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Dorcas Wehner

Image by Nick Andréka


June 14, 1933 – January 3, 2023

Dorcas Wehner passed away peacefully at home in the afternoon of January 3, 2023, at the age of 89 years.


She was with her loving family; sister Carol Runions; daughters, Jan Wehner (Glen) and Ariole Alei; and son Tim Wehner (Jennifer). Also mourning her passing are grandchildren, Claire, David, Alastair, Emma, Nelson, Erika, and Jakob; extended family and many friends. She was predeceased by her parents Kathleen and Wesley Runions, and her husband Ray Wehner.


Dorcas’ family kindly requests that all of her friends and relatives take a few minutes to honour her memory by sharing photos, memories, and stories, using the comment section on this page


In Accordance with her wishes, cremation has taken place and no formal service will be held. Flowers are gratefully declined.


Cremation & Life Celebrations

530 St. Mary Avenue - Winnipeg

204-421-5501 -

Memories, Stories and Condolences


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January 14, 2023 at 9:11 AM

As a social worker, graduating a few years after Dorcas, she was a role model for me with her exploration of innovative therapies and developing a successful private practice.  I was honored when Dorcas & Ray choose to take my Hypnotherapy Trainings and indeed Assist in several of those trainings.  Needless to say our families developed a close friendship.  Visiting at Minaki and our cottage at Falcon Lake, family dinners and socializing.  My daughter Tami and I traveled to England with Ray, Dorcas and Ariole  Alei.  Dorcas was a very accepting, gentle soul and she will be missed.  

Sheila Norrie

January 12, 2023 at 7:42 PM

My sympathy to the family on the loss of Dorcas. I knew Dorcas through choir and always found her to be enthusiastic and interesting. At one of our concerts, I noticed a familiar face from Kenora in the audience.  When I spoke with Jennifer, who was my Coney Island next door neighbour growing up,  I found out she was Dorcas’s new daughter-in-law. After that, Dorcas made a point of keeping me informed about Tim and Jennifer’s family. Dorcas was very, very proud of her family. 

Linda Plouffe

January 11, 2023 at 8:32 PM

❤❤Condolences to the  Wehner family.  Dorcas came into our clinic for many years and was always a ray of sunshine.  She would always have tales of her younger years, her road trips with girlfriends to the mountains.  Hiking, climbing and just enjoying nature and all of its surroundings.  Dorcas was a wise, intelligent caring woman whose weekly visits we will surley miss.  Dorcas lived her life her way right up to the end.   I am honoured to have know her even if it was for a short time in her life well lived.  I will miss you Dorcas.   Linda @ T.E.A.M.

Maureen Paskaruk

January 10, 2023 at 9:37 AM

Sincere condolences to the Wehner family....Jan and I went to school together and later on I met Dorcas working for Family Services...she was a true professional and a gentle soul....may she sore to the highest and be reunited with her loved ones gone before her.  May your memories carry you through the difficult days ahead....Most Sincerely, Maureen Balcaen Paskaruk

January 9, 2023 at 5:39 PM

My Angel !!!! I will miss you so much. Thank You for all you did for me for the past 35-40 years . Your heart , your soft voice made easier to go through the day. The days we talked we so pleasant and so easy to go on and complete a simple task. My life was not so good until I met you ,your great heart, great soul and most of all your love for me after many years. Jeff would also say how you met him and no judgement . Dorcus you my dear friend are one person that can not be replaced, your love , your smile, and great big heart full of so much love. Dorcus , I love you so much, I will miss our talks, and my dear friend I will miss you. I went outside on Saturday and the wind picked up out of no were ,I thought that is Dorcus telling me she is with Ray and Happy, Then I went outside an hour later and Air plane went by and then I really new it was Dorcus and Ray flying off in to there life together again. Dorcus I love you always and Thank you for being you .I would also like to thank Murray Steinbart for calling me on Saturday and letting me know about Dorcus passing I know they were friends for over 50 years. Dorcus asked Murray to call me4 days before she passed. What a gentle Lady, he told me how she loved me. Murray you are a rock star in my eyes. That is Dorcus caring about everybody. I  LOVE  YOU, MY DEAR FRIEND, I WILL MISS YOU Marilyn and Jeff

Laurel and Rob Sarginson

January 8, 2023 at 7:47 PM

Our sincere condolences to the family as you recall your many happy times spent with this amazing woman. She was a generous and gracious hostess who welcomed us into her home when we arrived in a Sélkirk as young teachers and neighbours. ❤

Murray Steinbart

January 8, 2023 at 7:30 PM

Besides our professional connections, Dorcas was also a cherished friend with whom Loretta and I shared experiences around opera performances in Winnipeg.  Dorcas and Ray were charter members of a group of many friends (some even coming up from the USA) that partied with dining and conversation before and after the actual performances.  Sadly with time, our group became smaller and smaller. our last get-together was just before Covid-19 arrived and included Dorcas, Loretta and me and Michael Mongeon from North Dakota.  Michael asked me to send along his condolences to Dorcas's family.  Loretta and I also shared a love of nature as well as many stories with Dorcas particularly that of NW Ontario where our mutual cottages on Sherwood Lake and Runions Island were not far apart (as the crow flies) as well as that of the Banff/Lake Louise area, great stories of hiking adventures.  We know all her nature and outdoor adventures were shared with her family to whom she was most devoted.  We send along our sympathy and condolences.  Dorcas was a great person and we will remember her.   Loretta and Murray Steinbart

