No words requires..............❤


December 31, 2021 at 12:52 PM

Us: Hey God. God: Hey.... Us: Can you end our grief? God: I could - but why? Us: So we can stop being overwhelmed by our sadness. God: There is something worse than grief. Us: What's that? God: Feeling nothing. Let grief come. Let it stay as long as it needs to. Let it go. Let it come back. It's all a process. It's all a slow boil. Us: So our grief will never end? God: Not as long as you love the one who is gone. But that doesn't mean that your grief won't take 1000 different forms. Sometimes your grief will look like clouds in the sky or tears on your pillow or memories in your mind. Grief is formless. It will come and go like the tide. Don't fight it. Don't race through it. Don't let other people tell you how to grieve. Your grief is your own. Honor your grief. Us: How do we honor our grief? God: Grab a pen and write down what I'm about to tell you. ***** when somebody else tries to tell you how you should grieve smile and forgive them through your watering eyes and then imagine how lonely it must be to be the person who audits the tears of other people the well-intended will tell you how long you should miss your beloved but you take your time grief is a hedge maze and being lost inside of it is more than okay don't race through your heartache because you might just miss a miracle or two in the teardrops rolling down your face don't grieve quickly just to make somebody else feel better if you need to, let your grief become a coral reef let the algae of your hurt slowly form over the years into the softest violet hue of heaven it can take two lifetimes to recover when our beloved becomes an empty chair it's okay take as much time as you need your healing is your healing and the scars of absence will itch longer than you can imagine but that is because you risked to love so deeply and that is far better than the alternative I am proud of you and the courage it takes for you to grieve so fearlessly don't listen to those who want you to go back to normal normal will never exist again for those of us who have lost a part of our heart if the moon broke in half would it feel normal? to hell with normal normal was their scent on your collar normal was their voice resting in your ear normal was their touch on your skin you have a new normal it's looking at the shape of clouds for messages from the great beyond that your beloved is fine you have a new normal it's building a cabin in the woods of your memory where you and your beloved can meet for lunch you have a new normal it's crying and laughing at the same time whenever their favorite song plays on the radio grief isn't the enemy of life numbness is don't become numb to your suffering welcome it in and let it wrap you up like a blanket whenever it shows up at your door it's okay I swear it's okay your beloved misses you just as much as you miss them and someday you will get all tangled up together again someday you will push each on a swing again under a shower of falling blooms and someday you will ride comets together on the edge of everything and someday you will giggle at all of the people who tried to tell you how to grieve......... 12-31-21


December 24, 2021 at 7:51 AM



December 8, 2021 at 10:11 PM

@ the club on Dec 6th 2021 and what do we find? Yup a damn dime on the kitchen floor! Open up the news today and what do we read?                        Happy no Cake Day on what would have been birthday @ 63 


November 13, 2021 at 7:53 AM


October 30, 2021 at 12:33 PM

Burning up the phone lines...............10-30-20❤


October 3, 2021 at 9:34 AM

That previously empty chair and unlit firepit was lit on the only Friday the 13th in 2021 marking the 9th month............... 


September 12, 2021 at 12:24 PM

...not to worry Len they've been washed twice just like Babba!  


August 14, 2021 at 8:16 AM

The reward......not so much fun picking alone..............Aug 2021 


August 8, 2021 at 10:55 AM

This little guy is working hard......... 


August 6, 2021 at 11:40 PM

Hey Len, they look real good this year 😁 almost time to break out Babba's pickle recipe!


