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Brent Woelke

Image by Nick Andréka


September 17, 1975 – December 1, 2022

With heavy hearts, we announce that Brent passed away in the arms of his beloved on December 1st at home at the age of 47 years after a not fair fight with cancer.


Brent is survived by his wife Stephanie; children (Kai, Veda, Milla and Abigail); parents (Larry and Eunice Woelke); siblings Julene, Sharilyn (Rick), Craig (Jennifer); Grandma (Edna Ratzliff); Mother-in-law (Lois Collins); Stephanie’s siblings; Melanie (Jon), Keith (Tannis), Bethany (Dave) as well as many nieces and nephews, extended family and friends. Brent was recently predeceased by his Father-in-law (Don Collins).


Brent was born in Prince George, BC and he would talk about his young years there in an idyllic way - a forest in his backyard where he would be off on adventures all day with his three siblings and little supervision. Brent’s family moved many times in his growing up years, mostly across the prairies but settled in Caronport Saskatchewan for High School while his dad attended Seminary. Brent often reflected on his teenage years that he reinvented himself a few times. He loved writing, acting and directing and took part in all kinds of tomfoolery with his friends. He was a tenacious skateboarder and was viewed as a bit of a mentor for some younger skaters. Brent was never one to quit because of something being difficult. He graduated as student body president of his High School and went on to Briercrest Bible College where his Christian faith took on new meaning and relevance in the midst of tree planting for several seasons and young adult meandering. Brent cherished the friendships he made in that season and even though many miles divided them, when reconnected it seemed no time had passed. He spoke of those years with great affection for his friends and there seemed a bottomless well of stories to be told and retold, sometimes adding suspense and drama in each retelling.


Eventually Brent found himself settled in Winnipeg. Due to personal hardship and the desire to be a present dad to his young son Kai, he started his Landscaping business more out of practical need to make his life make sense than to be an entrepreneur. He specialized in interlocking brick, designing and building retaining walls, patios, pathways and backyards. His brilliance for design, attention to detail and enjoyment of hard work he grew his business for over a decade. In that time he employed several university students and loved training and building relationships with his crew. He was honest and fair with his customers and generous to his employees. He loved having his crew over to play board games and feeding them well.


Brent and Stephanie met twice by chance, once in 2013, and again in 2014 (fell madly in love) and got married in 2015 blended their two families and added a baby. Brent took so much pleasure in his big family and was probably the happiest man who ever drove a minivan. It was in this family that Brent would say that all his dreams came true. He loved to summon the children for board games, or find video games they would enjoy, watch movies or have a fire. He could always keep kids at the table longer if he had a great story in mind to tell. He was interested in each one of the kids and prayed for them often. He enjoyed puttering around the garage and yard, listening to music singing quietly along. When Brent had a project on the go, he was unstoppable in his focus, but when he was ready to take a break he rested and relaxed well.


Brent made Stephanie happier than she ever imagined was possible or real. They considered their marriage a miracle and that God had seemed to orchestrate their meeting. It seemed a reversal of destiny for both of them and they were thankful everyday for each other.


Brent was known for his storytelling, hard work ethic, kindness and compassion, warmth and sensitivity. He had a way of making people feel at ease around him. He was funny. He loved watching the Jets and was rather loud in his cheering and commentary which made him fun to watch with. He loved his History podcasts, and his nerdy video games. He liked organizing his tools and making lists. He was sentimental and sweet, strong and protective. His personality was multifaceted in the very best way.


When Brent got his grim Cancer diagnosis in March of 2021, he faced his treatments bravely. He prepared for his death with so much love for his wife and family. He would often remark with tears how much he loved his life. He was forced to say good-bye to so many things he loved over the last year and a half, good-bye to work, good-bye to playing hockey, good-bye to swimming in the Okanagan, good-bye to skateboarding, good-bye to his tools, to his truck, to his friends, to us his family.


Stephanie wishes to thank all of the staff at Cancercare Manitoba who treated and cared for Brent including Dr. Daeninck and Dr. Beshara. Stephanie would also like to thank the numerous Palliative Care staff who were an immense help and support in the final days before and after Brent’s passing. Stephanie also wishes to thank the Grifters and multiple friends and family who have lightened the load and poured love on our family in such a variety of ways.


Brent’s family kindly requests that all of his friends and relatives take a few minutes to honour his memory by sharing photos, memories, and stories, using the comment section on this page.


A funeral will be held 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at Anchor Point Church, 1400 Pembina Hwy, Winnipeg. It will be livestreamed for those unable to attend. The livestream can be viewed by clicking this link.


Cremation & Life Celebrations

530 St. Mary Avenue - Winnipeg

204-421-5501 -

Memories, Stories and Condolences


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James H.