Murray Steinbart

January 8, 2023 at 7:18 PM

I will always cherish the collegial relationship I had for many years with Dorcas.  I first worked with her and Ray in the early 1970s when I was a psychiatric resident at SMHC, an institution undergoing major changes at that time with the devolution of services to the community.  Dorcas was one of SMHC's key progressive managers--a smart, inspiring, transformative leader.  When she left SMHC to head the community mental health team in the Interlake, I joined her later as the team's consultant.  As she was a compassionate therapist as well as a great team manager, we often did patient and family consultations together, many times reviewing our upcoming cases and devising strategies during drives together to the near and far reaches of the Interlake so patients could be seen where they lived.  Her leadership inspired all her team to see patients not as a list of psychiatric DSM symptoms but as real people living in the context of their lives and experiences.  I still know to this day of the profound difference she made to some who remember her help and compassion.  She will be missed.

Conni Cartlidge

January 8, 2023 at 10:18 AM

My parents, Mary & Al Cartlidge, loved their visits to Dorcas & Ray's cabin. They had many outdoorsy adventures together! But in later years, I remember Dorcas and my mom walking & talking around the streets of Selkirk, putting on miles and solving life's problems. And later yet, Dorcas and Carol faithfully visiting Mom at her personal care home, bringing lunch and ready to play a game. True life-long friends. 

Linda Adams

January 7, 2023 at 7:42 PM

I had the privelege of working with both Dorcas and Ray at SMHC.  They were on the front line in taking mental health services to the North in early '70s. They were both such genuine and down to earth people, and always gave of their time so generously.  Enjoyed both of them

Randall Klaprat

January 7, 2023 at 5:36 PM

Dorcas hired me in 1986. Amanda and I became fast friends with Dorcas and Ray. She was a mentor and true friend . She loved to watch us as we challenged teased and tormented Ray . Dorcas loved getting hugs from our three kids, and made no bones about it when they came for dinner. As our friendship grew over the years we got to know Dorcas children and in particular visited and dined with Dorcas and her sister Carol in the later years. She taught many of us life changing skills and was always very gracious in her demeanour,having earned the nickname Duchess in the Interlake. We love and miss you and Ray dearly. Randall & Amanda Klaprat

David Schellenberg

January 7, 2023 at 3:05 PM

❤Eleanor and I and our children have many fond memories of visits and shared activities with Dorcas and Ray and their children and family members. Dorcas was always the epitome of hospitality kindness and generosity. Her many as kills and abilities made her a significant portion of many peoples lives and she will be remembered and mourned by all who knew her. We especially wish to extend our best wishes and sympathy to her family and friends .. Eleanor and Dave Schellenberg.

Joanne Fulford

January 7, 2023 at 3:04 PM

We ball roomed dance with Dorcas & Ray at Westview dances & I ran into Dorcas again as we both sang in Margaret's Choir. She was a very classy lady. Joanne Fulford

Diane Sabourin

January 7, 2023 at 3:02 PM

Our hearts and good thoughts go out to the family of Dorcas. What a lovely and generous soul she was! We first met Dorcas (and Ray) through ballroom dance lessons – we had joined a group they were part of and over the course of our first season we became good friends. It was always a pleasure to see them – Dorcas a warm, smiling welcoming presence, down to earth – a perfect foil to Ray’s often esoteric discourse and playfully mischievous demeanor. There were many fun “back and forth” exchanges. Dorcas introduced me (Diane) to personal development opportunities. Dorcas recruited René into Spirit’s Call Choir (now Margaret’s Choir) - or as Margaret described it - she had “Bagged a Bass” for the choir, as basses were in short supply. Over the years, we met every now and then – be it in person or via email! The conversations were always interesting and we appreciated her insights and open-mind. We consider ourselves very fortunate that Dorcas crossed our path. We hold dear the friendship we had with her.  Diane Sabourin & René Perreault


January 7, 2023 at 11:25 AM

Dorcas was a very special lady. We met many years ago and shared many experiences with Orthobionomy.  She was a kind and gentle person, always ready to listen and help wherever she was needed. She was always ready for a new adventure. She will be greatly missed by all. Her presence will be with us forever. I am so grateful to have been part of her life!

Bob Hummelt

January 7, 2023 at 10:09 AM

As a frequent guest to the Wehner household in the mid-70s, Mrs. Wehner not only genuinely welcomed me, but also fostered a place of culture and ideas for me to visit.  Thank you for the fine memories.  My condolances, Wehner family.

Ethical Death Care (Death Care Services Inc.) is privately, independently, and locally owned. Shane Neufeld and the original team of Integrity Death Care own and manage this organisation.

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