June 6, 2021 at 9:27 AM

 Walked into the kitchen and stood in front of the sink staring out the window and no not because there were sweets in the house I was looking at the garden and I could hear you tell me  "Make sure you get the garden tilled in case I am not here in the spring it will make it easier for you guys remember last year how hard and lumpy it was." Yes, Len we got it done.  I walked away from the window to see it was 9:13 pm May 13 2021 and 6 months have passed. Poof-gone-six months-1/2 a year who counts time? We do......Time and Tide stops for no one. We are trying to make the best of the worst- one day at a time one foot in front of the other. How things have progressed in these past 6 months....... Christmas for what that was worth I bought Andrew a couple of prints to frame for a future home. One of Manitoba Socials the other about Legion Beer and Charleswood Deer two things he'd best  remember you by. Your Provincial Midgets Championship ring you left him Andrew wears like it's a new religion! Happy that he is happy wearing it.  On Feb 15 2021 he bought a house in yup you guessed it in the hood your hood the Charleswood hood.  We all know you would be super proud of him!!!!!!!!!!  A huge yard-dbl garage-front drive (yes he heard you) a real nice comfortable home. Kalyn bought him a puppy for his birthday a baby Jack they named him "Henry" oh that little thing likes to bite and harass Milo! Your parents have been to see the house and of course they were the 1st one's there sitting on the front stoop waiting... even before Andrew left Kalyn's to make his way out to the new house.  Your parents are happy and pleased with his purchase. They bought him a lawn mover and weed wacker as a house warming gift.  Proud grandparents! Interesting on how life goes they move out of Charleswood on May 1 2018 and Andrew moves into Charleswood on  May 1 2021. Your Dad calls Andrew quite often he even called him to ask if he wanted any fire wood. Now you tell me where a 91 yr old who lives in communal living is going to get a boat load of firewood??  Yup as much as things change some things just never change.  Aaron is back at Lacoste for the summer working with the same kind of losers and useless people that you and I we know best. He's got some kid whom they've nicknamed 4 ft yup kid didn't even know what a 4 ft was when asked to pass a 4 ft he grabbed a shovel the boss said come with me and the penence for not knowing was removing old glue from bricks out in the middle of a field. Oh ya it gets better another  worker called Aaron over and said Hey Aaron come plug my ears because I have to saw through a brick Aaron looks at him and goes WTF???????? kid goes ya just put your fingers in my ears while I saw this brick mmmmmm Aaron asks now who will plug my ears? The response was oh Brendan can yup nothing like a train of young men plugging each others ears with their fingers NOT!!! as a pack of ears plugs were thrown his way!!! Yup makes one wonder what these kids learned at home nothing........ Sarah's got a summer job and is doing fine she take Milo home with her during the day so that he is not home alone. Home alone.... everytime I see that movie or it's mentioned somewhere it reminds me of the time spent in Ethelbert at Edwards!   Ah work it's still crazy as ever. I was walking down centre aisle and yup I heard you calling me I turned around and no one there then a few weeks later walking past the undercoating booth and a smell I have only ever ever ever smelled was at Linda's place in Arizona and the particular smell was just wafting out of the area where the paint drums are  yup very strange no not really if you believe. The Covid is still hanging around but at least they have a vaccine for it's a two shot deal we've all gone for the 1st one waiting in the second  hopefully this will be the end of it but who knows here's hoping. Garden is planted June 5th so now we'll see what kind of farmers Aaron and I really are. Len it's shitty really shitty there are so many more thing I could say but they would be censored. Till next time❤                         


May 9, 2021 at 8:51 AM

An empty chair for one in front of an unlit firepit........................


April 4, 2021 at 11:02 AM

April 3, 2021 at 8:33 AM


March 14, 2021 at 9:20 AM



February 14, 2021 at 8:02 AM

2010 Midget Baseball Champs!❤ 


January 31, 2021 at 9:32 AM

I came across this and just had to add it!


January 16, 2021 at 3:27 PM

Sorry to hear of your loss Andrew, your dad was a good man. I remember him helping coach us in A2 hockey when we were younger and him helping run out-of-town practices in whatever small town the parents booked ice time for us kids that week... those were fun times. I hope you and your family are doing well with everything - stay strong buddy. Justin Hildebrand

Paulo Branquinho

January 3, 2021 at 12:01 PM

My heart breaks for my dear friend Leonard.  We didn’t start off that great as he was my boss at MCI and i was a cocky know it all.  But as time grew Leonard and i started to share a bond.  And i thought of him as an uncle amd friend.  We volunteered time at the Mustangs together.  And he was and is an amazing man.  Joanne is as tough as they come and i love you Joanne.  You can do this and anytime you meed anything i will be there as Leonard would expect me to.  God bless


January 2, 2021 at 10:45 AM

Good Riddance to 2020 the Shittiest year ever!    


December 30, 2020 at 12:44 PM

I will miss him so much! My heart goes out to you Joanne, and sons, Andrew and Aaron. Your dad had an open door...... an open heart disposition. Any time I came into town, and needed my card playing fix (Bid-Whist) and invited myself over, your home was always ready to receive me. Your smiles, plus my north-end sausage, guaranteed a lot of laughs. A true taste of heaven. Leonard was this but so much more. As long as love exists, Leonard will always be with us! May his memory be eternal! Sr Janet


December 30, 2020 at 12:40 PM

What a lovely tribute  so sorry for your families loss  kw


December 28, 2020 at 10:53 PM

My condolences to you and the family. I’m so sorry to have heard about Leonard’s passing.     MR        


December 26, 2020 at 4:57 PM

I will never forget your dad’s laugh. He had the best laugh and he was always fun to be around and listen to. I think of him more as a brother to my mom and her siblings than a cousin. He will be deeply missed. You are all in our thoughts. PB   


December 25, 2020 at 11:48 PM


December 24, 2020 at 4:22 PM

Korey Rous

December 23, 2020 at 7:36 PM

Len was the first person to welcome me to the mustangs family, made me feel at home every time I went to the field. Will be deeply missed.