June 14, 2023 at 1:00 PM

Without exaggeration I can say: Brent was one of my all-time favourite people. We met at Briercrest and our paths crossed briefly, but meaningfully. With similar senses of humour, we would spend hours hanging out and talking about things that angsty ~20 year olds talk about. I remember one Friday night in Regina, sitting in a Jazz-bar, four of us guys decided we wanted to have breakfast in Banff. It was me, Brent, Ryan W., and Kevin H. Without preparing we stuffed ourselves in to a small car and drove straight through the night to the hot springs. After breakfast we drove back - 17 hours round trip - and they were the best of times. Another time Brent convinced me to dress up like Richard Simmons to get a laugh out of the crowd for some big play he had written. Another time Brent insisted we all watch the entire Evangelion series over a weekend, which we did, because spending time with Brent was fun. Brent gave me a better appreciation of music; I continue to be a fan of Pink Floyd because of him. Every time Mazzy Star's "Fade Into You" comes on I always think of Brent. I still listen to the CD he compiled as a soundtrack to one of his plays. I could write pages of Brent stories. I never imagined my stories with Brent were over. I always figured we would reconnect for (at least) some nostalgic reminiscing. Today I had the intention of reconnecting with Brent. Sending him an email or giving him a call. Finding out where life had led him. And here I found this page. I'm so sad that I won't ever be able to see him again. He was such a kind, fun, creative mind. Even in the short years we were close he made a big impact on my life. I am so truly sorry to his family, to the people who knew him well. I'm just overwhelmed. Thank you for giving me this space to write it all down. And thank you Brent for the times.

Corrie & Nick Hordyk

December 19, 2022 at 2:15 PM

To all the Woelkes and particularly Stephanie, I want to share my sincere condolences with you all. I am so sorry for your very painfull loss. We can say, taken too early, but who knows the mind of God or His purposes. I pray that the Lord surround all of you with His loving grace as He guides you into the future without Brent. Be assured that His promise to never leave you or forsake you, ever, will hold. He is faithful who has promised.   

Dean & Glenda Wilson

December 15, 2022 at 1:39 PM

We are truly saddened by the passing of Brent. We have prayed for each family member since we 1st heard of his illness. Larry & Eunice our dear friends, you are constantly in our prayers, as are all of the family. We didn't get to know Brent as an adult, but hearing all of the family & friends share their hearts help us to know him better. Lord be with you all as you grieve & may He give you His peace 🙏

Todd Wilkins

December 13, 2022 at 11:23 PM

I didn't know Brent well but appreciated him and looked up to him.  During our time at Briercrest but I really admired his ability to write some great skits with hilarious material.  I got to act in some productions with him and man did he make me laugh.  God created him to be such a creative person.   My condolences to his his family.  

Kevin Adam

December 13, 2022 at 8:06 PM

So very sorry to hear this. I remember Brent as a very kind hearted guy. Friends with everyone no matter what. Extremely talented and funny. I went to high school with him and lost touch after but this is very sad news. Prayers to his family. 

Greg & Colleen Sumner

December 13, 2022 at 3:28 PM

Our hearts go out to you all in this time of your deep loss. May the God of Comfort be your strength as He promised. 

Geoff and Carol Verge

December 13, 2022 at 11:30 AM

Our deepest condolences to your family. We are praying for you. Although we didn't get to know Brent well, we are grieving along with you at the loss of a son due to cancer. We think of you all fondly and prayerfully during this time. Love Geoff and Carol

Wayne Williams

December 13, 2022 at 8:28 AM

Back at Caronport I coached minor league hockey in the eighties, with Brent as one of our players. He was always an encouraging and optimistic kid on and off the ice! I remember one trip to a small town maybe 30 minutes away from Caronport with Brent and several other players including my son Nate in my van. The conversation went back and forth as is normal with a bunch of young guys. The topic turned to the team we were playing and most of the kids agreed that lots of other teams would call the Caronport teams “Bible Thumpers” while games were going on. Brent piped up and said enthusiastically, “Well, we’ll just have to thump the love of Jesus into them then!” 😊😂 I loved that kid! 

Mark Kubert

December 13, 2022 at 8:21 AM

My sincere condolences to all of Brent’s family and friends. I only knew Brent growing up through elementary school in Prince George. He lived three houses down. I have such good memories of those times with Brent and his siblings. We proudly earned our yellow, orange, and red swimming badges in their backyard pool. We would skate and play hockey on the backyard community rink. And the adventures had in the forest and valley behind our houses were as idyllic as mentioned above. It sounds like he became the adult version of the wonderful child I knew. I’m sorry to hear of his passing. But I’m grateful for the memories he’s left us with.

Deb Holbrook

December 12, 2022 at 11:42 PM

Although I did not know Brent personally, I do know Larry, Eunice and Julene and love them dearly.  The fact that they are hurting and grieving, causes me to hurt and grieve along with them.  I have recently lost a family member as well and know the pain that loss can bring.  I am grateful that Brent's family can have peace in the knowledge that he is now safely in the arms of Jesus and has no more pain.  May the God that holds him now, bring his family peace and comfort.