Ken Goodwin

December 23, 2020 at 6:03 PM

Our deepest condolences.  Len was always someone who gave.  Lucky to have been able to call him a friend.  The Goodwins

Ken Goodwin

December 23, 2020 at 6:01 PM

Adam Neiles

December 23, 2020 at 3:38 PM

Tons of great memories of Len throughout my time playing with the Mustangs. It was always a pleasure to see him around the club and have a laugh at whenever he would be giving someone an earful, you could always tell it was out of love and care for the players and program. Condolences to the whole family.

Curtis Krahn

December 23, 2020 at 11:56 AM

My condolences to your family. Lots of great laughs shared with Len at Mustangs and with the Rifles. Always enjoyed our conversations. I always loved when I found out I was going to a wedding social at the mustangs field because it gave me the opportunity to catch up and shoot the shit with him. He will be missed.  


December 21, 2020 at 7:31 PM

2014 Fam Jam @ White Tail Lodge


December 19, 2020 at 5:16 PM

I have very fond memories of Leonard in our teens! Leonard was a hard worker but enjoyed cruising in his Monte Carlo in the evenings. Always willing to lend a hand and always looking to have a laugh, Leonard was a true friend who will be missed. My condolences to his family.Roy McLeod (friend) 


December 18, 2020 at 11:04 PM

I’m saddened to hear of the passing of Len. He was a great mentor to me at MCI when I became Supervisor. He knew all the tricks and always supported me thick or thin. He will be greatly missed by the Mustangs Football community. He definitely had a passion for Mustangs club. My sincere condolences to you and your family. Colin Kolodie


December 18, 2020 at 2:22 PM

Joanne - my heart breaks for your loss. The tribute you prepared indicates a life well lived. My memories are of the freckled young cousin that we got to visit and have hours of play with. I am so happy that he had a happy fulfilling life with you and his sons. He is free of pain and watching over you.❤


December 18, 2020 at 1:11 PM

Joanne, so sorry for your loss. Leonard was a great guy. When you found him, you found a rare jewel. Hope you and the boys are holding in there knowing there are hundreds of people lifting all of you up and praying to help you through this. Love you girl. Darleen Darleen Tunny (Long time friend of Joanne and Leonard) ❤


December 17, 2020 at 2:39 PM

Our deepest sympathies – we are thinking of all of you at this very sad time and so sorry for your loss. George & Rose Purshega Brenda & Garrett JohnstonBrenda Johnston (family) 


December 16, 2020 at 3:12 PM

We offer our sincerest condolences to the Warelis Family  It is a heart breaking loss. Our prayers are with you. May Leonard Rest in Peace.Ken & Barb Mikolayenko (Friends) 


December 15, 2020 at 10:21 AM

Joanne and family, I am so sorry to hear of Leonard's passing. My heart goes out to you and Andrew and Aaron.Diane McNabb (Former co-worker) 


December 14, 2020 at 4:07 PM

My thoughts and condolences go out to the Warelis family! Len was such an awesome guy and had such a fun personality who made an impact on many young peoples lives! He always made the time for everyone that needed it and you always left after talking with him smiling, feeling better or laughing! I’ll never forget the years of fun jokes and back and forth banter with him being around the mustangs field,  And the times I would go to get my helmet pumped up with air from him, say yep that’s perfect just to hear a chuckle and have him pump it up a little more air in just because he could and liked to give me a hard time, always got a laugh from that! The football family will miss you greatly Len, rest easy big fella!


December 13, 2020 at 10:54 PM

Grade 6 Royal School........sorry Len yellow/gold is not your colour!😁  

Judy Coy

December 13, 2020 at 9:50 AM

Len was such a good soul and such a character. He will leave such a huge gap for you all, we hope you find peace in his memories and in each other.  Such a fond tribute to your husband and father also a son and brother who will be so missed. Our condolences to you all, Judy ,Georgia, Hannah and Arden