John McIntyre

December 12, 2022 at 8:03 PM

Karen and I are so sorry to hear of Brent’s passing. The loss of one of younger years seems to be felt so much more acutely. May all of you who loved and miss Brent be comforted amid your sorrow by our Saviour’s promises and the sure hope that all who rest in him will some day be gathered to him to share in the happiness of being with our loved ones who have gone on ahead.

Collin Keith

December 12, 2022 at 7:58 PM

Woelke’s and Stephanie and kids - words of condolence are not adequate.  Brent and myself merged in the junior high years in Caronport and we were best of friends through much of high school. We were definitely involved in all the “ tomfoolery”.  He was such an amazing guy and always the life of the party.  I remember his very beginning days on a skateboard.  I remember his early passion for acting.  Thankfully we had a phone call to catch up and say goodbye . That man should have wrote a book - he spoke with such eloquence.  A life well lived! 

Pat and Barb Fink

December 12, 2022 at 7:48 PM

There are no words to express how our hearts break for you - Larry & Eunice as well as your whole family.  Praying for peace and strength to go through the coming days.  HE is ever faithful, always caring, always holding you close.  Love you all. 

Collette and Nigel Lacey

December 12, 2022 at 7:14 PM

We are so saddened by Brent's passing. We can't imagine the pain and the loss for his wife, his kids, his parents and siblings. Brent was immediately best friend to our son Chris back in grade seven. That's a long time for them to maintain a very solid friendship.They played off of each other, each funny thought growing into another, into another. The skits they did were amazing...thinking right now of one unusual skit, featuring an orange plastc chair, called "Orange Chair"! Hilarious still! We tried never to miss those wonderful Thursday morning announcements and still marvel at how well-done and funny they were. Brent lived with our son first as a roommate, then later with he and his family. Such an easy guest he was! We put together a Thanksgiving meal and drove to Winnipeg to be with the kids and Brent joined us as he lived upstairs...very easily comfortable, like a son. We had a very theological discussion with him that night. He had deep thoughts. He and Chris maintained their special closeness until his final days. We know how gutted Chris and his friends are by Brent's passing, and moreso, Stephanie and his family. We ache for them. Our deepest condolences to all. Brent will be very missed. 

Ian Lawson

December 12, 2022 at 7:00 PM

I'm so sorry for your loss, Larry and Eunice, and my condolences to the entire family. There are no words to ease the pain of this loss. It makes no logical / human sense. And so we entrust ourselves to the only One who really understands, and who can ultimately bring healing. May you experience his healing power (in time) and be able to rest in that supernatural peace that defies all human comprehension - Philippians 4:7. Great memories of Caronport days! God's gift of memory allows us to relive those meaningful events and conversations of the past as we retrieve them through those sleepless nights. 


December 12, 2022 at 9:56 AM

We had many amazing adventures together. This was our first apartment together. So many years ago. I miss you. 

Ernie Breitkreuz

December 12, 2022 at 12:55 AM

I have known Larry and Eunice for many years. Larry built our house for us when we lived in Prince George. I recall we babysat Brent and his sibblings on an occasion when Larry and Eunice went away for a long weekend. Larry and Eunice, a job well done, you raised a young lad that became an amazing man and father. My deepest condolences to you folks and your family, also to Brents family. I pray that God give you, and your family an extra measure of daily strength in the months, and months ahead as you walk this journey. Love your family.

Jim & Donna Magee

December 10, 2022 at 10:07 PM

Our thoughts, prayers and love go out to all of Brent’s family.  He wrote several of the kick off dramas for YQ at Caronport and did an excellent job.  He was very creative!   Thanks for sharing his memorial service with us

Caroline & Dirk Van Ee

December 10, 2022 at 6:45 AM

Brent will always have a special place in our hearts as our boys were totally engaged in the "tomfoolery" at Caronport. Brent was always like part of the family particularly as he lived with us for the last year of highschool. Although we didn't stay in close contact with Brent it was always nice to keep tabs on him through our dear friends Larry and Eunice and our sons! Brent is and always will be special and although we didn't meet Stephanie, our hearts and prayers are with all of you.

Daryl & Barb Houser

December 9, 2022 at 8:44 PM

Reading that tribute leaves one without words.  The loss in so many lives is palpable.  Hard to make sense of the death of one who loved life so intensely.  It sounds like Brent inherited the ability to tell a good story from his Ratzlaff grandparents. We are sad for all of Brent’s family.  Thank you for making the service available for us to join you through the livestream.  ❤

Coralea Masse

December 9, 2022 at 7:54 PM

We didn't know Brent and his family but spent much time praying for them. Larry and Eunice blessed us through the years with their music and when we heard of their heartche we joined in to surround the entire family in our prayers. What a blessing to hear of the blessing Brent was to his wife and those withwhom he came in contact. Heartfelt condolences  Surrounding the entire family with our prayers 🙏 Much Love, Wayne and Coralea Masse

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